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Posts for March 2010

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Just popping in to start the string for March. At least it is a quieter morning outside today thank goodness as the weather was dreadful with high winds and rain over the weekend. We certainly ended the month of February with plenty of water!

I am in the process of writing up a post in word so hopefully will have that completed and posted here later today. I do hope everyone had a good weekend and here's wishing a good start to the week and month to {{all}} who may enter. {Smile} Til later....

much love always

Re: Posts for March 2010

I trust that Kermit had a good birthday...looking forward to him stopping by here soon with and update.

Pat is recovering for some oral surgery he had on Thursday. He had a few stitches from the extraction but is doing better then I thought he would. I just have to make softer foods for the next few days.

We took our motor home to it's new storage home today. We are not allowed to keep them in our driveway here so we had to rent a space for it at a storage facility. I hated leaving it there but there was no choice. We are going to take it out this weekend for a try out for one day at the beach. We have made reservations at Disney Worlds Wilderness Park for 4 days in March. We will also be taking the boat along and staying at a lake near Disney the week prior to our Disney stay. Pat wants to do some fishing and we will leave the boat docked there while at Disney World. We will take in four of the parks while there. It should be lots of fun. I am just praying that the weather cooperates and we have sun and warm days. It has been one heck of a cold winter here this year.

I am taking my first oil painting class on Saturday. I have done acrylic and watercolor but never oils so it will be a new experience for me. I hope I don't mess up to much. The instructor is supposed to be a very good teacher. I hope so.....

Not much other news. I can't believe it is March already...the days just seem to melt into each other. It is my grand daughter Mackenzie's 10th birthday today. It seems only yesterday that I flew north when she was born. She has a little stomach flu and missed her joint birthday party with her sister yesterday. All of Marks family came to visit for the day from Buffalo which is a 4 hours trip for them. Mackenzie spent the day in bed and is home from school today still feeling under the weather. At least she has a new electronic toy called a DSi to play with. Her sister was mad that she wasn't sick too so that she could stay home and play video games.
I mailed my gifts to them out a little late this year but they should get them in time for Emily's birthday on Thursday. I have missed every one of their birthdays since they were born because of living here in Florida. Perhaps when they are a little older I'll fly home and surprise them one year.

Well I have been chatty enough for now. I am not going to correct any of this so if there are errors then please forgive me....bye for now. *********

Re: Posts for March 2010

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Sheesh I don;t know where the days are going to as suddenly we are on the 5th! As the sun has been shining this week (albeit very cold with early morning frosts) I have been making the most of it and been out and about with the little MG.{smile} Also got wrapped up in some astrology writing for the past couple of days and been out in the garden. The time just seems to flow along and just realised this morning that I hadn't got back in here with a post!

It has been so wonderful having the sun out after so much rain although they are forecasting more snow showers at the weekend! This does seem to have been the longest winter since I can remember. The dogs have been enjoying being able to be outside as well and just being able to open the french doors to the study here and let fresh air in for a little longer than just opening the windows for 5 minutes at a time! {chuckle}

All the little spring flowers are coming through now. We have an abundance of snowdrops and winter aconites and even a few crocuses are showing. The daffodil leaves are all coming along well so hopefully it shouldn't be too long before we have a host of them all around the garden. then it really feels like spring is on the way {smile}

Mr and Mrs Mallard Duck are back on the water in the quarry so it has been fun feeding them and ensuring that the dogs just sit and watch what is happening. I guess it won;t be long before they are thinking about nesting once the weather warms up a tad. I think it has been a hard winter for the birds though we go through large sacks of the wild bird seed mix to help keep them all going. {smile}

I have just looked at the time as Kirri and shula have come into the study and nudged me that it is their breakfast time - with those two who needs an alarm clock! {chuckle} Will pop this post in for now and hope to be back this afternoon to go through the posts. Til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter...

with love always

Re: Posts for March 2010

Hi guys

Thank you for those wonderful birthday wishes and healing thoughts for Bobbi and myself. The day was beautiful. Our weather has dramaditly improved. the sun has returned and the temps near 70 now, WHEW, THANKS YOU GOD.

First about Bobbi. A while ago the vet said Bobbi has a heart mummer and was coughing. Now when she gets overly excited she falls. Her eyes remain open and the sooner I pet her-or anyone-she responds and comes around okay. Me and Bobbi are just going to love life even more these days.

