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Looking for '69 Grads

I used to go to Burnet Elementary from the 1st grade to the 6th and then moved to Ohio that summer of '63. If I had stayed, I would have graduated from Permian in '69. I still remember a lot of names and have been in contact with a couple. When I went into the Permian High class of '69 site, I saw a lot of names I once knew. I lived on E. 37th street across from Permian and remember when it was being built and the first years of the school. Nancy Gregonis lived around the corner and was a good friend of mine. We even communicated for a while after I moved, but lost contact soon after. I would really like to hear from some people and see how they are doing now. At Burnet I had Ms. Norred, Ms. Bittner, Ms.Wilbur, Ms.Tucker, Ms.Jones(committed suicide after the death of her son, I heard), and one other I can't put my finger on right now. My email is

Re: Looking for '69 Grads

By the way, my last name is Murray. I forgot to put that in....