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DragonFire returns....

A blue-green dragon circled above the tree tops, eyeing the Inn below her. She searched for a place to land, her wings ached from flying for so long. She dropped low, skimming the lake's waters with her talons and landed on the bank. She made her way up to the Inn and pushed the door open with a silver talon. As she did so, a purplish cloud surrounded her and then drifted away with the breeze. There in the doorway, stood a girl about 15 years of age in a tattered blue green dress and dark auburn hair hanging below her waist. Her grey eyes scanned the faces inside as a small smile flickered on her face. 'So much has changed,' she thought to herself, 'the Inn has changed... I have changed.. it's been too long since I've been here.' Too tired to be concerned to look for familiar faces, or whether she would be recognized, DragonFire made her way to a table and sat down. Eyes half closed with a small smile on her face, she rested her chin on her hand and let nostalgia get the best of her.


Cinder smiles warmly and watches the girl, dropping her current conversation with the little kitty. "Well, hullo there," she says cheerfully, seemingly glad to have a little more company. "What might your name be? I'm Cinder."

Re: Hullo!

DragonFire blinked and looked up, slightly surprised to hear someone's voice. She fought back a yawn and smiled. "Hi Cinder, nice to meet you. I'm DragonFire."


The kitten looked up at who at entered. She hadn't seen her in a while now, this was the girl who had worked at the inn before. She wondered where she had been all this time.

Tawndra politely greeted DragonFire. "Greetings. Where have you been while you've been absent at the inn?"

Re: Greeting

DragonFire smiled softly when she saw the little kitten. "I see that I am not entirely forgotton. Hello Twandra," she said in a soft voice. "I have been.. traveling, mostly...I can't seem to remember it all. I was apparently struck by a bit Wanderlust, but that can be tiring after some time." She yawned and rested her chin in her hand. "I do like new things... new events, new people... bit I have to admit I get nostalgic, and I thought I would return to someplace familiar." She closed her eyes and smiled to herself, thinking back on when she had first arrived. Her memory was not the same, but she could still remember bits and pieces of her life. She remembered how she was new, and the Lady of the Inn had treated her kindly. DragonFire remembered... a happy feeling.. and music... "I had a flute once," she said suddenly, more to herself than anything. "I hid it.. somewhere.. not sure why. I'll have to find it sometime."


"Flute?" Tawndra thought for a moment,
"Perhaps you've hidden it a little too well." The kitten waved her tail in the air, "I remember Tamara had a flute once...wasn't- didn't she give you her flute? A ring that was able to change into one?"

Re: Flute

"Yes, that right, because mine.... broke.. somehow??" DragonFire's forehead scrunched in thought for a moment. "O well.. can't remember how that happened, but yes, the one Tamara gave me is still in the Inn somwhere."

Finding something lost

"Well, many say that to find something lost, one must remember the last place they saw it."

It wasn't exactly the greatest of advice, for she had seen Tamara loose many different things (mostly books) and still rendered clueless when taking that advice. The kitten desided to move on to a different subject.

"Since Tamara wasn't around and two people came by wanting job, I told them that they may start working tomorrow.

The problem is that there isn't too much to do. One is a young man, the other one is a young woman...

I don't know too much about either of them. They didn't come here together, they were strangers to each other.
The young woman...Renatta? Yes, her name was Renatta. She's a little jumpy, I don't think she's a social type. The man's name is Lyle, Cinder doesn't seem to buy the background story he gave us."

The kitten grined slightly, "I was hoping you could meet and get to know them more. I doubt they'll reveal too much to a kitten."


"Ahh, so you want me to play devil's advocate?" DragonFire chuckled. "I'm just kidding. Sure, I'll talk to them if they don't mind me," she said, pulling at the tattered edges of her clothes with a smile. "'Sides, this place has always been very open and friendly, I can't remember when someone's deep dark secret created chaos here. And you can never have too many friends. As for the girl, she may have her own reasons for being so jumpy but she should warm up to us eventually."

Yay! More conversation!

((sorry fer takin so long ^^ )

Cinder sits relatively quietly through most of the conversation, saying idly, "Deep dark secrets can be rather dangerous, actually.. but those two don't seem attached to anything too threatening," She grins as well.
"How about you, then, Dragonfire? What's your story?" she leans forward on her hands. She sure does like to ask for peoples stories, considering she hasn't spoken much about herself yet...