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Posts for October/November/December 2011

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Popping in to start up the new quarterly string for October/November/December which will then see us up to the end of the year. Actually just thinking about putting the posts together like that is certainly helping to make the time go faster isn’t it? {smile}

It is thick fog outside this morning and we have to go into Ipswich to see Darcy have her picture taken with her new truck, so if the fog is still this bad then I think Paul might be driving rather than us going in the little MG with the hood down! {smile}

Will be back later… til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter and wishing everyone a lovely weekend. {Smile}

With love always


Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

2 in the pm and it is only 47 degrees...I guess our summer is officially over and fall is truly setting in. We've just been invited out to dinner with friends and I now have to check through my winter type clothes to see what to wear in the cold. Over the years my warm weather wardrobe has grown while my cold weather one has more ways then one. I don't know what fits me anymore. I am going to spend the rest of the day trying to put together an outfit, I hope I can find one.

What is this with Darcy and a truck??? Seems she is a little young for one. My son did get a brand new truck last week, he is so happy with it. Pat and I will be buying a new car this winter in Florida. We haven't had a new new car in a long time.

Waving to the room, I better go and start pulling clothes out of my closet. It's not going to be a fun afternoon.

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

To cheer you all up, it is a lovely morning here,blue skies,cool wind and still about 18o but nice afternoon forecast.

Well, Dan is off to his respite home next Tuesday for 8-10 weeks; I go to hospital on Thursday afternoon,and the 1st operation is Friday am-our 13th Wedding anniversary !
Then on 18th,Monday,the 2nd operation on my back: turn me on my tummy,fillet me,remove a bone or two,fiddle with this and that,and sew me up again-if I don't try and use a sense of humour,I may 'lose it'.

Actually I am more concerned about Dan than me, but am sure that the Team will be with me and him,watching every move the surgeon makes !!!!

So that is the program for the next month or two,still have a oouple of good big books to read and lots of sleep to catch up on .

Jacob will move in on the Thursday night,13th, to look after the dogs and house-so there we are !

waving Maggy

PS-I have been reading in the paper,that England has been sweltering in a heat wave ? Weather is crazy these days, and we all all tired and bad tempered,the first proper working day of daylight saving-'they' haven't reminded me what I am saving ?


Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

Hello dear friends {smile}

I thought I would get my catch up in responding to posts completed and posted today otherwise we will be at the end of this week again as time is continuing to zoom by at a rate of knots! {smile}

Before I do so though please hold dear {{Nelson }} in your thoughts as he has managed to get a bd tummy bug and the last 36 hours has been dreadful as he has been throwing up all over the place. I didn’t get any sleep at all on Sunday night as it brought back memories of Noosa and what happened with him although (without going into too much gross detail) it wasn’t the same. He went through yesterday ok and then it all started again at 7.45 last night so I rushed him off to the vet who gave him an injection to stop the vomitting and he has pills as well to help settle his tum and also gentle food to be given in small amounts as he hasn’t lost his appetite. Hopefully once the injection has worn off by tonight (as it last for 24 hours) then things will have calmed down for him.

Hokey dokes back to the posts {smile}

{{{elfina}}} it has been sooo hot here in the UK as on Saturday (the 1st October) it was the hottest October day for more than a 100 years! The temperatures were in the high 80’s which is unheard off.

Regarding Darcy’s ~truck~ - remember Paul has a haulage business as one of his businesses and all of the trucks have a girl’s name on the front of them. So now there is a truck with Darcy’s name on the front and we went and took pictures of her with her new truck. {smile} I am not sure what you would call them in the States but these are big haulage trucks not the kind that Pat had for towing your trailer. {smile} I will get the pictures of the holiday and truck etc off the camera later today and pop one in here so you can see it.

