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your thoghts on me!

i have an anxiety disorder i feel like i'm going to be sick when i'm around people! spcially in places like pubs and any where i can't exit quickly! like queus in shops! my doctor gave me proparonol for a few months which helpped a little but i still didn't go out only yo work which i struggle through and this week he gave me prozac! i'm not sure if it's helping yet! anyone have any advice!

Re: your thoghts on me!

Hi there

Sorry to hear you are suffering. I used to suffer from those sort of problems and still do to some extent but I still suffer from claustrophobia so don't like queueing etc and avoid crowded places - even shopping centres.

I was on Prozac for about 9 months and took myself off it cos I continued to get all the same problems so I thought that it was a waste of time. Others have told me that they had great results on it - so don't give up hope yet.

Have you tried CBT or getting any sort of help from your local GP's surgery - like counselling?

It is good that you are still working, however, don't give that up or you will end up agoraphobic as well.

Keep your chin up and keep going

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Replying to:

i have an anxiety disorder i feel like i'm going to be sick when i'm around people! spcially in places like pubs and any where i can't exit quickly! like queus in shops! my doctor gave me proparonol for a few months which helpped a little but i still didn't go out only yo work which i struggle through and this week he gave me prozac! i'm not sure if it's helping yet! anyone have any advice!