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Posts for April 2008

Hello dear friends {smile}

Well today is the beginning of April so here we are starting a brand new string.a I will go back through the posts in the March string so I can respond to them in a separate post here. I though it was better if we just put the posts under separate monthsfor ease of reading through. Mind you now I have got used to clicking on the ~next~ button under the strings I am not so sure! {chuckle} If anyone can think of an easier way to group the posts then please do let me know.

All is well here at Flemish House and Paul finally returned to work this week after being home for three weeks! Actually once we had gotten halfway through the second week it wasn’t so bad as he was feeling very much on the road to recovery by then {smile} I am sorry that I haven’t been posting uch in recent days – I have been fairly inundated with esoteric astrology chart projects which has been lovely yet I thought I would take a breather from them and sit and write a long overdue catch up for here to start the month {Smile}

I have been a bit bleary due to the clocks changing to Daylight Saving last weekend. It always takes me a week or so to get used to it I must admit as I don’t like losing that hour in the mornings though the bonus of the lighter evenings goes without saying {Smile} I really must get some pics downloaded off my camera and put some in here showing all the snow over the Easter weekend and looking outside today you would never think it had happened. The sun is shining and the leaves are beginning to burst through on the trees so spring is finally arriving at long last! {smile}

We planted lots of vegetable seeds at the last New Moon and the growth has been absolutely phenomenal. Currently there are all on a garden table in y ironing room though the broad beans have been moved out to the potting shed to harden off a bit as they are 12 inches high! I am making a new bed of ericas (heathers) as we had to put a new fence up between us and the left hand side neighbour so as it looks so nice it was time to do something on that side of the garden near the greenhouse. As we have 6 square planters in the courtyard that are full of heathers getting pot bound I thought I would make a heather bed so Michael and I have been hard at work outside getting that ready. Then we are going to put pansies in the planters for the summer which will make a lovely show.

The quarry is full of water in the bottom due to all the rainfaull in March so now we have Mr and Mrs Duck (mallard) returned there together with the moorhens who have already made a nest there. When I go down to feed them all it is lovely as Noosa is learning to sit and watch them all rather than dive in and try to chase them! {chuckle} He has grown into a beautiful dog and is so responsive to train – unlike dear {[Chakhotay}} who sometimes decides that he is just going to do his own thing! Little Shiva is getting quite frail now though she still enjoys coming on the walk in the morning. I make sure that I do quite a few stops so that she can rest up whilst the boys go and rampage round. Can’t believe that she is such a little old lady now bless her.

Well I will pop this post in for now which makes a start to the month and then will be back in a little while when I have gone through the outstanding posts for March. So til later…. Leaving a {{{warm group hug}}}

With love always


a little catch up {smile}

Hokey dokey time for the catch-up from the outstanding March posts though I will put them here for ease of reading. {Smile}

{{{kermit}}} aww sending out some eneriges for your poor eyes and thank heavens that we have the facility with computer sto increase the text size so that it is easier to read {smile} The holding Ctrl key and using the scroll wheel on the mouse is brilliant. {smile} I think you have already moved over to DST now haven’t you? Thinking about the Mars settlement on the whole I prefer Earth as it would be fairly arid and dry on the Red Planet for me yet I guess as you leave in a desert environment then it would be about the same for you wouldn’t it? I still prefer the green {chuckle} Am so glad that you are feeling better dear friend and just post as and when you can to let us know that all is well with you! {{{{{hugs}}}}

{{{Gareth}}} how wonderful to see you call back in and hope all is well with you and Paul. Was so sorry to hear about Amber as she was such a lovely dog. I love the name of the new pup btw and we really must have a get together soon either here at flemish House or over at yours. I am going to see my neighbours new puppies as she has two german shepherds. Beckham (who is the proud dad) is almost the spitting image of Chakhotay though he has pale ankles and feet! Apparently the pups are driving him to distraction as they are at the heel nipping stage with little needle teeth so he just gets out of the way very quickly! {laughing} that sounds wonderful with what you have been doing – well done! I think I am going to need some reiki on my poor hands as they are quite bad at the moment – I really miss Richard who used to do my aromatherapy massage – he would do a form of reiki and reflexology on me so if my poor joints were kicking up he was guaranteed to make them much better. So glad to hear from you again and look forward to hearing from you soon and also arranging a get together… til then leaving you a {{warm hug}} and please pass on my best wishes to Paul as well.{Smile}

