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Hi Jo


Sorry to ehar about you having to leave university for a bit. I, like you will be returning next year. Im determined to get my degree. My personla story is up on under' personal stories' if your intressted.

You are so right in taking each day as it comes. I find this is the best way to cope. Im having more good days than bad days now, but if I do have a bad day I just do my best otp ut it behind me.

Taking a year out of university is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I was meant to be studying over in the states next year with my best mate so I've had to give up all that and move back home. Im still determined to study out in the u.s, which I will be doing in the year 2004..

If you wanna chat the nust email me at

Well done in your sucess at coping with your anxiety disorder.


Re: Hi Jo

Hi Bebe - Im so glad you replied to my message! All I can say is take each day as it comes - some may be bad and others may be good. You seem to be on the right road to recovery - just stay with it!

Anytime you need a chat you are more than welcome to e mail me - I know what it is like!

Take care Jo xx

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Replying to:


Sorry to ehar about you having to leave university for a bit. I, like you will be returning next year. Im determined to get my degree. My personla story is up on under' personal stories' if your intressted.

You are so right in taking each day as it comes. I find this is the best way to cope. Im having more good days than bad days now, but if I do have a bad day I just do my best otp ut it behind me.

Taking a year out of university is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I was meant to be studying over in the states next year with my best mate so I've had to give up all that and move back home. Im still determined to study out in the u.s, which I will be doing in the year 2004..

If you wanna chat the nust email me at

Well done in your sucess at coping with your anxiety disorder.
