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Posts for May 2008

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Just starting off the new month's posts and will be back later as I have to complete some tasks and run some errands. Paul is due back here later this afternoon or early evening so wishing him a safe journey back from France.

Will be back later with my catch up from the april string.. til then.. leaving a {{{warm group hug}}} for {{all}} who may enter...

love always

mermaid xxx

Re: Posts for May 2008

Happy May Day...It's the first of May and we have heavy frost on the ground and there was a dusting of snow yesterday. Other then that the trees look beautiful with their fresh new leaves. I have a few spring flowers in bloom that I hope this frost does not harm.

IT'S A GIRL....My sister just called me as I was typing this post. Mother Lauren and daughter Kara Leigh are doing well after a ceaserian birth at 12:45am. Lauren was in hospital in labor for 52 hours before Kara was born. Kara weighed 8lbs 3 ounces with a full head of black hair. She is going to be a beauty.

On a sad note my sisters beloved dog Myah is very ill and the vet is going to have to put her down today. My heart is broken for my sister as Myah was one of the most loving rottweillers you could ever know. She has bone cancer and my sister tried with all her might and money to keep her but she stopped eating and drinking a few days ago and cannot get up unaided. My sister has to go back to her daughters to take care of her and the baby today. She lives about 100 miles away from her. Just after the baby was born last night my sister drove home to be with the dog. Life is funny sometimes...

Re: Posts for May 2008

{{{elfina}}} I saw your post yesterday and was holding your dear {{sister}} in my thoughts and sending her {{healing energies}} We all know how heartbreaking these times can be and they are. I hope that she will find comfort in the fact that she did the right thing for her beloved companion and in the knowledge that one day they will be reunited.

Congratulations for the new arrival and the thought of a 50 hour labour is beyond me.. very happy that all are doing well {Smile}

I am out of time right now so will be back later with a longer post and more of a report on Scarlet and Emma as we are going to visit them today. {Smile}

Wishing all a very good weekend.. and leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to all who enter... til later

love always

Re: Posts for May 2008

I'm here.

Elfina, gees, 50 hours; time for a break, whew. You made me tired just reading that. That's why I'm very happy being a guy. GEES, SWEATING BIG TIME {{{HUGS}}}

Mermaid, sounds as though all is going well. I've been a bit out of it. I don't know what it is about this time of the year but boy I think next year I'll stay in bed until it passes. NAAAAA, I love life too much to do that. {{{HUGS}}}

About the eyes: on June 5th I get an eye exam and then on the 11th my right eye will be done. I am told I will need to put drops in my eyes every two hours. A patch I believe at 1st-ah ya, de pirate in me emerges. There will be an apointment not long after the operation. Then in July the left eye will be done. This is the eye that I injured while at a paper branch and a guy was flipping about the steel wire wrap. The scar is deep and will cause a small problem, Dr Boyle feels he will do well with it though maybe it will cause a longer time on the table. With that, I'll not get into all the other junk that is happening. ;-)

My Friends, have a great day and ENJOY EACH MOMENT.

LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends {{{HUGS}}} Ahh, it's me, BOM BOBBI, gees, he sent me to the groomer and now I smell all funny and they stuck a pink bow on the LEFT BUTT. GEES WHIZ. {{{LOVING PEACEFUL PAWSEY HUGS AND LICKY LICKS}}} PEACE AND LOADS O LOVE; us guys.

Re: Posts for May 2008

Elfina, Wow, another sweet little girl to cuddle and spoil, so glad they are both well.
So sorry about the old dog that had to walk the rainbow bridge,always hurts us all to hear of those things.
It will be wonderful that you will soon be able to see-the world will change !
keeping you in my healing prayers.
I'm like you, couldn't begin to tell the stories of this past 5 weeks-worst time for many years.
We are being tested and how !
love Maggy

Re: Posts for May 2008

Good morning dear friends {smile}

I hope that all are well and thought I would pop a post in this morning before my own now takes over. (yet again). {smile} Mother is due to arrive later on this afternoon so sending out thoughts for a safe journey for her. She will be staying for a week and returning home next Sunday as we think Sundays are the best days for driving at the moment so she can just toddle her way up here {Smile}

Paul and I have been gardening and still quite a bit to be done in this busy Growing Time yet we can only do what we can do can’t we? Must admit my back was aching somewhat this morning yet will get loosened up and carry on some more. We hope to take the nets of the Ponds today as well and do some water gardening. The weather forecast is good so we will crack on today as rain is forecast for tomorrow. It is a public holiday long weekend so he is not returning to work until Wednesday which will be nice for him {Smile}.

