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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Posts for May/June

Hello dear Friends {smile}

Starting up the new string for May and June on this May Day morning {smile}

It is a beautiful morning here today though the wind is still a little cool. So it looks as though I will be out mowing. Robert is coming at 9.30 for the day as he can't come over next week and Paul I am sure will be glad of the help as he will be getting work done in the veggie garden.

I have to think about getting things put together for the boat as this time next week we will be on the boat. We have both come down with summer colds which hs made life somewhat challenging. I went to bed at 8.30 last night as I felst so bad (having spent the afternoon sleeping on the sofa here in the study). Let's hope that it is just a 48 hour bug. {smile}

Will pop this post in now and then have to go and read back through some of the April ones so that I can respond to them. til later... wishing everyone a very happy May Day. {smile}

love always

Re: Posts for May/June

Mermaid. I do hope this nasty summer cold will pass quickly and you will enjoy your holiday.

Came out of hospital last wednesday,all starting to get nicely healed-and then -I slipped off the bed-the cover was silky and I slithered down and landed-where else? on my knees--ouch !Luckily I had the phone handy and rang 000,and the ambos carted me off to hospital because a coule of the woulds where the staples came out were open.All they did after 5 hours was put another few strips across and rebanage and send mke home ! What a stupid thing to do and i was being so careful.I was so cross with myself.Anyhow the benetas nurse came and redid it but ----it is sorer that it's meant to be.-dash dash and dash.

Apart from that I am just sleeping..

I sawthe second part of the wedding when the BNishop gave that lovely sermon about marriage,and the bride looked beautiful in her dress.
I hope they will be very happy in their lives together.

love and waving all around, Maggy

Re: Posts for May/June

Hi folks; winter is refusing to go away.:-(

Diana, it was good reading about your weather. I was wondering how ya'll were doing. It appears you guys haven't had the winds we have; it's really tiresome. There has not been a drop of rain here this year. Sorry to hear your boss hasn't really learned what it takes to be a leader of people, sad. I wish you the best for sure; doesn't help working for a B... One reason I've had such an extensive work history; couldn't/cant work with people as that. GOOD LUCK FRIEND {{{HUGS}}}

Maggy, please no silk for now, please. Take Care my FRIEND. No more frolicking on de bed. HEALING THOUGHT AND PRAYERS FROM ME AND B2.{{{HUGS}}}

Mermaid, I keep telling you about baking soda. Git better quick my FRIEND. Hmmmm you and Paul sick, seems ya'll are sharing a bit too much. Lots o sleep, ya listen to doctor please. hehehe I know better. TAKE CARE BUDDY. ENJOY {{{HUGS}}}

LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends + B2. Hi B2 here. Seems many of our friends are not doing too well so, I'M SENDING MY SPECIAL {{{LOVING PAWSEY HUGS AND LICKY LICKS}}} I LOVE YOUSE GUYS LOTS, LOVE YA'LL XXX

Re: Posts for May/June

Just stopping in to say that I am back in NY...busy, busy, busy for a few more days. We bought a new computer today and I will set it up tomorrow. In the meantime this one is on it's last legs. Just wanted to let you know all is well and to tell Maggy I am sending her some healing energies and to move very slowly in the future and not roll around to much in bed. LOL Heal quickly...

Liz, Kermit and Diana sending my love and hoping you are all well. The rain finally stopped today and the sun came out. It has been dreary here since our return. I am so greatful that I can get away for the winters,
it is grey here most of the time lately.

Re: Posts for May/June

It's Mothers Day here in the states. My grand daughters are still asleep but as soon as they awake we are making bacon, eggs and pancakes on my new griddle that Pat bought me for Mothers Day. He also bought me a lovely new bird feeder and roses, what a lucky lady I am.
Spring is coming on strong here all of a sudden. I can't believe the change in just 6 days. The flowering trees are all coming out and it is so pretty. The deer ate a lot of my shrubs and ornaments. I am hopeing they come back. Pat also planted 4 new roses for me this week they will be beautiful this summer.
I woke up with a wicked sore throat but am trying to pretend it does not hurt. I want to enjoy this day with the kids. Denise had to work today so we celebrated with her on Friday. She bought me a beautiful flowering hanging basket. John has to work to day so we will stop in a little later to see him. I wish I could talk to my Mom sometimes she talks on the phone I hope she can today.
Liz I hope your holiday on the water is wonderful this year with NO RAIN....Maggy I hope you are healing quickly and that Dan is doing well. Kermit I hope you and B2 are doing all right too. Diana I hope Ed is feeling well and that your Mom is too. I'll be back later in the week...until then wishing you all happiness and better health.