{{{elfina}} so glad to see your post sweetie as I was beginning to get concerned. I know I am just a worry wort at times so it was a relief to see your post and to know that Pat is feeling uch better too. Such a shame that he is not up to Disney though I know what he means {grin} I loved going there yet my back certainly didn’t! {chuckle} I also loved Seaworld and one day we will get back there – will have to make sure that it is when you are in residence so that we get a chance to meet up again. Do enjoy your daughter’s visit with her husband and the grandchildren yet don’t overdo it too much ok? {gentle nag there}… I know you love it when you get to see them all. {Smile} Sending you a {{big warm hug}} sweetie and glad all is well {Smile} Mike is better so I will pop a post in the Healing string for an update on him. {smile} Will look forward to hearing all about the visit when your own now permits {{{more hugs}}}}

{{{diana}} if you look in – thank you for your email and I will answer it this week. I hope that things are on the up for dear {{Donny}} now bless him as he will have had ole Saturn doing an opposition number on him. When you speak with him please pass on my best wishes and let him know he is in my thoughts and prayers, also your parents. Finally a {{{big warm hug}} for you sweetie and some {{energies}} are wining their way across the Pond to you!

Well that is about it from me for now, it has been lovely to just sit here and do my catch up. I hope that everyone is doing well and will look in again soon… til then….

Much love always


Re: Posts for April 2008

Hello dear friends {smile}

Just splashing through on this Sunday evening with the hope that all are well as it has been quiet in here in the last few days. I have nearly got myself caught up with my esoteric astrology stuff though I am still outstanding on a couple of chart work that I hope to have completed this week and by then perhaps we will be back to the spring weather instead of the snow we had again today! {smile}

The forecast is not brilliant for tomorrow. We went out last night to a lovely ~gastropub~ with our neighbours for a meal which made a lovely change. they are very good company and the good was excellent.

{{emma}} is now on her countdown as the ~bump~ is officially ready to make its appearance into the world {Smile} It is Olly's birthday this coming week and wouldn;t it be funny if they ended up with the same b'days {chuckle} I don;t think that will happen as first babies inevitably end up being late don't they? {chuckle}

{{elfina}} I hope you are having a a lovely visit with your family {{hugs}}}

{{Diana}} I finally got that email off to you and hope you received it ok.

{{Diane/Stars}} Hope all is well with you sweetie.

Well had best pop this post in now as tis time for dinner. So leaving a {{{warm group hug}} and hope that {{all}} are well and having a good Sunday {smile}

love always

Re: Posts for April 2008

My lovely balls of energy are here and enjoying themselves very much. They are at the beach at the moment so I can rest a bit. Glad things are going well for you Mermaid and wonderful news about the bump being ready to arrive. My neices bump is almost ready too. My fathers birthday is tomorrow the 8th. He will be 86 and would dearly love to share his birthday with a new great grandchild. Pat is feeling better and has decided we will go to Disney for a few days after all. We will be gone the 16 & 17th and will return on the 18th. I am looking forward to a happy time with the girls. I better go and get ready to go out for dinner tonight. We are taking them to a seafood restaurant for Groper tonight. I want to grab a shower before they come home and use up all the hot water.

Re: Posts for April 2008

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Looking outstide through the window this morning it is lovely to see blue skies and sunshine even though the grass is covered with a white frost at the moment! {smile} he birds are all there munchig on their breakfast and I hope to hop on the mower this afternoon and get the lawns tidied up after all the rain and snow in recent weeks. Poor Noosa has been a bit unwell though he seems better this morning thank heavens. Shiva is quite wobbly though is still enjoying life. Talking of which I had a lovely time seeing all the pups last week – they were just gorgeous and when I got home I had three noses superglued to me for 10 minutes! {chuckle} They were just beautiful balls of black fluffy fur – large ones though and it was like seeing six baby {{chakhotays}} all at once. Yvonne looked so tired yet the puppies are a credit to her and Kiera (the actual 4-legged mum) {smile} I said to Paul to go round and see them and he won’t as he said he would want one. I would like one yet realistically think I do have enough on my plate at the moment. Hmm seems when I say that then something intervenes so enough said for now methinks {Smile}