Elfina, thanks for the beautiful post. I liked that GREEN guy there and the wee doggy being petted. THANKS. Enjoy your new RV and the many new adventures you will have with it. {{{HUGS}}}

Maggy, Thanks for the birthday wishes and thoughts for Bobbi. I see you're breaking in your new hip quickly; soon you'll be playing soccor {your football?) ENJOY {{{HUGS}}}

Robynne, Thank you for your wonderful thoughts an birthday wish for Bobbi and myself. Ya, she has my birthday. Enjoy my friend and Take Care {{{HUGS}}}

Diana, hey, you guys still above water? We've had so much rain I was fearful we would be lake bottom again. I see you guys may still be getting rain and... Thanks. Bobbi appreciates your healing thoughts and is wondering how Lakota is doing. Enjoy the warm weather now that is almost here. {{{HUGS}}}

Mermaid, Ahh, my birthday was a good un and Bobbi had a beautiful one too. Boy, this winter has been a b... all over. Thanks for the beautiful card and we-Bobbi too-will be having a very good and happy year. We're just ENJOYING AND APPRECIATING EVERYDAY. ENJOY MY FRIEND {{{HUGS}}}

LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends {{{HUGS}}} Bom Bobbi here. I am very touched receiving all those beautiful healing energies. Life is what it is and we will be enjoying every bit of time we have; THANKS AGAIN MY WONDERFUL FRIENDS; PEACE, LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL YA'LL. {{{SENDING MY HEALING PAWSEY HUGS AND LICKS TO ALL}}}

Re: Posts for March 2010

Hello dear friends [smile}

Well here we are the start of the weekend. I am doing a new post as the one I was working on is now out of date so rather than edit I thought it was quicker to just sit and type up a new one {smile}

The weather has been very cold this week though the sun has been shining and what a difference it makes! It has really lifted up the spirits I must admit as this winter has just seemed to go on forever and ever. They have been saying that it has been the coldest longest winter for over 30 years and I can believe that. It has been lovely waking the dogs this week and I even took the little MG out for a run to Ipswich as the weather was so nice (mind you I didn’t take the hood down) {smile} Yesterday we got the shopping done so I should have the weekend to myself to catch up with a few things and perhaps get some more writing done. The weather is not going to be brilliant today (with cloud and a few showers) though tomorrow should be a lot better so I might get out into the garden to do a few things.

With the sun out every day the dust has been showing up so I have been getting some early spring cleaning done this week as well. I think seeing all the spring flowers coming out that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel of the winter coming to an eventual end thank heavens. {Smile} Hopefully it will lift Paul’s spirits also as he has been fairly low in recent months and seems to be turning into the original ~grumpy old man! ~ {smile}

He has been having some health issues with his back. He was diagnosed with osteoporosis last year and so has a problem with his spine which may entail surgery at some stage although as it would be quite a major operation he is seeing if anything can be done without having to resort to surgery. It is changing his life and he is having to do things differently though to a fixed sign this is challenging for him and so he has not been a happy chappy in recent times. Mind you he is starting to learn pain management and sort of adjusting his lifestyle though not as much as he probably should do, so methinks he is learning another life lesson the hard way yet learn it he must. I think it is also coming to terms with the fact that he is getting older and not as able to do all the things that he was able to do when younger. I think he is finding that hard. At least he has a game of golf yesterday and won with his partner so hopefully that cheered him up somewhat – we shall see {smile} I guess it is so much easier for mutable signs to learn to go with the flow and if change is necessary then just do it. I see Babs and Paul sometimes struggling (that fixed Leo/Aquarius axis) with what should be done and what they actually do or don’t do and apart from offering advice I then have to let go of it as it is their path(s) to walk. Mind you I guess they don’t see it as struggling! {chuckle}

Anyways I have been rambling on again and need to feed the ~wolfpack~ their breakfast. I will respond to the posts later today for sure. In the meantime, in case I don’t get back until after our friends across the Pond have started your day …

{{elfina}}} I do hope your new oil painting class goes well. I am sure you will enjoy it as, although it is a very different technique the results are more vibrant. {smile} Will be back later to go through your post {{{hugs}}}

{{kermit}}} aww how lovely to read your post dear friend and see that your spirits seem to have lifted {{{hugs}}} and love to you and some extra {{{healing energies}} to dear {{bobby}}}…

til later, leaving a {{{warm group hug}}} to {{{all}} who may enter..

with love always


Re: Posts for March 2010

Hi Mermaid,

i read your post and thought of something that maybe helpful.

