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Re: Re: My story!!

thanks kerry. to be honest i was just streesing about the E's!. ive had it all explained to me now.. seems funny looking back, hehe. Its all to do with association mainly, a panic attack must be due to SOMETHING, it cant just be me! But it is!, and ive accepted it all now. I had to leave uni because of anxiety, but now i feel great and i dont wanna go back. It was down to my parents that i went in the first place. Im looking forward to gettin a new girlfriend and gettin a new band together, and working and bein happy!.

Take care.

Tim x

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Hiya, i've heard that Ecstacy depletes your levels of ceretonin ( your natural happy mind drug, and i've got a few mates who've had BAD paranoia soon after taking it.

The more you worry about anxiety, the more anxious you get, stress causes your stomach muscles to tighten (in readyness of flight or fight) which doesn't allow food in, it also speeds up the stomach acids to get the food already in there out faster, you're heart pumps faster, causing your blood to rush around your body, but not to extremities, ie toes and fingers, and legs and arms get pins and needles and I think your head feels funny because maybe you get more oxygen or something to the brain through the blood, also, your senses heighten, which is wierd because we're not used to it!

This is all explained by Flight or Fight, which i think is mentioned here, if not, you can email me and i'll tell you more about it, but DON'T WORRY, it's proving that in a scary situation, your body will react corectly. Even though it's annoying that we get it in any situation!!

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hi all, this is my first time on this site. Basically ive never known really what i suffer from, but heres my story. A years ago i was a bit of a tearaway, smoking a bit of marijuana and generally being adolescent. I tried ecstasy 6/7 times and had magic mushrooms once.First time i had E i had a panic attack. All of a sudden one day i noticed a strange floaty feeling in my head, and it escalated into a full blown panic attack, but i never thought i was going to die, just that i was going mad! After that i had a few more, got really depressed and anxious all the time and for 4 months had the worst time. i got back to work, went to uni, had a great girlfriend, then 2 and a half years later the anxiety has returned, its really delibitating and i cannot eat at all and hardly sleep, just like last time!. I also have a constant tension headache which gets worse and better, and like last time have tingly restless legs and arms.

Anyone hear what im saying?

Mucho thanks,


Re: Re: Re: My story!!

Good for you, if you want to carry on with a course, you can try Open University, but do things for yourself, not others, maybe it was your body trying to tell you that!!

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Replying to:

thanks kerry. to be honest i was just streesing about the E's!. ive had it all explained to me now.. seems funny looking back, hehe. Its all to do with association mainly, a panic attack must be due to SOMETHING, it cant just be me! But it is!, and ive accepted it all now. I had to leave uni because of anxiety, but now i feel great and i dont wanna go back. It was down to my parents that i went in the first place. Im looking forward to gettin a new girlfriend and gettin a new band together, and working and bein happy!.

Take care.

Tim x

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Replying to:

Hiya, i've heard that Ecstacy depletes your levels of ceretonin ( your natural happy mind drug, and i've got a few mates who've had BAD paranoia soon after taking it.

The more you worry about anxiety, the more anxious you get, stress causes your stomach muscles to tighten (in readyness of flight or fight) which doesn't allow food in, it also speeds up the stomach acids to get the food already in there out faster, you're heart pumps faster, causing your blood to rush around your body, but not to extremities, ie toes and fingers, and legs and arms get pins and needles and I think your head feels funny because maybe you get more oxygen or something to the brain through the blood, also, your senses heighten, which is wierd because we're not used to it!

This is all explained by Flight or Fight, which i think is mentioned here, if not, you can email me and i'll tell you more about it, but DON'T WORRY, it's proving that in a scary situation, your body will react corectly. Even though it's annoying that we get it in any situation!!

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Replying to:

hi all, this is my first time on this site. Basically ive never known really what i suffer from, but heres my story. A years ago i was a bit of a tearaway, smoking a bit of marijuana and generally being adolescent. I tried ecstasy 6/7 times and had magic mushrooms once.First time i had E i had a panic attack. All of a sudden one day i noticed a strange floaty feeling in my head, and it escalated into a full blown panic attack, but i never thought i was going to die, just that i was going mad! After that i had a few more, got really depressed and anxious all the time and for 4 months had the worst time. i got back to work, went to uni, had a great girlfriend, then 2 and a half years later the anxiety has returned, its really delibitating and i cannot eat at all and hardly sleep, just like last time!. I also have a constant tension headache which gets worse and better, and like last time have tingly restless legs and arms.

Anyone hear what im saying?

Mucho thanks,
