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Mermaid's Message Board

Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

Mermaid's Message Board
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Hello to Mermaid

Dear Mermaid,


I'm so glad your operation went OK. I'm sorry you are having pain. I'll send over some healing energies.

I've found a homeopathic doctor in Louisville and will be going to her for treatment for arthritis. I got lucky and it's just plain old osteoarthritis. I went to see a bone surgeon and he didn't recommend surgery now. Instead, I'll be wearing a knee brace and will be doing physical therapy and water therapy which sounds great to me because I was expecting surgery.

I've pretty well made peace with getting older (I'm 58) and am really glad for that because my disposition is returning to it's positive self.

{Kermit I'm glad your surgery went well. You may not remember me (it's been years since I've posted) but I remember you and you just have a really nice way about you.

I forget who posted that lawnmower, but it's a doozie.

Everybody have a nice day!



Re: Hello to Mermaid

{{Anne}} I have just been writing some emails and have to go walk the dogs and see to the animals as it is late. Will be back later today and will write here and also a little catch up in the June string. I thought I wuld leave this here now in case I do not get back til this evening {Smile}

Was lovely to see you made it over here.. {smile}

love always

Re: Hello to Mermaid

Dear Mermaid,

I am still amazed that we can talk half a world away. Isn't life wonderful!

The homeopath costs $200 which I don't have right now and it will take me about 6 months to save up, so if you happen on any reliefs for osteoarthritis please let me know.

Hope you had a great dog walk.



Re: Hello to Mermaid

Hello Ann

It is lovely to see that you have made contact again and I agree that the internet is a wonderful medium to communicate with isn’t it. {smile}I remember when I first went online in the 90’s and enthused about it I would get some strange comments and had to say to people that the internet could be a force for good as at that time there was a lot of negative talk about it… porn sites etc.

Now of course people use it as normally as an everyday part of life don’t they and can’t think how they could have managed without it! Whilst I think of it, you might find it easier by the way to respond to other’s posts in the June string in case kermit doesn’t look in here as I saw you wrote to him and you might think he was ignoring it. It took some getting used to in this different format message board yet it is working quite well now {smile}. I am very happy to write to you in this string you have started by the way just wanted to mention that not everyone might read… heck who knows! {chuckle} And the ole trickster Mercury is still retrograde at the moment. {smile}

I will certainly see if there is anything that could help with the osteo-arthritis – as I am nearly 60 now I do get the old aches and pains from time to time and the hands hurt yet I use a prescription painkiller from my doctor as that is the only thing that helps me. Fortunately I don’t need lots of it at the moment. If you are 58 you will be coming up to your own second Saturn return as well won’t you. As I recall are you a Gemini Sun? Not sure as trying to cast my mind back in the annals of time… you will have to let me know your birthday as we always have little celebrations in here {smile}

Looking at the time I see I must go and make a start on my day so will pop this post in now and hope that you have a good start to the week. Look forward to seeing you post again soon… til then

Love always


Re: Hello to Mermaid

Dear Mermaid,

Thank you for replying to my email. I know how busy you must be.

My birthday is December 5, 1949 at 6:01 am. How much do you charge for charts?

Painkillers don't work for me. Only Motrin does.



Re: Hello to Mermaid

Hello Anne {smile}

YOu are going through your second SAturn return right now (if you were born in 49) which makes sense with the bones etc. I don't charge for charts or looking at them.. See you are a Saggitarius Sun then - just got the polarity wrong! {chuckle} Where were you born and I will take a quick peek for you...

Off to bed now as I am dog tired... pun intended {smile}


Re: Hello to Mermaid

Hiya Mermaid!

I was born in Jefferson County (Lexington) Kentucky, USA. I really need to check what time I was born and will let you know.

It occurs to me that you don't know anything about me, so here goes.

I am a writer and an artist and have had bipolar mental illness all my life. I have had to struggle with it for the past 3 years, but am doing well now and have started going to a Presbyterian church on sundays (which I like - it is a loosely functioned service) and I go to several writer's groups.

I've written one book of poetry and am working on another one.

I am single and have one child (a girl who is 30). I have one grandchild. Sarah Gallant did my daughter's chart (short report - forecast) years ago and it has been helpful to me in understanding my daughter who is a Pisces and very independent.