I read a while ago a study done in England found that after winter the body is usually/is low on vit D. Since it is a Sunshine vit it may/will cause a low energy feeling. it has to be built up slowly.

Also for Paul, I found acupuncture quite helpful; it may even help with the osteo. as well as the pain.

Have a great day and ENJOY THE SUN

LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends {{{HUGS}}}

Re: Posts for March 2010

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Sitting here with my coffee just about finished and watching the sun come up is such a lovely thing {smile} There has been a real white frost out there yet that should melt off a bit later. Yesterday I was walking around the garden and we have had such an influx of snowdrops that I didn’t know where they all came from as I didn’t plant them (and neither did Paul!) of course our friends the birds have been doing their stuff methinks! {chuckle} It was lovely to see all the little clumps of white materialising all over and I saw that the hyacinth’s leaves are pushing through now as well. It shouldn’t be too long til we have some daffodils though they are well behind due to the extremely cold weather.

Anyways before I get into a real ramble again and still haven’t gone through posts I am going to make a start on them now {smile}

{{elfina}}} I hope the painting class went well yesterday and that you enjoyed the new medium. It is a shame that your grandchildren don’t see their grandma for their birthdays yet as you say once they are a bit older then am sure they would appreciate a flying visit from you at their solar return time {smile} Has Pat recovered from his dental surgery yet? I hope he is now feeling much better from both before and now after it. I should think you will be looking forward to your trip in your new motor home and re-reading your post I guess you are in it now as you were taking it to the beach this weekend? Will you be leaving it in Florida whilst you are back in your northern home or having a nice trip back north in it so you can use it during the summer. Look forward to hearing from you again once you are back home and do hope that the weather is now improving for you. {{{hugs}}}

{{{kermit}}} awww how lovely to have warm weather again {smile} Mind you with the sun shining here it has lifted the spirits enormously. We have to wrap up a little warmer though to be outside. Not that the dogs mind as they have their fur coats as insulation. There is not a lot one can say re Bobbi though as you both seem to have it sorted as to what to do then that is fine isn’t it? At least you can recognise the symptoms and wait for her to come round after a nice big pat or three bless her {{{bobbi hugs}}} I know what you mean about the sun thing as I do get affected by the lack of it.. (with Sun as my chart ruler I would) … I take my vitamins etc and ensure that I have enough of them it is more a spirit lifting thing for me though Paul is finding it difficult coming to terms with the ageing process and all that that entails. I know you have been through that yourself and are well ahead of him yet his Virgo Ascendant does sometimes drive me a bit to distraction I must admit. At least we have the space here so I can take myself off to the other end of the house (if the weather is bad) or outside if the weather is good so he can have some time to himself. I thank heavens for the fact we have the dogs else it could get very lonely here. {smile} He has been a lot better since going to his osteo last week though there is only so much that can be done – I don’t think he would do acupuncture because of the needles! {chuckle}

{{{maggy}} How are things going Down Under for you and how is the healing coming along? I hope all is well with you and Dan and that you are now completely painfree and starting to whizz about a bit! {grin} And hey now that he has managed the cooking and housekeeping skills for himself then perhaps he can give you a break every now and then right? {smile} How are the dogs doing ? I should think they were very happy to see their mum back weren;t they? Sending love and {{{big warm hugs}} to you sweetie and a few extra {{healing energies}} just in case there is a little ~blip~ {smile}

{[Diana}} thank you so much for your birthday wishes. {{{hugs}}} I know how busy our own ~nows~ can get and hope that you are not working too hard. I still find that there are not enough hours in my day though now they are beginning to get a bit longer that is indeed a bonus so that I am starting to have those extra hours! {smile} Are you and Ed still getting married this year btw? I hpe that Don Snr and Loralee are doing well and have just remembered that it must be (or have been) Donny’s birthday – I must go and check out my facebook and see if I have missed it! Still I can leave him a message if he is still on there.

