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Re: Posts for June and July 2010

Hello dear friends {smile}

Just a line to say we are now home after a lovely visit at Babs and need to go get unpacked etc now. It is wonderful to have a full sized keyboard again and my normal desk screen looks HUGE compared to the little netbook! {chuckle}

all is well here at home and I will be back later once I have had an opportunity to catch up with things here. Til later

much love always

Re: Posts for June and July 2010

Hello to all.

Robynne, thank you for your energies as well as your positive affirmations on Grizzly regeneration and how true those words {grin}

They've had Dad up sitting in a chair and making a short trip down the hall already. They like to get the heart patients with that kind of surgery up and performing activities as soon as possible as this keeps the connections strong and the lungs free of fluid. All of the prayers and healing sent out has done miracles in helping him along, that is for sure, and again, thank you all so much.

We've an overcast week here with monsoonal activities but I'm hoping that the forecast for actual rainfall this weekend holds true.

My goodness what a month it's been for many of us here!

Ed and I were talking about the fact that we began the month with Serena (our 14year old cat) going into the vet for diagnosis and treatment which cost a bit, then the brakes on the care needed replacing followed by a friend of mine having some legal issues, Dad's emergency situation with his heart and then our AC went out on us. Fortunately it was the small window unit in Ed's and my living room so it won't be nearly as much as the main AC would cost. Even though so much happened this month, at least they've all been sorted through so all is well that ends well.

Hoping all have a safe week.


Re: Posts for June and July 2010

Hi guys,

HAVE SEEN MANY friends ill at this moment so I figured I should say hi. I'm doing better but healing is a bit slow.

Diana, hope your Dad is okay. Hope ya'll are making it in this HUMDITY, WHEW. GOOD LUCK! {{{HUGS}}}


LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends -B2. {{{HUGS}}}

Re: Posts for June and July 2010

Hello from a cold down-under !
Diana, I am SO VERY GLAD that Don's heart op. went so well-you all must be so relieved-sure is a big op.and he will have to be a little careful in his life,but will heal well.
Kermie, hope you are well and not too warm in your part of the world--healing thoughts to you .

These days my poor old bones are feeling rather 'poorly' and Dan gives me some healing at night which helps.Maybe in a few months all my muscles will co-ordinate and I'll stop being so jolly stiff !!

Babs, I'm glad thaT you celebrated your big day with family and friends,way to go !

Things are going OK-touch wood-little van has now had a boat hoist installed to haul up the wheelchair instead of pushing the d--- thing; a wooden floor with industgrial carpet on top too, so it doesn't rattle so much. We are going out soon when the homehelp lass has finished-Dan will sit in the car and wait while I do the few chores and then we''l come home-it gets him out of the house.

happy days, me dears,
love Maggy

Re: Posts for June and July 2010

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Just popping in to wish everyone a good start to their day/evening and touch base before I have to make a start on my own day. {smile}

We had a lovely visit at Babs which lots of laughter and enjoying time with her and her friends. Mind you I think I drank more in the few days there than I have done in the previous 6 months! {chuckle} We had champagne on her birthday and also went round to lunch on the Sunday with Chrissie and Geoff (her best friends) and the red wine was never ending. It was such a lovely rest and relax time though Paul got stuck into lots of little jobs that needed doing yet his Virgo Rising bits thoroughly enjoyed! {chuckle} Babs and I also went and visited Mother’s grave as I hadn’t seen the headstone and it looked good. I still find it amazing that she is buried there in this beautiful quiet place thanks to the kindness of the Vicar there as it would never have been allowed at our church. Says a lot doesn’t it? The Universe provides though and sending out another little thank you for helping to make it so. {smile}

Babs and I also went and looked at Kingston Lacy which is another beautiful country house a bit like Stour Head though without the beautiful lake. It is another National Trust property and you can have a look here as to what it is like.

We were going to revisit Stourhead though that will have to wait until another time. I will leave a link to that as well so you all can enjoy seeing the beautiful parkland and walk.

Jan and Neville (the house sitters) were brilliant and all is well here at home. I have been catching up on a few things and got all unpacked and stuff in the laundry. Michael is here today so it will be a big sort out in the garden methinks as the weeds have taken over big time! Paul is going into the office this morning and then will be back this afternoon so he can do some catching up as well.

He has just come into the study to say that there is a problem with one of the water pumps so now I will pop this post in and go and see what is up there and get ready to call the plumber out! I will write some more a bit later as I want to also go through the posts {smile} Til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter…

With love always


Re: Posts for June and July 2010

Just splashing through to share a beautiful video here that I saw had been posted in AC and I think you will all enjoy. {smile}

love always

PS If you click the ~screen~ it will open in a separate window and be a little larger.

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