My granddaughter (who is 8) and I email each other. I tell her jokes and write kid poems for her and she writes me back some poems and kid jokes. They are a riot and I have a blast!

My friends are mainly artists and writers and I don't have many, but I enjoy the ones I've got immensely.

Compared to all the different things the people do on your message boards, my life is really quiet. I presently don't work in the public, but might like to again sometime if the right job came up. I'm starting to make wall hangings and purses and I make some of my own clothes.

About my health, I am interested in different methods of pain relief because I don't want to down myself out on Motrin. I've tried prescription painkillers with no relief.

I have 2 brothers and four sisters and I am close to one of my sisters (Kate). My Mother has been dead for 30 years and my Father lives in Alabama, USA.

I'm working through the "getting old syndrome". I'm glad this realization is hitting me now instead of later. I have emotional support right now and am meeting more and more people my own age who are active and vibrant.

Enough about me for now. I am sorry to read about your health problems. Both my father and oldest sister have battled cancer and both successfully. My sister swears by diet and positive thinking, prayer and staying active. I only have osteoarthritis, but am trying to make the same types of changes in my life with good results so far. I am overweight and so far have lost 5 pounds in a month. Wahoo!

So have a great night or morning whatever it is there. I will sign off for now.



Re: Hello to Mermaid

Dear Mermaid,

I was born in Lexington, Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA on December 5 1949 at 6:01 PM.

Thanks for looking at my chart for me.
I will use the other message board for healing (is that the one everyone looks at?)



Re: Hello to Mermaid

Hello Anne {smile}

Firstly, my apologies not responding seeing it has been rather chaotic here to say the least! I meant to post yesterday and then my day took over and suddenly it was evening time and I was too tired yet again. I am really looking forward to my holiday is that will give an opportunity to recharge my batteries {smile}

Thank you for leaving your birth stats, I will draw at your chart later today and just take a quick look at see what is happening with transits. Thank you to share you’re the background information, and it helps remind me that it was dear Sarah, who had to get in touch originally when we were all posting in the retreat. Gosh, that seems a long time ago now doesn’t it? I think with this second Saturn return it is certainly brings the question of ageing in front of earth does it not? {smile} I think that there is a third-generation are very active and vibrant anyway ages any an attitude of mind. It is just that sometimes our bones and joints or whatever let us down. {smile}

I am sorry if I appeared to cause confusion over where to post. Under the forum, I create a string for each month, which is where the general day-to-day postings go. Then we have the healing string, plus any other string is that may be started ie as the one you did {smile}. The original message board where you posted (the guestbook format) is not used very much now. There seem to be a few hiccups with that and for some reason many of my own posts were deleted-I really don’t know how that happens as it was not me.

If this post sounds a little bit ramby it is because I’m using the dictation software again and it is taking some getting used to I must admit. Mind you, having said that it is a wonderful software and is saving my hands and arm. It has also learned to recognize my voice quite well with a we do have some interesting looking words appearing which I do correct by hand that that isn’t too difficult. {Smile}

I have just received a phone call and have an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow morning so they were set out my new treatments, which should get started once I have returned from holiday. I thought it was going to be Friday, but they have brought it forward to day. Never mind, these things have to be done, don’t they? {Smile}

I will pop this post in for now, and need to go feed the pups their lunch and then will take a look at your chart. I should be able to come back later this afternoon or possibly the evening with some comments. So till then wishing you a very good day ….

Love always


Re: Hello to Mermaid

Hello again Ann {Smile}

I have just left a line under the June string yet thought would leave a quick one here before I start my day. Realistically with everything I have to do before leaving for my holiday early next week - I don't think I am going to be able to complete my notes onyour chart so as I am taking my alptop with me anyways I have popped your details on it and will hope to have something completed on my return. I thought I would leave this message for you now in case you look in here. {Smile}

Hope you are well and enjoying a good weekend {Smile}

love always

Re: Hello to Mermaid

Hello again Ann {smile}

Firstly my apologies for the length of time it has taken to get back to you re your chart. This morning I had an opportunity to run your chart and see you have Cancer Ascendant which makes the Moon your chart ruler from the exoteric (personality centred) point of view. You have been having a Saturn square Moon transit which is just about to finish at the end July. Saturn squares can feel fairly heavy going let alone your Saturn Return and Saturn conjunct your IC (fourth house ruled by Cancer) and so will share some interpretations by Rob Hand here for those particular aspects. This should explain why you have been feeling the way you have. Remember too that it is not only Saturn transits that affectyou I am just sharing those for the time being as you have been feeling the effects fairly strongly so don’t be put off by it. There are other planets which are also assisting {smile}

Saturn square Moon: A time of readjustment
Mid October 2008 until end of July 2009: This period can be quite a difficult time for your personal and domestic life. On the psychological level you may feel lonely and isolated from others. You may feel depressed and undeserving of love. Sometimes remembered past actions make you feel guilty that you have not lived up to your own expectations.