{{{elfina}}} aww I am sure that you are in heaven right now with the girls there. Was glad to read that Pat is up to going to Disney as I am sure you will all have a great time. He can take time out can’t he and make sure he rests up as I know only too well how tiring it can be there. Fortunately there are lots of seats! {smile} Emma has now informed us that she is having a home birth and Paul is not happy with that. Would ask you to keep her in your thoughts as having a first baby at home does seem a tad (trying to think of the word and failing!)… I understand the reason as then it would be more relaxing etc for her yet they tried so hard and took so long to actually get pregnant that to risk anything happening to the baby is perhaps something she hasn’t thought about. They say they are only 5 minutes from the hospital yet that would ctually be more if there was an emergency. She is a strong minded Scorpio with Pisces rising so I fear she is just being idealist so all I could say to her (via email) is that I am sure they have both thought it all through and she can change her mind right up to the last minute. Having a first baby at 38 (nearly 39) is risky anyway methinks yet hey I have not birthed any this time round so what can I say/do. {Smile} At the end of the day it is her choice and I just hope that she has thought it through properly and is prepared to accept the potential consequences of that decision if things go awry. Well that is enough of that methinks and thanks for letting me have a ramble and voice a fear as that is what it is and I need to go and make a start on my day now {Smile} Do have a lovely visit with your family sweetie and I hope you can find time to pop in here and keep us updated with news as your now permits {Smile} Sending love and a {{{warm hug}} across the Pond….

Love always


Re: Posts for April 2008

Hi there

Liz: Can understand your and Pauls dilemma with concerns over Emma having her baby at home. I remember considering a home birth with Courteney, and then changing my mind about it, and also know first hand how quickly you need to move if things go wrong with the birth. But will send all my best and most positive birthing energies their way, knowing how treasured this baby will be.
My goodness, there seems to be a baby boom going on here, thinking this may relate to the nodes changing to Leo/Aquarius. I got to babysit a 10 day old last week, his name is Justyce and hes my friend Mandy’s first grandson. A darling wee guy who was born weighing 5lbs 11 ounces, so just a weenie.
Rhianne has the scan today that will tell the gender of her new baby, so we are a bit excited to find that news out.

Kermit: Sorry to hear about your eyes, and hoping that the specialist can help you there.
One point on the ephemeris, (you may know this already but will include it in case you don’t). On there is a link to the 6000 year ephemeris, you can save a particular year as an adobe acrobat file, and then use the options there to magnify it as large as you like. I love it, as I don’t need to use my reading glasses. Here is the url:

Well Greg finished work on the 31st of April, he did a bit of casual driving on the wharf this week, but is not really actively seeking work until we get back from Fiji.
We leave on the 3rd May, and are going to stay in the Warwick, in Korolevu on the Coral Coast. We are meeting up with my sister Bridgette and Harry who are flying from Sydney to Nandi two days before, and then we will catch up with them at the airport and get the coach to the Warwick together. Am so looking forward to it, Gregs really keen to get into some snorkelling, think we will have a lovely time. Have a new camera which I am still figuring out, so hopefully I can do that before we get to Fiji and take some nice pics.

Have been out driving a lot with Jase as he’s getting ready to sit his drivers licence, ahh its strange being chauffered around after all these years, haha, but must admit, I have learnt a few of the new road rules along the way, so a bit of a refresher for me.

Well better zip off and get on with the day..

Love to Everyone

Re: Posts for April 2008

Hi guys!

It is windy here again today; winds to about 35 MPH as they were yesterday. The sun is out there so the cold isn't as biting-cold biting, haven't been bitened since I moved here though NM has tried hard.
My eye appointment is the 22nd and will be glad to see what can be done. Dr. Boyle has a very good rep. here which is settling.

Elfina, is Florida still cold, hehehe Enjoy all the party time and Take Care, {{{HUGS}}}

Robynne, thanks for the address, I will use it while I'm waiting to get my eyes fixed and even afterward. My eyes aren't real bad but the cateracts sure interfer. The mag. affect on the computer makes reading a lot easier. Ya know I didn't mind it for a long while as I enjoyed the crystallizing affect about things but then I started to have my vision blurred/blocked when the light hit my eyes, really blocked out the sight. My only concern is if the diabetes has affected my eyes very much. yep, I'm a big baby when it comes to my eyes.
The best to Greg when he starts looking for work. ENJOY YOUR VACATION A LOT! TAKE CARE! {{{HUGS}}}

