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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Posts for March 2009

Just starting up the string for March. I don't know where February went as the time flew by so quickly! {smile}

I have to go and feed the ~wolfpack~ their breakfast yet will be back later today with a catch up post. Til then would ask anyone looking in to visit the ~Healing string~ where Diana's brother is in need of a little extra positive energy.

Also sending over some {{comforting, healing energies}} to {{elfina}} and her family as they sleep.

Wishing {{all}} who enter a peaceful Sunday and leaving a {{{warm group hug}}}

with love always

Re: Posts for March 2009

Hi guys,

Trying to clear my head after a week end of partying.

I wish, I would surely be dirt bait if I did the above.

Yes, Mermaid Feb. went quickly and it doesn't help that our month is only 28 day long with an exception every four years.

Elfina, sorry to hear about your father. My peaceful thoughts and prayers go to you for sure. If you don't mind I'll sprinkle a lot of Fairy Dust over ya'll. {{{LOVING PEACEFUL HUGS}}}

Diana, Don must be under a lot of stress. I understand what that can do to one and it can be devasting. for sure Don has my supportive thoughts and prayers. Hi to everyone. My love to all {{{HUGS}}}

Mermaid, how ya doing? I suppose you are preparing for daylight time!
Glad to hear "O" is doing well. Give a shout out to Paul. Thank You for your card. I like that site, can you tell me how it is with membership? Happy Birthday my Friend! Enjoy my Friend! It was just yesterday I was graduating high school. Love Ya Buddy {{{HUGS}}}

I am sorry I haven't been here to wish all a very Happy Birthday. I've been sorta out of things; I am gradually getting back to (hehehe) what ever people think is normal, that is debatable that I'm normal. To all my friends HAPPY BIRTHDAY; ALL HAVE A GREAT YEAR. KNOW i LOVE ALL YA'LL BUNCHES.

LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends {{{HUGS}}} Bom Bobbi here. Hey my guy is feeling better and especially now that that dub doctor has made an antibiotis available. Gees, what a num n...s. Anyway, I'm getting my guy back, slowly, but that's okay. I too want to send VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO ALL OUR FRIENDS. (since I don't know what a birthday is I'll play along with the humans ) Sending {{{LOVING HELPING HUGS AND PEACEFUL HUGS TO EVERYONE}}} Peace and Love to all; God Bless everyone!

Re: Posts for March 2009

Greetings and a Normal March -no fires .floods and may the weather become calmer soon.

Kermit, glad you are becoming better as the days pass-and another Happy Birthday wish to you.

Elfina, I wish you and Pat a safe journey home.

How wonderful the funeral was such a family affair to say a formal good bye to the patriach.

much love to you,

Re: Posts for March 2009

SNOW, SNOW, AND MORE SNOW.....I'm praying that it will stop soon so that we can get into New York City to fly out tomorrow. Thank goodness we were able to change our flights out by one day with no penality. I just want to go home and rest. I have put my mind on auto pilot for the past week. My nerves are shot and I just want to go home. I want to sleep in my own bed and I want Pat to be all better. Pat has been sick since we got here. He was able to go to the wake but not the funeral. He still does not have his voice back but he is up and dressed today which is a good sign. I'll post from Florida tomorrow night God Willing. Until then sending out soothing energies to Diana's brother with hopes that all will be well for him soon.

Re: Posts for March 2009

Just popping in quickly before Neptune time to send out some {{{soothing energies}} to you dear {{elfina}}} and some {{{healing energies}} for your Pat. It is horrible to be unwell when at home let alone under those circumstances and I do hope that you are able to fly back to florida tomorrow dear friend. {{{hugs}}}}}

Will be back in the morning to write up a catch up post... til then leaving a {{warm group hug}}}

with love always

Re: Posts for March 2009

Dearest Elfina,

My thoughts have been with you and Pat during this most difficult times. I am so very sorry.


Re: Posts for March 2009

Happy Birthday Kermit....

I hope your new year brings you wonderful things.


Re: Posts for March 2009

I am home finally. Yesterday was a long, long travel day but here I am safe and sound. I am going to spend the day relaxing and doing laundry. I just need a normal day to get myself back in sinc with the world. Pat's recovering but slowly he still does not have his voice back. Thanks for all your energies and concern dear friends. I am doing better then I thought I would coping.