Re: Posts for May/June

Just stopping in to say Hi to everyone who stops in. I hope our Mermaid is having a lovely relaxing holiday on the boat this year. Spring has arrived here and everything looks beautiful and each day brings new surprises. I have my usual spring cold but am starting to feel better today. I hope you are all well and things are going OK for each of you. Looking forward to Mermaids return.

Re: Posts for May/June

Autumn has been blown away by the nasty wind and weather,so am in the best place-a nice warm house.

I went to see Dan yesterday at his residental home;he was a little teary as we haven't seen each other since easter sunday. I took some more videos for him,lots of comedies to cheer him up.He will be home in 2 weeks and we are both looking forward to it.

Summer colds are awful and i am glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery,Elfina.

Mermaid, hope the holiday is doing you both good and you will rejoin us nice and relaxed.

Waving to everyone,

love Maggy

Re: Posts for May/June

Hello dear friends {Smile}

Just a quick one liner as this is the first time I have fired up the little netbook.

I have been quite unwell and got antibiotics just before we left so they are now working thank goodness.

We are having a lovely restful time on the boat and I will write up a little more today as we are on the southern broads and for the first time I have a gps signal to connect the netbook.

Lovely to read the posts this morning and sending out a {{big warm hug}}} to you {{all{{ together with {{healing energies}} for {{Maggy and dan}}}.

{{elfina}} lovely to see you are home north safe and sound and enjoying it! {{{hugs}}}... til later....

love always

Re: Posts for May/June

Sorry you were not well at the start of your trip Mermaid. I hope you are now fully recovered. I had a rotten cold last week and have now passed it on to Pat. He has been in bed with fever and a wicked cold for 2 days. I hope he is better by Friday as we are going to Connecticut to see my Mother and family. My neice is also in a play that we will see on Friday night. It is a musical and her first role as an adult at a real theatre. She graduates high school in a month. I can't believe she is all grown up already. She has a wonderful singing voice and I am glad I will be able to hear and see her. I hope one day to see her on Broadway...she's that good.
I've got a pot roast in the crock pot and it smells so good right now. I better go and put on some potatoes to go with it. Bye for now and looking forward to your return Mermaid.

Re: Posts for May/June

Hey Everyone
Long overdue here, life has got very busy lately, so have not had a lot of spare time, but wanted to pop in and say Hello!

I've taken on some extra work with Access, supporting a mum with 22 month old twins who is also pregnant and due any day. The twins are Chloe and Kayla, Chloe is autistic and I'm there for teatime support, playing with them while mum cooks dinner, and then helping feed, bath etc. So not home till 6:30 pm at nights now.

It does make for a nice balance with my elderly clients and all that cleaning though. Am also starting the Lvl 3 training for the national Community Support Worker certificate through work, aww god knows where I am going to fit that in...maybe if I don't sleep??? hahaha. Its all good though, feeling that I am starting to get more established now, getting back into the workforce, and its quite a way to retirement, so was best that I sorted out something I like and can enjoy, (and helps pay the bills)haha.

Leaving a link here, I just love this song, beautiful harmonies, and then found out the singers were Rita Coolidge and her sister and niece. Hope you enjoy!

Re: Posts for May/June

Good morning dear friends {smile}

We are now back at home - we got back yesterday and I have now got unpacked and nearly all the laundry done and also caught up on wonderful sleep in my own comfy bed! {smile}

We spent a lot of yesterday actually getting flower beds watered because there has been no rain so the lawns are burnt out and whilst Jill kept the watering systems going on the beds round the house the others were not done by Michael with the sprinklers.

I will write up a post about the holiday (which was lovely once I had got over the cold/flu/sinus infection bug)! {smile} There is almost no mobile phone signal on the Broads so in some ways there really isn't much point in my taking the laptop as I only managed to get in here the one time! In any event I had downloaded quite a few books onto my Kindle so I enjoyed doing a lot of reading instead {smile}

I have taken lots of pics with the new camera so will get some of them downloaded and pop them onto my facebook page this coming week as well.

Well time to go get dressed and feed dogs. Emma is coming this morning the bring back the phone for the river boat and files etc so will be back to work for me a little later today. {smile}

Will be back to respond to posts and in the meantime leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter and wishing everyone a lovely weekend. {Smile}

with love always

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