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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Posts for January/February 2011

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Just starting up the string for the beginning of 2011, a new month and a new year. {smile}

I hope that everyone had a good celebration, I went to bed early yet was woken up with the sound of fireworks going off! Fortunately I was able to go back to sleep again! {chuckle}

I need to go and wake Paul because he is out for the day so will be back a little later on once I have seen to animals as well. So til later... wishing everyone a very Happy 2011, I hope it brings much happiness to {{all}}}....

with love always

Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Happy New Year to all.

Sure been a rough night with thunderstorms and rain. It always rains on NY day it seems.

If you follow the URL, you will find a fun New Years card for you.all

Sure hope 2011 will be better, as it will be very difficult to be worse than 2008, 2009 2010. I think all the sickness, worry, anxiety and stress has outstayed its welcome. So have a look around my site, I think one page offers some hope *S*

Luvya XX

Re: Posts for January/February 2011


Good morning from sunny's a brand new year and I am so happy about it. 2010 was not one of my best years for sure. I am so looking forward to a much kinder 2011 for myself, my family and my friends. Wishing you all a great year ahead.

We had lovely dinner of filet mignon and lobster tails last night at Outback restaurant. We then went home and watched some fireworks from our dock, next off to a party at a friends house for a few hours and then off to sing Karaoke at a club our friends were KJ's at and topped it off with breakfast at Perkins for pancakes. Returned home at
1:01 o'clock on 1/1/11. It was a busy night.

No New Years Resolutions for me this year, just a plan for better health. I guess that means watching my diet and walking more and sitting in front of the computer less.

Well I'm off to start my day...wishing you all a very good start to this new year.

Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Just arrived back home in North Carolina after cleaning out my house in Chicago. My son has promised that he was moving here and he got a job offer from the university where I am working. He is suppose to start Monday and I am hoping he follows through and arrives here. My nephew will be renting my house.

Sending good thoughts and prayers that the New Year holds happiness and health for each and everyone here. It is wonderful to know that I always have a place to come and share. For those who suffered loss in 2010. may your memories bring you peace....


Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Those penquins are grouse ! Ye olde english/aussie slang =excellent-love them !!

I am also thankful that this horrible year has passed; we still have another day off ! What,you all cry, "a retired couple having a day off? You always have a day off--ha ha!!' hmmmm-no dears, we help the doctors get rich !!!
Sarcastic,moi ?

The new calendars are up,can't see the dates clearly, might buy myself another large one so I can see time passing.

Lots of Happies , dear Friends.
from Maggy

Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Maggy, I was almost upset .. but then I had a chuckle.
Have got a website somewhere about cooking penguins and penguin recipes. (Of course it is not true!) I hope. I will send it to you, but it is just not serious and in but in severe bad taste. Oh, did I mean that?

Glad you found the penguin page. I do several in the hope something will not offend everyone. (you gotta stand in a queue for me to offended). But do check from time to time as I take things in and out of navigation. I tried to model my site on Mermaid's ..but I do not have that kind of focus. But, I think, I am starting to remodel it into something that is just eclectic, eccentric, and if you don't know who I am, then it is too late to find out. *S*. By tomorrow it will be something else ... would be a good place for you to start Maggy. It is free (within limitations) and at first it took me about 30 mins to put up a first page; now it takes 2 mins to do a new page. But I have years and years of archives I built up for no good reason other than it was pretty. Suddenly, I had all these resources of backgrounds, pictures, sounds etc. I would be happy to share with you and help where needed, though, much is still a mystery to me.

BTW Mountaingoat birthday on 4th. I put up a page for her.

Love to you and Dan.
PS. Maid turned up today and was utterly mortified at the state of the place. We had such high winds and most of the outside garden is now inside. LOL! She's overpaid anyway! NB New website thingey... click and go

Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Hello dear friends {smile}

Having to whiz through again as am incredibly busy with getting the ORC 2011 stuff redone for web together with new brochure design etc etc.

From us having colds/flu and the dogs being ill with tummy bugs all over christmas (shuddering at the memory of that!) I now have Paul ill with tummy bug so not sure when he will be back in the office. It does seem rather never ending right now though as we know all things do change and this will also {smile}

I can't believe the floods in Queensland and feel so sorry for everyone there who are going through it let alone the thought of snakes and crocs in the water! I hope that the flood waters soon start to recede....

Have to dash and make an early start to my day to try and get mundane things done before back at computer for work stuff. Hope to be back soon with a longer post... til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter...

with love always

Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Hi there--are you all well?
I hope none of my 'over the pond' friends have swine fever-that is so nasty.
Mermaid,Everyone--please write home.

I'm getting worried about you all.

love Maggy

Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Hello dear friends [smile}

I am so sorry that I have not been able to post much in recent weeks. The time seems to have moved so quickly. With the build up to Christmas, firstly the dogs then both of us being ill and then trying to catch up here with everything that had gone backwards and getting the new systems set up for working at home again for the boat since Jackie’s death, I don’t know where the time has gone. I am getting there though yet thought I really must pop in and leave some kind of a message in case anyone thinks I have just abandoned the board.

The winter cold/flu or whatever it was really took it out of me. I know it wouldn’t have been the dreaded swine flu as have had the shot against that. I just seemed to be on the mend then it would seem to start all over again. the past few days have seen a return of energy though. I had a skip delivered and we filled that last week with leaf sacks and bags of stuff saved up in the garage, and then another one delivered this week which is now half full. Both Michael and Robert have been helping with that as well. With not being well the ironing pile had built up to a mountain so that is all nearly caught up too and I had to reorganise the study to be able to fit in another filing cabinet for working from home.

At least the Universe was kind with the weather as the snow went and rain returned with a little milder weather for now until the next cold spell hits next week. We have to go to another funeral/memorial service this morning so I thought I must sit and write up something as it will be food shopping this afternoon and then another day will have gone. I have been so tired that sometimes I have just gone to bed at 7pm and slept right through though it has been lovely to have some energy returning. {Smile}

I do hope that all are well. I have been watching the floods in Queensland with a sense of horror at the devastation that has been happening there. Mother Nature is certainly doing strange things at the moment. I do feel for all those families who have lost their homes and loved ones. I was thinking about all the poor animals as well and now with the waters going down looking at the residue to be cleared up is beyond belief.

I can’t go through the posts right now as will have to make a start on my morning and get the dogs fed and Paul up. We have to leave quite early so Michael is coming over this morning to take the dogs for their walk and see to the sheep. I hope to be able to start posting more frequently very soon…. Til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter…

With love always


Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Your sign has changed .....

Re: Posts for January/February 2011

Hello dear friends {smile}

Just popping in briefly to leave a message for you dear Rick regarding your comment. {smile}

If you use the sidearal zodiac then I would agree with you yet Western astrology has been using the tropical zodiac where the signs line up from the equinoxes. ie Aries at the Spring Equinox and Libra at the Autumn equinox. Would suggest that you read, if you are interested that is {smile}, the following article might might explain it better than I can {smile}

Whilst I think of it, the Christmas card I sent to you got returned this week with a return to sender label on it. It said that it was unable to forward. I didn’t realise that you had moved so can only apologise for you not receiving my usual christmas greeting card.

Have to go and feed dogs now… so wishing everyone a good weekend…

With love always


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