I guess it must be really cool now over there as what you have on the other side of the Pond comes here and now there are some low fronts coming in with high winds and rain. Mind you we won’t be getting the rain so I have been watering all the flower beds as they weren;t done whilst we were away so now they have all recovered. Thank goodness and we were able to have a couple of barbeques over the weekend as well which was a bonus as we didn’t think we would be having any more before we went on the cruise and had packed the barbeque away for the winter! {smile}

I know exactly what you mean re clothes and them not fitting – I had a major sort out both before we went away (to find out what fitted etc and what to be able to take) and also after we got back to make room in the wardrobes for my autumn clothes. Of course what you will have to do then is go and buy some more that will fit! {smile} I did buy some evening dresses for the cruise the style of which will work even when I get a bit smaller (thinking positively here) and I didn’t put any weight on whilst away either. I think going on the diet and losing quite a few pounds before helped as well. I should think you must be an absolute master at the art of packing and unpacking with the amount of travelling that you do. {smile} I managed to get everything unpacked sraight away and stuff put in the laundry and this weekend got the last of the ironing all done so that is a good thing.

I hope that Pat has now fully recovered from his bug and that you are both fit and well health wise. {{{hugs}}}

{{{Maggy}}} The cruise was wonderful and I must admit that it was just what was needed for this holiday. We rested, read a lot, ate a lot and drank quite a lot as well as the excursions which were lovely. After this summer and all the work with the boat it was just the ticket. {smile} It was just a lovely lazy time with a little bit of business with the excursions yet plenty of time to reciver as I made sure that they didn’;t last for longer than 4 hours rather than the full day ones we have done in the past. It was fairly bouncy the first few days I must admit with very large swells which meant that quite a few people didn’t appear in the restaurants for a few days until the anti seasick pills took effect or they got their sea legs or a bit of both! {smile} The weather was fabulous and couldn’t have been better once we got down through the Bay of Biscay. {smile} We have been sweltering here this past week although today it is only in the high 60’s as the wind is a little cooler so that is much better for me I must admit {smile}

I can’t believe that the time has gone by so fast and it will soon be time for your surgery. I do hope that all goes well for you and that it won’t be long before Dan is home with you again. Thank heavens you have someone to more into the house and look after it and the dogs for you whilst you recover. Now you will be moving into your spring/summer and am sure that will help as well as sunshine always lifts the spirits doesn’t it? I will be holding both of you in my thoughts and sending out {{healing energies}}} your way. What a way to spend your Wedding Anniversary! We will be waiting to hear news from you as soon as you are able to write. In the meantime, sending love and {{{warm hugs}}} Down Under to you sweetie and keep thinking positively {{{more hugs}}}

{{{diana}}} hope the web site is going well and that it will soon be up and running properly. Am really looking forward to seeing it. {Smile} I have to go through all my oustanding emails and I know I still owe you one it is just I have been catching up with everything work and homewise. Still with the weather about to change by the weekend then I wwon’t be out in the garden catching up as much so can settle down to more time writing for me as also the work is easing up with the boat as she finished her public cruise season last weekend and then only one charter in early November and then she is out of the water. {smile} I should think that it is lovely for you now working from home – I know I love it though in some ways it would be nicer if I was just running the house, garden and animals so I would have time for my own writings. At least things have eased down for me now so perhaps when the weather turns then I will be able to make a start on some writing for me before I have to start on the 2012 web site for the boat {smile} How is your Mom doing btw I hope she is well. Sending love and {{hugs}} across the sea sweetie and hope that the temperatures are down a bit now that we are coming into autumn. {{{more hugs}}}

{{{kermit}} thank you for your kind thoughts and I have just received delivery of that Isabel Hickey book today! It is a used copy as it is out of print yet was fortunate to find one on Amazon so I ordered it the other day after I read your post and so it has just arrived! Am looking forward to starting reading it later today or this evening {smile}. Nelson is much better behaved now and Michael and I have taken him and the others down the quarry and I did take them on my own the other day as well so am getting over the jitters and fear of getting hurt again {smile} They will have to wait now until Nelson’s tummy is better so he doesn’t go mooching about down there eating heaven knows what! {chuckle} I hope that you are doing well health wise and don’t worry about not posting too much as long as you keep letting us know that you are ok that is fine – in the meantime sending {{{hugs}} to you and {{{B2}}} and thank you for the book recommendation! {smiling}

Hokey dokes will pop this post in now and then go and get Nelson his little ~lunch~ so he can have his medication. I do hope all are well and will look in again later this evening my time. Til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter…

With love always


Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

Good Morning Dear Friends...I'm just having my morning coffee and sharing a little breakfast with Scooter. Every morning he sits near me at the computer and he begs for a little treat. He is a spoiled doggie for sure. Mermaid I was sorry to hear that Nelson was having stomach troubles. I know how messy that can be. Hoping the medication has stopped his discomfort. That is so sweet about the name on the truck for Darcy. I'd love to see the picture.