{{{elfina}} That must have been such a shock to the system to return to frosts and snow even! {smile} I think you must be much further north on latitude than us here. Will have to get the atlas out and check it. I can see why little Scooter would be happy there as it is doggy heaven for him isn’t it with your beautiful Pond (small lake) and the space and trees etc. How is your sister doing now? I felt so sorry for her when I first read your post as I know what she would have been going through (as indeed do us all who have four-legged companions). Have been sending out energies to her over the past few days. Should think mother and baby are now more settled after all the birth trauma –0 we had a lovely visit with Emma and Dan and little Scarlet and would you believe that I left my camera behind! I took some pics on Emma’s phone and she sent them here so will just have to resize one of them and will leave it here later for you to see. Hope you have now got yourself all organised and so you can relax a bit now from packing and unpacking etc {smile}

{{{kermit}}} aww that is great news re your eyes sweetie and you will have a new lease of life once they have been done methinks {{hugs}}} I know that Babs had one done and the difference was amazing so won’t be long ow til it is your turn. Hope all is well with you and sat here laughing at {{bom bobby’s}} groomer statement!

{{{Maggy}} aww sending out some more {{energies}} to you sweetie as it sounds as though you are having a rough time of it… I hope that it will soon pass for you. {{{hugs}}}}

Well time is moving on here so will pop this post in and go give the dogs their breakfast as they are being very patient {smile} I wanted to write this first as I know the way that time is at the moment it would end up having been this evening before I could get back here and then would have been way too tired to sit and write (especially after a few hours of non-stop talking at by mother!) {wicked grin}.

Wishing {{{everyone}}} a really good weekend and will look in again later… til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}}} and {{{energies}}} to all who need them.

With love always

Re: Posts for May 2008

Back again {Smile}

Thought I would pop this picture in now else the day will take over yet again. {smile} Here she is and not even a week old when the picture was taken.. today is the start of her second week of life bless her {smile}

much love always

PS tis amazing what you can do with mobile phones nowadays though I do find it easier to use my camera I must admit. this didn't turn out too bad though. {chuckle}

Re: Posts for May 2008

Good morning dear friends {smile}

I see it has been very quiet in here this week so hope that all are well. It has been quite a challenging week in different ways for me yet tis just part of life’s experiences is it not? {Smile} Mother will be going home tomorrow – I think she has enjoyed her visit here and the weather has been just glorious.

The sheep have all had their vaccination for blue tongue disease so hopefully they will be ok now. The shearers should be coming next week which will be great as we did have one case of fly strike last weekend though fortunately it was caught well in time. Paul does have a knack of being able to discern if there is fly strike long before it poses a serious problem.

Dear Shiva is getting rather fragile though she is enjoying life albeit in a different way. We have now had an opportunity for an addition to the wolfpack as my neighbhour’s shepherd has a litter of beuatiful pups. She called me to let mw know that we could have one at half price as she knows it would have a wonderful life with us. (not sure how she knows that! {chuckle} only joking) We thought of getting a little girl so that Paul can have another girl in addition to {{shiva}}… {Smile}

I went round to Yvonne’s (neighbour) yesterday and took some pics of the pups…. At the moment the jury is out on it though we will have to make a decision in the next few days – if it is meant to be then it will be and I said to Paul it will have to be his decision not mine and if she is meant to be with us then she will be. {smile} In the meantime here is a pic of her…

{{Maggy}} If you look in here – thank you for your message in the healing string… my appt is for 9.15 on Monday so will see what they are recommending etc then. I will pop back a bit later today and respond to your post there as am getting close to the time for feeding the four-leggeds their breakfast and want to complete this post. In the meantime hope all is well and was good to read your post {{{hugs}}}

{{elfina}} I hope all is well with you sweetie as it is unusual for you not to call in and you have always said if you are going to be away… holding you in my thoughts.

{{{Hathor}}} if you look in sweetie then wishing you a very Happy Birthday and hope your Solar Return brings you all you could wish for {Smile}. I am not sure if you read alaong here yet still wanted to leave a message and a {{{hugs}}}. Ecards have already been sent {Smile}

{{kermit}}} sending love and {{hugs}} across the Pond sweetie.

