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Posts for June 2008

Hello dear friends {smile}

Just starting the June thread... I have done a post at the end of the May one this morning just to finish it up so as to speak and will write some more later today and put in this one {Smile}

Til then I hope that everyone is having a good weekend and thank you again for all the wonderful energies that you have been sending - they are really helping {Smile}

Leaving a {{{warm group hug}}}} to All who may enter...

with love always

Re: Posts for June 2008

Hi Mermaid,

Will check the last May post. You have been on my mind quite a bit and sending more HEALING {{{HUGS}}} and prayers from me and Bom Bobbi.

LIGHT, LOVE & PEACEL Kermit and Friends {{{HUGS}}}

Re: Posts for June 2008

Nothing so rare as a day in June. Today is a perfect day here in central NY. Pat has spent most of the day working on adding top soil to the irregation lines and seeding them. Our lawns are going to be beautiful in a few weeks. I am once again packing for a trip. This time we are taking the travel trailer and going to the St. Lawrence river and the Thousand Islands area. We will be staying in a lovely state park this time instead of our usual Black Lake spot. I am looking forward to this trip as it will give Pat a chance to relax and enjoy life instead of trying to do a whole summers working in a few days.

I hope you enjoy your visit with the kids, babies and your sister in law. Tomorrow Denise and family will come for dinner. I am making 2 roast chickens and will bring one up to John as he cannot get away this week. The golf course is doing well and he has cut down on the amount of employees this year which means a little more work for him but a lot more money in his pocket. It is getting very expensive to run a golf course with the price of gas and fertilizer going up and up all the time. Thank goodness he as a good membership base and lots of leagues. We spent the afternoon with him yesterday which was nice.

Well I better stop and make Pats lunch and call him in before he finds another job to tackle.

Re: Posts for June 2008

Good morning dear friends {smile}

I thought I would at least get some sort of post in this morning before the day takes over and also my arms starts hurting too much. I thought I would be able to sit and write loads yet find that after typing for a little while then my left arms hurts which is a bit of a pain so as to speak! {Smile}

The weather this week has been awful nothing but rain, rain and more rain! I was going to sit and write something yesterday evening after all the visitors had gone but we ended up with thunder rolling around so had to switch all the computers off and I was really exhausted by the time the early evening came. Couldn’t believe how it took its toll on me as I didn’t do that much – I guess it brought it home that recovery takes a while. Whilst I think of it dear Lew called me yesterday from Vancouver as she has gone through the same thing and it was lovely to speak with her. If you look in Lew thank you so much and I will write up an email during the coming few days.

It was lovely to see the children yesterday and also the grandchildren. Little Archie is a delight and he loves coming here to see the sheep, fish and now the pups as well. We kept the big dogs separately for some of the visit as it would have been just too much for all of them. The pups could come out for a little while then they were popped back into their own room. I left my camera in the study so couldn’t take pics of him without disturbing the big ones though I did take some of little Scarlett once Ollie, Emma and Archie had left to return home. Will get them off the camera and see if I can pop one in here later today.

I am going to have a bit more of a lazy day today methinks as I also drove to Ipswich for the first time so quieter time today. Can’t believe it is a week since the operation and that it is taking such a while to recover. Mind you dear Babs keeps reminding me that it was fairly major surgery and I shouldn’t be an impatient patient! {chuckle}

{{{elfina}}} I hope that you have a lovely holiday – when do you leave for it? I know from seeing first hand that your trailer is just home from home and wouldn’t mind one of those myself though I wouldn’t like to tow it around the English roads! {smile} It is good that it will ensure that Pat takes some time out and enjoys a bit of a rest. What is it with these men that they feel they have to work themselves stupid! Paul is the same – he was working in the garden all the time he was at home last week and then getting grumpy cos he had overdone it and wouldn’t admit that. Sometimes it takes a health scare to remind them doesn’t it? I knew he is looking forward to us heading off on the boat on the Broads as he really enjoys that and you can’t do anything else other than just gently potter about on the water and enjoy the energies and the wildlife…{smile} Sounds as though both of your children have got themselves organised well in their lives. I know it was funny yesterday seeing Paul holding Archie and Ollie was holding little Scarlet with Emma there and did say how lovely it was seeing them both with their own children {Smile}

