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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Posts for December 2008

Hello dear friends {smile}

Just starting up the December string before I go and make a start on my morning and see to the ~wolfpack~ {smile} I hope that all across the Pond are now fully recovered from the Thanksgiving Celebrations as we start this month in preparation for the Christmas Festivities {smile}

{{elfina}} I am sending out some {{healing energies}} your way and hope that you are recovered from your cold and laryngitis in readiness for your travels to florida tomorrow. If you are not able to call in before then I hope you will feel the energies {{{hugs}}}

Am in the process of writing up my catch up for the outstanding responses to posts and hope to have that completed a little later today. The weather forecast is for rain so I will be inside the house for sure once the dogs have been walked as Michael is here today to see to the outside ones {smile}

til later.. leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter....

with love always

Re: Posts for December 2008

Boy, Liz, you're on the ball. Love December except for the COLD.

Re: Posts for December 2008

Dearest Liz,

This site has been a constant source of enjoyment and comfort. You are one of a kind.

May God bless you with all the blessings befitting an angel.

Love ya to bits!

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!


Re: Posts for December 2008

Hello again dear friends {smile}

With my energies returning I hope to be able to participate more frequently as this message board seems to have been sadly neglected these past months – hopefully that can now change now that I can type again! {smile} I am also looking forward to being able to return to my esoteric astrology writings on the astrodienst forums site as I have really missed also being able to participate there.

It is sooo cold here at the moment yet we are in December now on the count down to the Winter solstice and Christmas . It has been so dark in the mornings now and also getting dark around 4pm as the daylight hours are so short. At least the Sun was out this morning whilst taking the dogs for their morning walk. At the moment I am doing it in two lots as Chakhotay is a bit of a pin with barging everyone and the pups are so full of energy that it is better for now that they are walked separately to the big boys {smile} At least with getting my energies (and my joints) back to some kind of normality it is easier to do that.

{{{elfina}}} I hope that you have a safe journey to Florida today and look forward to your return here when you have settled in again in your winter home. Brrr it is so cold here yet nothing like you have had methinks so no wonder you head southwards at this time of year! {smile}

{{{kermit}}} Hey sweetie it is only 2 degrees C here today and have had to wrap up warm for sure! {smile} I hope that {{bobby}} is doing better now also and make sure you look after you as well! {gentle nag} {grin} I will sit and write in response to your email either later today or tomorrow.. til then sending you a {{warm hug}} across the Sea. {smile}

{{rick}} aww bless your heart dear friend for your kind thoughts – they are always much appreciated. How lovely to start off the Christmas spirit now that we are into the Season of Advent {smile} I have just realised that I need to respond your email and also Lew’s, I will get caught up before the weekend for sure. I am in the process of making a start on my overseas cards this week as need to get them done and posted as will lose this weekend due to having to visit my mother and help get her sorted out. Hope you can bear with me and sending you a {{{big warm hug}} across the Sea too. Nothing like {{warm hugs}} to beat the cold is there? Mind you in florida it is warm anyways! {laughing}

{{Robynne}} if you look in sweetie I will also respond to your email and sorry I haven’t been in touch. {{hugs}} to you and greg.

I am still finishing up the outstanding posts of November and will pop them in here a little later today yet just wanted to leave something here til I have them finished. So til later…..

Much love always


Re: Posts for December 2008

Here I am checking in from sunny Florida. We have the sun but if is a bit chilly. I'll take this chill anyday over the bitter weather we had up north.

We found the house is good repair this year when we arrived. I am blessed with some of the nicest neighbors in the world down here. They took the storm things off the windows for us and pressure washed the whole house and pruned all the trees for us before our arrival. I will have to cook some good meals for them to thank them.

Pat and I are still not feeling our best yet. I still have larengitis and a bad cough and he still has a bad stomach. Praying we are feeling tip top soon.

I got the computer set up last night with a little difficulty as this is a different server from NY.

I'll be back tomorrow with a longer post but just wanted you to know we arrived safe and sound.

Re: Posts for December 2008

Mermaid, I'm so glad that you are regaining your strength,especially coming into winter.From what I have heard from friends,all of the Uk and europe are having cold snowy weather ; I don't mind a little cold but prefer it warm-like today.
Elfina, you made it to your second home ! You both seem very run down,so you sure do need the warm weather. How's your little Scooter?
You really do have nice neighbours,it shows how nice the both of you are.
love and waving

Re: Posts for December 2008

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Sheesh what a week it has been as I have been trying to get the trees up and also caught up with iron etc as I am going to lose nearly four days once I go to help Mother out tomorrow til next Tuesday. Hopefully she will not be too challenging as it is very worrying. If she is that bad then I will simply have to bring her back here with me next week though thinking positively once she sees herself in nice sorted out surroundings then she might feel a little better moth mentally and physically. I found out yesterday that today is the last day for sending the Christmas cards to Australia, New Zealand and Asia so spent the evening getting all the overseas cards done (including the ones across the Pond as the last day will be next Wednesday and I would be cutting it fine if I don’t get back til Tuesday!) {smile} Will pop into town this morning and get them sent on their merry way. {smile}