Mermaid, As I explained above, my eyes really got bad after the cateracts started to block my vision. I am now looking forward to getting them fixed. I was concerned having some one cut into my eyes-due to an injury a long time ago. Dr. Boyle has a great rep. here. How I enlarge my screen is ctr/shift/+. I don't use an external mouse. HMMMM, I'm thinking you guys will have a population increase in your home, what will you call the new puppy?? :-) yep, we went on daylight time in mid March and boy did I get screwed up, much too early. I hope Paul is doing well; I think about his business and wonder how much the fuel crises is affecting his business. I'm not sure but sounds as though you guys are having an unusual winte also.

About the Mars settlement: they are going to terra firm it and they believe as Mars becomes greener it will become warmer and the atmoshere will start to support those living there though the O2 levels would be a bit lower there. Liz, it'll be just like HOME. hehehe Well, Pisces might be worry worts as I am concerned about Mother Earth a lot. We-humans-constantly abuse her, beat her up and return little to help her. We fight each other to see who'll have to best God, the best System instead of helping each other. Instead of spending all that money on wars and the stuff that make them go we could be using that money to help bring a good quality life to all and use it to find ways to help sustain Mother Earth. All suck her dry will pay much later. Ah gees, I blabed too much again. Send healing to MOTHER EARTH. Sorry I went off again. {{{HUGS}}}

LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends {{{HUGS}}} Bom Bobbi here. Boy, now that he is feeling a little better he is on his hi horse again. hehehe It's a good thing. {{{LOVING PAWSEY HUGS AND LICKY LICKS}}} TO ALL LOVE EVERYONE OF YOUSE GUYS!

Re: Posts for April 2008

Kermit, When there are 2 eyes to be done for cataracts,the worst will be dne first.
We had our eyes fixed several years ago,and my sight is much better; Dan has given up his glasses,and needs them only for reading.
Unfortunately the person who did the 2nd op. messed up! It has taken quite a few mon ths to remedy, but all is Ok now.
He ,too, is diabetic.
So you will be fine-when we were waiting for the specialist to book us in, there was dear old lady of about 86yrs waiting, she had good eyes after too..
BTW, you feel very little from when the drops go in, and then after about 3 hours ,when you come home,an eye patch is worn for a day or 2.
Good luck with it.
Dan is so much better from that surgery for the stent to be put in, I am quite amazed--Bravo for moern medicine ~

LOve all round, Maggy

Re: Posts for April 2008

Hello dear friends {smile}

I thought I would pop in briefy and then be back with a catch up either later this evening or tomorrow. All is well here and kids and grandkid(s) were round yesterday so we could give Olly his birthday presents. They were belated as his birthday was on Wednesday yet that is the first time he was able to come round, and also to see Emma and Dan whilst she still has the ~bump. ~ She looks about fit to pop at the moment so now we are all just waiting… it will happen in due course and onions and I do understand that first babies can be up to 2 weeks late… just feel rather sorry for her being about ready to pop! {smile}

We have had a lazy day today as the weather has not been brilliant so no gardening. Paul’s little problem is trying to recur again so tis fortunate that he is seeing the consultant on Tuesday at long last so perhaps he can get something sorted out about it. He did have a nice chat with Mike (clarke) last night and all is well there so thank you for the healing energy work – they do seem to be working! {smile}

Well tis time to go feed the wolfpack so will pop this post in for now and then will be back to go through the posts for my catch up responses {Smile} til later…. Leaving a {{{warm group hug}}} and hope all are well.

Love always


Re: Posts for April 2008

Hello again dear friends {smile}

I thought I would sit and go through the posts as it has been fairly busy here today so time for a sit down now before taking the dogs out a bit later for their late afternoon/early evening walk.{smile}

{{robynne}} aww lovely to see you pop in sweetie and I bet you are looking forward to that holiday – I know I would be if it were me {smile} It is still quite cold here (even though the sun is shining at the moment) so the thought of sun and sand and sea sounds positively wonderful! Hope that all will be well for Greg when he starts job hunting proper after you return and sending out some {{positive energies}} for you to have waiting for you on your return. {Smile}