My stupid arm is beginning to hurt so am going to go through the posts rather quickly as if I don’t do it now then yet another day will go by. It has been lovely reading the posts and seeing so many Retreaters call in and leave their good wishes even though their own ~now~ has precluded them from being as regular as they might have wished in recent times {Smile}

{{{kermit}}} aww bless your heart dear friend – as I have said before many time all things do pass and this will also. Hope all is well with you and {{{Bom Bobbi}}} and how are the eyes doing? As {{elfina}} said ina post, I hope you are taking your drops and stuff in readiness for your own procedures {gentle nag} {grin}

{{{robin}} I sat and had a good belly laugh at the thought of pom poms and other bouncy bits! {grin} Must admit I don’t think I will be bouncing much just yet as the thought of it is just a tad too much at the moment! {chuckle} How lovely see see you call in and hope it is not too long before you do again {{{hugs}}}

{{{robynne}}} I am not sure if I said before as brain is getting a tad addled yet it was lovely to have that catch up on the phone and the arnica has been working a treat though I have reduced it somewhat now as part of me turns yellow instead of black and blue! {grin} I did get the pics of the pups onto the computer so perhaps today I will finally get the web page done with pics of them so everyone can see. They are growing at a rate of knots that’s for sure {Smile}

{{diana}} reading your post about the water and the New Moon – I know the New Moon is up on us shortly so will get that organised though I can only use a normal cut crystal bowl to hold the water as tis not possible to get amethyst. I do have some beautiful large amethyst crystal clusters though that I can put near it so that should hopefully help {Smile}

{{Maggy}} thank you so much for your thoughts and I think you may be away on your holiday now so this can await your return when you read back. Hope you have a lovely time away and that you return rested and refreshed {Smile}

{{{sarah}} how lovely to see you have called in and hope all is well in your own ~now~. Robynne had told me that you are very busy and hope that you are not overdoing it! (says she here!) {chuckle}

{{{deb}}} awww thank you dear friend and so good to see you call by. {Smiling} I hope that all is well with you and that Joe is doing well also.{{hugs}}}

{{rick}} sorry I couldn’t chat the other day and hope you got the offline msn message in reply from me when you next logged on. I see that Hurricane season is about to start in your part of the world so please do check in from time to time to let us all know you are ok, ok?

I think that will have to be enough from me for now as the arm is beginning to hurt a lot. I hope that I haven’t missed anyone out and my apologies if I had – you will know that it was not intentional. Will go and have a shower and make a start on my day and with a bit of luck I will be able to work through some of my emails that have built up somewhat. I thought I would be able to sit and write up more posts for the esoteric astrology string on the astro site yet this is ridiculous with my arm hurting with typing! (scuse the frustrated vent there btw). Well my right arm is ok so I guess I could try some ironing instead then – looks out to Universe to see what is going to drop on me froma great height now? {grin}

Will look in later… til then hoping that everyone is well and thank you all for taking the time to call in and leave your thoughts they have all been very much appreciated. It has been lovely to see everyone call in again soon as I said earlier {smile} Leaving a {{{warm group hug}}} to {{{all}} who call in here and hope your week is going well. {smile}

Much love always


Re: Posts for June 2008

Hello dear friends {smile}

I thought I would pop a little update here in the message board and then I must do a ~round robin~ email to let everyone else know as well.

Am continuing to progress though not fast enough for my liking. My left arm has been kicking up like a good un varying from painunder the arm to pins and needles right the way down to my hand which is frustrating as I haven’t been able to type much and I did think I would be able to at least sit and write stuff. I found out the reasons why though and it is all down to the surgery and will take a good while to sort out which is a tad irritating to say the least as I expected the wound and ancillary area to be sore but not this extra stuff with my arm.. The wound itself is healing quite nicely and I have various stages of colour in it now – sort of rainbow hued left breast! {smile} I just have to remember to be a patient patient!