Well tis time to go feed the wolfpack so will pop this post in now and hope that everyone has a good weekend. {Smile} Am leaving a {{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter…

With love always


PS Just remembered that I took some more pics of little Scarlet as we went to visit this week... will sort one out and put in during the coming days {Smile}

Re: Posts for May 2008

just popping in quickly to say that Mother got home safely which is great after a rather challenging week with her to say the least! {Smile} I hope everybody is well and enjoying the spring weather in the northen hemisphere - it has been glorious here and should continue for the coming week when also we hope to have the sheep shearers come and shear the sheep... they will certainly appreciate it that's for sure {Smile}

The time has come round for my hospital appt in the morning so will find out what is happening etc so please send out some positive thoughts.

Off to go and feed the dogs now... and leaving a {{group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter...

with love always

Re: Posts for May 2008

Mermaid and Friends....
Hi, sorry I haven't been around much this past week. I have had the worst case of seasonal allergies I can remember. The cotton wood trees had so much pollen this year that they covered everything just like snow. I wasn't able to breath half the time and the other half I was sneezing so bad I almost passed out. I can't take to many of the allergy meds because of my irregular heart beat so wasn't able to get much relief from it. I spent 3 days in bed just trying to breath and blowing my nose which ran like a faucet. Well there is my tale of woo for the week.

Yesterday was Mothers Day here in the states and I was feeling much better thank God. John bought me a tray of wonderful bedding flowers for my garden and 4 beautiful african violets for my window sill. He also bought me potting soil and liquid fertilizer for them. Denise bought me a digital photo frame that holds 180 pictures, I love it. We had a family dinner at her restaurant and then I spent the afternoon with my daughter and grands bowling on wi the TV game
and playing board games with the girls. It was just the perfect kind of day to spend with family and I enjoyed to very much.
Tomorrow they will all come here for supper. The restaurant is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays in the spring and summer and John is able to get away for a few hours on Tuesday evenings.

Mermaid, I have been holding you in my thoughts and prayers and praying that your test results will be fine.

I haven't heard from my sister all week either as she has been staying with her daughter and the baby. They have sent pictures but nothing else. I hope to get a chance to talk to her today if she answers her phone calls.

Tomorrow Pat starts putting in our underground sprinkler system. It is a very big job and he refuses to hire it done. Mark our son in law will give him a hand with the trenching. I just pray all goes well as he has been planning this job all winter. Our lawn is very large and rocky and the trencher he rented hates rocks. He is going to be a bear until this job is done.

My flower gardens haven't even been weeded yet this season and they look terriable. I am hoping that I can stand to stay outside a little tomorrow and work in them before I won't be able to tell the weeds from the plants.

Mermaid, the pup is a beautiful animal.....think long and hard before you add another pet right now. Shiva might not be able to take the strain of having her around right now. Although she is a beautiful dog and would make a perfect addition to your family.

Waving to the room and saying a special hello to Kermit. I hope your eyes are all right and that you are putting your drops in on schedule. It will be great when the operation is done and you can see a lot clearer.

Well I have been chatty enough for one day. Wishing you all a good day and an even better week. ((((((((((((((and a big HUG for Mermaid to help her through this day))))))))))))))))all will be well. *******

Re: Posts for May 2008

Just popping in briefly before I feed the wolfpack as was lovely to just see your post dear {{elfina}}} and I hope you are feeling better - I knew something must have been up!

Well the news is that the diagnosis was correct last week (she did say she was amost 100% sure that it was breast cancer) and the biopsy confirmed it... so am scheduled for surgery on the 27th of this month. there will also have to be five weeks of radiation therapy yet at least I don't have to go the chemo route right now thank heavens. WE can start the radiation after we get back from holiday so that is good also as it has to be a five week block of daily treatment and I said I wasn't prepared to give up the holiday. So now this week I am going to have a catch up on everything that has not been done whilst Mother was here and then we will have the pup all being well at the weekend.

Elfina - Shiva is now on such borrowed time and we did think long and hard about it. The pup is so good and so well bred that I feel it is worth it - we will ensure that Shiva doesn't get too bothered by it as she now spends a lot of time just sleeping in the study. The pup will be separated at night anyways until she is totally house trained and I think Shiva will be gone to the Rainbow Bridge by then bless her.

Time to go feed them yet just wanted to pop in and leave the news. I will respond more to your post either later or tomorrow as after another full morning at the hospital and a weeks worth of mother here I am so very tired...

Sending out some energies for you sweetie....with a {{big warm hug}}}

love always

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