Well am going to pop this post in now as time to go and walk the wolfpack and feed the sheep {smile} I started this earlier and then had to go and feed the pack and though I must sit and complete this post before the day takes over {smile}

I hope that everyone is having a good Sunday and will look in later… til then am leaving a {{{big warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter {smile}

Love always


PS I am not re-checking for typos as I belive we all understand what each other are saying don’t we? {smile}

Re: Posts for March 2010

Hi Mermie and Friends!

Hope Kermit got his birthday card. Does he even know how long I had to keep and feed those 2 dogs before I sent them to him? They ate me out of house and home. LOL!

Am sending a friend to this room. An old Acer fallen on difficult times with ill health. The thought of her being isolated and in despair is more than I can bear. I am sure our love will help ease her through the torment. I will keep in personal contact with her, but she needs more than me. In good times she has the most cheeky sense of humour, please love her as I do. Always thinking of y'all, just rarely get to the PC these days what with "him indoors" hogging it.

Warmest ((HUGS))..... Hathor

Re: Posts for March 2010

dear {{Hathor}}}} awww any friend is welcome here at the Retreat sweetie so you know they can be assured of a warm welcome from all who visit. {smile} If they are reading this then please feel free to leave a line it doesn't matter whether you are feeling cheeky or a little less than your usual self. am sitting here sending out some {{healing energies}}} together with some {{{warm hugs}}}}as well... even though we don;t know you yet the Universe does so it will make sure you receive them {smile}

I know what you mean about the feed bills - if you think it is difficult for two then double it for our lot! {chuckle} Now just push your Aquarian other half off the PC from time to time so you can pop in yet if he is too big then no problem we will always enjoy your posts when you are here. {smile} Sending you a {{{warm hug}} to sweetie.

with love always

Re: Posts for March 2010

Hello dear friends [smile}

Just popping in to wish everyone a good weekend. It has been a fairly busy week here and I have also been immersed in more things to do with Mother's estate which hopefully will be sorted out by next week.

Yesterday Michael and I got stuck into cleaning out the deep litter from one of the stables and we will do the other one on Monday. It wasn't as bad as we have kept fairly on top of it over the winter so my back was only a little stiff by yesterday evening. {smile}

I am hoping to also do some more web pages over the coming weekend as I want to get the esoteric astrology side updated this year and there isn't too much to be done outside at the moment. It is lovely seeing more spring flowers coming out and now we have crocuses popping up in little clumps everywhere which is adding a lovely splash of colour.[smile}. The daffodils are going to be very late due to the cold winter and the snow last month, though from looking at the buds coming up we might be in for a good year with them. {Smile}

Well there isn't much more news from me right now and I guess everyone must be busy in their own ~nows~ as it is so quiet in here at the moment.

Will look in over the weekend... til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter...

with love always

Re: Posts for March 2010

Good morning dear friends {smile}

It is Mothering Sunday here today in the UK so I wanted to leave a post here to acknowledge the day {smile}.

Mothering Sunday takes place on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Although it's often called Mothers' Day it has no connection with the American festival of that name.

Traditionally, it was a day when children, mainly daughters, who had gone to work as domestic servants were given a day off to visit their mother and family.

Today it is a day when children give presents, flowers, and home-made cards to their mothers.

A History of Mothering Sunday

Most Sundays in the year churchgoers in England worship at their nearest parish or 'daughter church'.

Centuries ago it was considered important for people to return to their home or 'mother' church once a year. So each year in the middle of Lent, everyone would visit their 'mother' church - the main church or Cathedral of the area.

Inevitably the return to the 'mother' church became an occasion for family reunions when children who were working away returned home. (It was quite common in those days for children to leave home for work once they were ten years old.)

And most historians think that it was the return to the 'Mother' church which led to the tradition of children, particularly those working as domestic servants, or as apprentices, being given the day off to visit their mother and family.

As they walked along the country lanes, children would pick wild flowers or violets to take to church or give to their mother as a small gift.

The food item especially associated with Mothering Sunday is the Simnel cake.

A Simnel cake is a fruit cake with two layers of almond paste, one on top and one in the middle.

The cake is made with 11 balls of marzipan icing on top representing the 11 disciples. (Judas is not included.) Traditionally, sugar violets would also be added.

Although Mother's Day falls on a different date on the other side of the Pond, we can then just have a double celebration in honouring both those who are Mothers and also our own Mothers whether they are still with us on Planet Earth or have since departed.

I wish a very Happy Mothering Sunday to {{all}} who may enter...

with love always

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