The good news is that my cancer nurse had a chat on the phone with me yesterday and she let me have the results of the surgery and lymph node removal and all looks good. The lymph nodes that the surgeon removed are clear and it looks as though he got all the cancer stuff out ok as well - apparently they were Group 2 in the range. I will be seeing him next week for the official results and to discuss the next stage of treatment. From what the nurse said, this should now just be the radiation to make sure that everything is zapped out just in case anything might still be lurking around. With the lymph nodes being clear etc that should rule out the dreaded chemo thank, although I didn’t mind the thought of losing hair, it was the thought of feeling sick all the time that didn’t sit well with me. {Smile}

I meant to sit and write this last night but didn’t as I was very tired. It had been a good day doing things and then I just zapped out. Some days are good and some not so energy wise… still it will pass eventually for sure {smile}

Babs will stay until next Tuesday and then will have to return to sort out her own house and garden then she will be back up here at the end of June to finish house sitting whilst we go on the Broads for a holiday. I am sure that will help with recharging the batteries in readiness for the chemo.

Will pop this post in now with a heartfelt thank you for the energies sent as I am sure that these have helped tremendously. I hope all are well and will call in again soon… til then

Love always


Re: Posts for June 2008

PS (as I can't edit the above post) and should have proof read a bit better earlier this morning. The last para should have read "in readiness for the radiation treatment " and NOT "chemo".

Re: Posts for June 2008

Mermaid, so glad there will be no chemo. I'm sending arm healing and muscle strenthening energies your way today. I'm also finished packing up the camper. I just have to add the cold foods and my paint and I am done. We leave in the morning with the boat first. It is a 2 hour trip to the river then 2 hours back. We haven't been there before so will have to spend some time finding out where to dock the boat etc. Then we return home to pick up the camper. I am hopefull that by 4 o'clock we will be all settled in. The weather has finally turn hot but there are thunderstorms forecast for each day along with record breaking heat. I just pray it dosent rain while we are out fishing. I plan on doing a lot of painting this week while Pat fishes. I go out with him in the early evening fishing and one or two mornings. I really enjoy painting at camp with no distractions.
So dear friend I won't be back here until the 15th, until then be well....heal fast and be happy.******

Re: Posts for June 2008

{{Elfina}}} Thank you for the energies and I hope that you have a wonderful time just resting, relaxing and painting doing the things you love {smile} Will look forward to hearing all about it on your return. Have a safe journey also and may you be rested and refreshed both on your holiday and on your return.

Thank you dear friend for being there and just being you! {{{hugs}}}}}

much love always

Re: Posts for June 2008

Hi to everyone

Liz: am so glad to hear that they think the lymph nodes are clear ..Phew!
Its so good to know that it was picked up early through the mammogram, and I kept that in mind when I received an appointment for my first mammogram last week, so there you go.

Have also got a job with Access Homehealth, caring and doing homehelp for the elderly, and people with disabilities or who are recovering from operations, can see the irony in that, because I could have been useful to you, if that rather large distance wasn’t such a problem. Mind you, I might have had something to say regarding using ride on lawnmowers less than a week after your op, not being the best form of physio *wicked grin*. Now you didn’t think we were going to approve of that did you, *laughing* even Greg had a deep frown when he was told that.

Just take care eh Liz? and do take it easy with the arm, you should stop at the first sign of it hurting…
Bet you are looking forward to the river trip after all this now…

Kermit: Isn’t your eye surgery coming up soon? Let us know, and hugs to you and Bom Bobbi.

Elfina: Hope you enjoy your time away on the river too, you will have left by now

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend


Re: Posts for June 2008

Hello dear friends {smile}

Just popping in quickly to leave the url for some pics of the pups {smile}

Puppy Pics Page May 2008

Just click the link and it should open in a new tab/page and I hope you enjoy.

If that doesn't work then you can copy/paste the following into your browser {smile}

{{robynne}} will be back in a little while to respond to your post {Smile}

love always


Splashing back quickly in case I don;t return til much later...

{{robynne}} here are a couple of pics of a lawnmower like ours...

You can see that it is not like an ordinary one with a steering wheel...{grin} If I thought it was too hard to do I would not have tried it and I also go slowly in case of any ~bump~ factor! {grin}

back later..

love and {{hugs}} to you and {{Greg}} and wish you were a tad closer for sure - not just for helping either! {smile}

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