Externally this influence can create difficulties in personal relationships, especially with women, because your emotional communication seems to be cut off. Your job may make demands that conflict with your domestic responsibilities, so that you are forced to neglect one or the other. Your parents may also be a source of concern at this time.

The conflict at this time is between the structure of your ego, your sense of individuality and uniqueness and your need for connections and roots. Somehow it is difficult to be yourself and do what you must, to maintain your relationships and get much-needed emotional support and reinforcement from your loved ones.

These elements of your life are not truly in conflict, for they are complementary principles that need to be properly balanced with each other. The problem is that one element has got out of control at the expense of the other, so a time of readjustment is at hand. This situation is the underlying cause of the loneliness and depression that often accompany this influence.
You may have to make important changes in your life priorities. You may have to deemphasize your work in favor of your emotional and personal life, or you may have to break off a relationship that has interfered unnecessarily with your work. In either case, you must restore the balance between these two aspects of your life so that your life will run smoothly again.

Saturn conjunction Saturn: Pruning your life
End of October 2008 until beginning of August 2009: This is one of the most important times in your life. A major cycle of experience is closing, and great changes are about to take place. How great these changes are depends largely on what you have been doing with your life over the past several years. Have you been living as you feel you should or as you think others want you to? If you have been doing the latter, this influence will have a greater impact.

This influence occurs about every twenty-nine years. The first such influence occurred when you were about twenty-nine, and the second is now, between your fifty-eighth and sixtieth birthday.

Last year, many aspects of your life have begun to change. Relationships may have changed, and you may have changed your residence or your job; you have been dominated by an urgent feeling that if you don't do everything you have always wanted to do, you will never have another chance. And now, at about fifty-eight, you will feel that a substantial portion of your life has passed and that you had better get on with making it all work. If your relationship is unsatisfactory but you have been making the best of it, you will examine that relationship even more thoroughly now and may decide to end it. Certainly you will have to change it substantially. The same is true of any other aspect of your life that you have tolerated but not found very rewarding.
Consciously or unconsciously, you are pruning your life of everything that is not relevant to what you really are as a human being. If this process is not happening consciously, you may experience a sense of loss for the elements of your life that are coming to an end now. However, do not dwell upon these losses, for they are necessary in order to clear the decks for the major period of action in your life.

This is a time of endings and new beginnings. If you have built your life up to now around activities that are inappropriate for you, it will be a period of crisis. If you have been doing what you should in previous years, this influence will simply mark a time of solidification and the beginning of new phases of activity.

Saturn conjunction IC: Treading water
End of October 2008 until beginning of August 2009: In this extremely important period of your life, you must pay very close attention to what you are doing, because you are beginning a new phase of activity that will have important consequences in the years to come. The difficult aspect of this time is that the process is very subtle, and it may not be obvious that what you do now is important.

You have just gone through a period of preparation that probably seemed like treading water, getting nowhere and accomplishing nothing. Some people may experience the time just before this influence as exceedingly difficult, with one defeat after another. Others will find it less difficult, but it will not seem terribly significant.

This is the end of a relatively low period in your life, and from now on you will gradually climb to the most significant time in your life.

You should be looking to your personal and domestic life, for this is an area of great responsibility for you now. Do not neglect it in a misguided attempt to get ahead in your professional life. Make whatever changes are necessary so that this aspect of your life is secure. Personal relationships may have broken up just before this time. Now you may have the opportunity to make new ones that will fit your new lifestyle better.

You are on your way up again. The future depends upon the foundation that you lay now.

That should be enough reading for now methinks and I need to make a start on my day. Hope the above helps to put things into perspective somewhat for you regarding recent times. {smile}

I will look up some more info in the days to come .. til then

love always

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