{{elfina}}} So good to see you are back in florida and getting settled in. I would think though by the time you read this you will be totally organised! {chuckle} I thought I would just leave this message in now as realistically I might not get back in here til tonight or tomorrow morning so wanted to leave a message for you. I hope you are feeling better and sending some {{healing energies}} together with some warm {{{hugs}} across the Pond to you and Pat. {smile}

{{Maggy}} Hope that you had a lovely birthday – I got tied with Mother (as her birthday is the same as yours) so am so sorry that I wasn’t able to produce a graphic on the day. Fortunately we didn’t get any snow yesterday though loads of rain instead. The weather forecast is ok for us for the weekend which is good as I have to travel to mothers and it is a little while since I have undertaken a long journey on my own. Will be quite nice in some ways as I do enjoy driving. Yes it is lovely feeling more ~back to my usual self~ I must admit though I do get the normal aches and pains they are nothing like the side effects of that drug! {Smile} Paul is now coming to terms with my stopping the Arimidex as h wasn’t happy with me even thinking about it let alone once I did stop – a pity he couldn’t have taken it himself so that he could have seen what it was really like. {smile}

Well I can see that it is getting light now so tis time to go and feed the wolfpack their breakfast.and make a start on the day. Will pop this post in for now and be back later.. til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to all who may enter and wishing everyone a lovely weekend {Smile}

Love always


PS I will try and get my outstanding emails responded to very soon and hope you can bear with me til then as there don't seem to be enough hours in the day/night at the moment. thanks for your patience! {smile}

Re: Posts for December 2008

Good morning, I thought I'd get in a quick post before the computer goes down on me again. I have been having trouble with the internet since I got here and the service will be here this afternoon to sort it out I hope.

Mermaid glad your feeling lots better. I cannot say the same. I still have a cough that brings tears to my eyes and a sinus infection. Not much I can do about it but let it run it's course. I cannot take most of the medicine available as it increased my heart rate. The house is all settled in and the Christmas decorations are going up a little at a time.

Mermaid, enjoy your trip to pick up your Mother. My mother is in hospital this week. She was taken by ambulance on Monday and will be moved to a rest home today. She has been so very ill and the dementia is getting stronger. I feel so bad for her and for my father who is her constant companion. Please hold her in your thoughts as she has lost the will to live. Hopefully once they get her medication strightened out she will bounce back and be home for Christmas.

I have watched my Grandmother and my mother age and I am taking lessons on what not to do to your family when my turn comes. I wish to age gracefully with a sweet temperment and treat my children well. I want them to remember me fondly when I pass.

Enough of that nonsence, I hope you have a good trip Mermaid. Waving to Maggy, Kermit and all the rest of my friends here in Mermaids Retreat. Have a Happy Day and an even better weekend.**********

Re: Posts for December 2008

Just popping in quickly to say that I ran out of time and so will be back on Tuesday.

{{elfina}} will be holding your mother in my thoughts and prayers - give your fingers crossed that all will go well with mine on this side of the Pond. {smile}

Hope that everyone has a good weekend. The Universe has been kind as the weather today here is good so will be ok for the 3 hour drive. Just as well I am not going tomorrow as thick fog is forecast! {smile}

Til Tuesday... leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter....

love always

Re: Posts for December 2008

I hope you are having a good time visiting you sister and mother. I am enjoying the Florida sunshine and warmth. The house is all sorted out and I am getting back into the swing of things. I finally got my voice back today which was nice. My mother is doing better today but had a mini stroke on Sunday while my sister was visiting. She was unable to use her left side but by some miracle it passed in a few hours and she is now able to move her hand and leg. It was lucky she was in the nursing home when it happened as she got medical care right away. I hope she will respond quickly to the therapy and have a better quality of life soon.

I have my first painting meeting tomorrow and Red Hats on Wednesday. I love it here with so many things to do. Saturday I have a Winter Holiday luncheon to attend and Saturday night we are going with friends to the club to hear our favorite singing group. Such a different life I lead here.

Kermit, I hope you are doing okay. Scooter is back on his medicine as he has a skin rash and ear infection again. I wish we could find out what he is allergic to. I am thankful that the medicine works so well and he should be all right again in about a week. Not much other news. Waving to the room and wishing you all a happy week.

Re: Posts for December 2008

Hello dear friends

Just popping in to say am now back at home though absolutely exhausted. Babs and I managed to get most of mother's apartment cleaned and sorted out and a load of stuff got rid off so at least she is in some kind of order. She has agreed to get some domestic help otherwise we will have to keep going there every few months to keep on top of it if she can't. With a 3 hour drive there and back it has not been much fun yet we did manage to keep our respective sense of humours (even with working 12 hour days!) {smile}

I have to get unpacked and sorted out here - thank heavens my Polish girls will be here tomorrow as Paul doesn't know how to clean much though he has kept it tidy {smile} With four dogs and muddy feet I think I will just go and wash the floor in the utility room where the pups sleep as it is mud coloured at the moment! Swopping cleaning one place for the other right now yet will be back tomorrow with a longer post. Til then.. hope all are well and that your mother is doing well also dear {{elfina}} together with little {{Scooter}}}.

much love always

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