Emma is looking fit to burst now and she has said that a couple of her friends started off at home then went to the hospital so it may be the same for her. I think if she has been in labour for say, 10 hours then she might just say off to the hospital – who knows… I just hope that all will be well after the time and trouble it has taken for her to get this far. {Smile} Thanks for your thoughts you know they are always appreciated. {smile}

I loved that Ephemeris addy – heck I use the astrodienst site all the time yet never thought to use their own ephermis! {chuckle} Have bookmarked it so there will be no more getting out the heavy books for the straight forward planets at least {Smile} Tis funny thinking of Jase now driving and getting ready for his test… it really makes you wonder where the time goes doesn’t it? {Smile} Just think you will be able to be taxied about now once he gets his licence rather than you having to do all the driving! {grin}

Hope to see you in here before too long – it was funny the other day as I was just thinking about you and wondering how things were and then bingo there was a post popped in! The Universe provides doesn’t it? {grin} Sending love and {{{hugs}} to you and all the {{family}} and we must have a catch up soon for sure! {Smile}

{{{kermit}} sending out some more energies for you sweetie. {{Babs}} had a cateract procedure done with a lens implant (think she had both eyes done yet for sure was one) and now she doesn’t need specs any more so you will be having a renewed lease of energy once that is all sorted out! {Smile} At least in the meantime it is good having the ability with the computer to enlarge the writing no matter how we get there right? {Smile} Paul has refused to go round and look at the pups even as he said he would be bringing one back and he felt it would be unfair on Shiva as she is so wobbly at the moment. He didn’t actually mention about the unfairness of someone actually looking after the pup and cleaning up after it etc! {chuckle} They are gorgeous pups for sure yet I am not sure if I want any more ~furry babies~ at the moment… perhaps just take the time to enjoy the pack as they are and then when it is Shiva’s turn to cross the Rainbow Bridge then just have the two boys. We will see though right? {smile} I have just about recovered from losing the hour and am back to waking at 6am’ish thank heavens as I really value my early morning quiet time before the day takes over. Paul’s business is doing ok despite the fuel prices. He has to pass the increases onto the customers though which all the hauliers do so all that then means is increased costs of whatever the customer has who then passes them onto the end use (consumer). Thus inflation rears its head again. Best not to get me on my soapbox about government etc.or I might fill up the page {smile} I agree with you about Mother Earth btw {Smile} Other than that Paul is ok and is seeing the consultant tomorrow so hopefully we will have a better idea of what is to be done for him. Watch this space {Smile} In the meantime you take care of you sweetie and sending you and {{bom bobby}} a {{big warm hug}}} across the Pond. {Smile}

{{{Maggy}} so good to hear that {{Dan}} is doing well and that now he can start enjoying life again after that little scare bless him. Just take time out for you also and make sure that you are keeping yourself healthy as well. If bits need seeing to then get yourself down to the Docs – tis much better to get in there and sorted out first rather than having to have it done as an emergency so as to speak. As we move into spring here I hope that Autumn isn’t too cold yet for you. Was lovely to see your post here – I always get concerned if it takes too long for friends to leave a post just in case things might not be so good… just a bit of a worry wort at times that’s me {Smile} Sending some more {{healing energies}} Down Under to make sure that {{Dan}} is topped up with them and a {{{big hug}} for you {smile}

Well that is about it for me for now.. Paul is due home early as we need to get the Pond Filter done so I will pop this post in now and will look in again later.. til then… leaving a {{warm group hug}}} to all who may enter…

With love always


Re: Posts for April 2008

Hello again dear friends {Smile}

I see that it has been quiet here so hope that all are well and look forward to reading a post as and when your nows permit. {Smile}

We are still awaiting the arrival of the ~bump~ into the world so ow it will be a little Taurus instead of an Aries {smile} I have left a little post in the Seawolf board as we are now in the Growing Time. Interesting too that we have two full moons in the sign of Taurus so now a blue Moon time again {Smile} This could be the festival of Wesak today as the Full Moon in Taurus is exact at 11.25 here in the UK so some are celebrating it now and some at the Full Moon towards the end of Taurus in May. So will take the opportunity of wishing all a very happy Wesak celebration as we honour the birth and death of the Buddha {smile}

Have to go and walk the wolfpack now and then as it is wet today hope to be able to continue with some more esoteric astrology writings unless the now takes over which it sometimes has a habit of doing! {chuckle}

So til I return again am leaving a {{{warm group hug}}} to {{all}} who may enter.....

with love always


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