Re: Posts for March 2009

Glad to hear that you made it back safe and sound Elfina. Resuming "normal" activities will help you for sure. Sending out more energies your way as the days go along.

Thanks to all who have sent Don positive thoughts as well as they've been going through {big grin}. He has taken some action on seeking assistance from his end and is adjusting to the thought that he may have to return home. I know the last decade has been a rough one on him (as it has for many) and that Saturn Rx is giving us all a chance to revisit on past lessons.

Been quite a hectic time for me as well, hence not stopping in more frequently.

A social worker who had dedicated his life to the service of his fellow human beings was shot down and killed in cold blood here on our Homeless Human Services Campus. He was shot repeatedly in the back and died less than 20 feet from our building. A disgruntled client that he had told their time was up for their bed stalked the case worker and gunned him down a week ago Monday.

Needless to say, the event was shocking to all of us who knew him. It was also a reminder of what a dangerous area it is that we work in, and how easily a life can be lost. Unfortunately, these are difficult times for many and desperation causes some to take actions they ordinarily might not.

I feel this is a monumental time for all of us and that it may be a powerful time to pull together in love and mutual support. We are on the brink of humanity's unfolding as we step from the fourth world of separation and war into the fifth world of Peace and Illumination ushered in with 2012 and the events surrounding it.

Though the road ahead is no doubt bumpy, by keeping anchored to the truly important things in life, we can see our way through this...together.

"Let the Circle represent what we can't do alone, we can do together."

Mitakuye Oyasin
We are all related
We are all ONE


Re: Posts for March 2009

Elfina, I'm sorry to hear that Pat has still lost his voice and isn't too well-hope he is better soon.
You will soon have your energy back,but proceed slowly as it was such a shock for you.
Sending healing with Light to help you both.
Diana, It's good to know that your brother is coping better with his life,with your help he will get there.
What a terrible thing to happen to the social worker, or anyone for that matter. I do hope that the killer was caught and put away for many years so he cannot harm anyone else.

Sending healing and whie light to surround you all,

love Maggy

Re: Posts for March 2009

Good morning dear friends {smile}

I had intended to write my catch up post the other day yet the Universe intervened as I have been somewhat under the weather for the past few days. I did feel somewhat better on Thursday yet by mid afternoon I was zonking out somewhat and then by the evening I felt as though I had been hit by a train and was just aching all over so then ended up going to bed last night at 8.30pm. So whether it is the weather or just fighting a cold/flu trying to take over I have not been up to my usual energies. If it was flu then fortunately I get the anti flu jabs so if that is the worst of it done and dusted then that is fine as it doesn’t seem to have come to much thank goodness.{smile}

I did look the other evening and caught up with the news in here and wanted to write a post then yet had to concede and go to bed. It was so good to see that dear {{elfina}} is now safely home and hoping you can now recharge your batteries after all the events of the past week dear friend. Am sending out some more {{healing energies}} for {{Pat}} so that he can recover also.

Yesterday my energies were returning so Michael and I cleared out the single garage so that it is now easier to both park the little MG and also get in and out of it without having to perform contorting gymnastics! {smile} I took it shopping yesterday afternoon which was great fun though once again was tired by the evening time. I have been having such fun with the little car especially when the sun has been out. So today I am going to get the hood down and see how difficult it is to then put it back up again! {smile}

We have got more winter weather forecast for tomorrow though hopefully we won’t get the brunt of it. The spring flowers are now coming through and we had loads of crocuses looking like patches of jewels in the flower beds. The daffodils will soon be out as well which is always the sun that spring is on the way. The snowdrops have been out in force and the winter aconites have now finished flowering. It will be time to give the lawns there first cut of the season though I don’t think it will be over the weekend somehow. {smile}

The pups had their first birthday earlier this week… they are huge now and I will see if I can take some pictures over the weekend and pop them in here that is if they will stay still long enough to have their pic taken! {chuckle} Kirri is nearly as tall as Chakhotay now though not as long – yet! Shula will always be a little girl as she takes after mum though I think she will actually be a bit larger than mum. {smile}

Talking of pups I will have to go give them their breakfast so will pop this post in now and then be back later to go through the posts. I had thought of leaving posting this til later then changed my mind and will pop it in here now so at least there is a start {smile} I hope that {{all}} are well and enjoying a good weekend. Will be back later… til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}}}} to {{{all}} who may enter… {Smile}

Love always


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