Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI


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Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI
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Prayer Request from the desk of Dr. Diana Brevan 9-3-18

Prayer Request from the desk of Dr Diana Brevan 9-3-18
Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI
Where we make a difference in People’s lives

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" (James 5:16).

Let Us Pray Today For everyone around the Globe In Agreement For The Brand New Year With Christ Jesus
Prayer for Freedom
Heavenly Father, thank you for my country, the United States of America, the only country in the world founded upon religious freedom and your Word. Thank you for our founding fathers, Lord, who looked to you for guidance to develop the kind of government that would be pleasing to you. We need your wisdom to safeguard our freedom. May the light of your word run swiftly throughout our country, and your love burn brightly in our land. Give us a rebirth of freedom, in the name of Jesus. Amen

We are a Life Changing Ministry,, a Going ministry and a growing Ministry and Praying Ministry, This is a Growing Ministry, a Ministry that Brings Results
Senior Pastor, Dr. Diana Brevan,

Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI
USA Headquarters
PO Box 2752
Inverness Florida 34451

Deacon Matthew Helmich.

Rosemary Gutierrez No Membership required. Everyone is welcome every moment of your day and night to visit us to click on the Icon Fellowship Hall and Receive Your Word of the day as you scroll for your day and your weekly message and Word of God. Please as you visit regular click on the guestbook and sign the guest book so we will know that you came to visit us and how you enjoyed your stay. God bless you and remember Jesus Is Lord! Membership is required to join the yahoo groups to enter our on line Fellowship Building to receive your daily and weekly Word.
Membership is required to join the yahoo groups to enter our on line Fellowship Building.

Please contact Dr Diana Brevan re Bible Studies

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Dr Diana Brevan Founder/President/Senior Pastora