Maggy, wishing you successful surgaries and hoping that Dan settles in and is fine while you are recoperating. I will keep you both in my prayers.

Our weather is so messed up here. Frost warning for tonight but temperatures near 80 on Saturday. It just dosen't make any sense. I have let the gardens go so bad this year because of the weather. Next year we are digging up the perenial garden and planting all new and putting down plastic under the soil to help combat the weeds that I just can't keep up with anymore. My knees are so bad from arthritis that I can't kneel to weed.
I am clipping my last rose bud today and cutting the roses back and mulching them for the winter. That will be my last gardening chore for this season. Thank goodness Pat does the planting and weeding in Florida. I just take care of the roses and orchids.

This year we are driving down so I can bring my african violets. I have 6 of them and they are beautiful this
year. Every other year I have trouble finding someone to take them from me. Most people are afraid of them but they seem to love me. Right now they are in full bloom and so pretty.

Well Pat just got up so I'll go say hello to him. Bye for now.

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

Hi Guys,

Maggy dear friend, my prayers and loving thought follow. Even though it is surgey You can still enjoy have fun and HAPPY DREAMS OF ALL THAT YOU ARE & DAN. SO ENJOY BUDDY; LOVE YA XOXOX {{{HEALING HUGS}}}

Diana, the last couple days we have rceived a lot of rain; the RAIN DANCE diffently worked.(it was .6, we are blessed with each drop) Getting set up and ready to go with your new adventure? I sure you are more than ready; LOADS O LUCK AND PRAYERS FRIEND! {{{SUCCESSFUL HUGS }}}

ELFINA, some times I wonder if our GOLDEN YEARS are of FOOLS GOLD. Maybe one of those stools would help with the gardening. Have a safe trip south buddy.

Mermaid, I know you'll enjoy the book. If you find you would like to know more of the HUNA Max Freedom Long has good books. We used his books when we studied the Huna; sorry, can't remember the books we used. I like the Huna and still use its concepts a little, not as much as I would like to though. To me it fits my thinking better than the other "relgions".LOADS O LOVE AND PRAYERS TA YA FRIEND{{{HUGS}}}

LIGHHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends + B2 B2 waving hi to all.

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

Stopping in to say hello to all on this glorious day. We were treated to a wonderful rain storm last night that left everything so fresh and cool. Temps had still been hovering at 100 but this cooled it "down" nicely into the 80s.

Liz, I'm glad you're back and what a wonderful catch up post that was to read. Looking forward to seeing the pics of your trip and of Darcy and her big 18 Wheeler name sake {chuckle} Quite sweet of Paul to name one after her. I was happy to read that you had some time to rest and relax on your holiday, especially as I know what a busy time you have with operating everything at home.

Maggy, sending loads of healing energies out your way and praying that all goes well with your surgeries. Also sending out the positive energies for Dan and that they will do an excellent job as usual with him.

Elfina, your African Violets sound beautiful. They are a bit on the touchy side, so the fact that they respond so well to you tells me you must have a bit of the "fairy/nature diva" touch as your nickname implies. They're such lovely gifts of nature when they're happy and well cared for.

Kermit, I'm glad you also saw some much needed rain there. Can't be too easy on the bones, but it sure was a blessing to see. We left the patio door open last night to listen to the rain falling and smell that clean smell that only rain produces.

Things have been quite busy here. I've had to do some last minute revisions on the website so that has me up to my armpits in CSS, HTML and Web Graphics, but it should be finished this week. Meanwhile, Ed begins a new chemotherapy type treatment for his immune disorder this week, so am hoping that all goes well. The last course he was on several years back really took the wind out of him, though this is a new chemical therapy and has a much higher response rate. Tomorrow we will be going to the V.A. to meet with his specialist and she will then give him the daily tablet medications he is to take at home along with the injection form which he is to have administered once a week. Plus we will be going into town once a week for the entire six month course to make certain all of his blood levels are ok to continue treatment. Buckeye is about 45 minutes to an hour drive each way which is not usually too much of an issue except that he will be tired and nauseated so for his sake, I'm hoping our drive together will be as easy as possible on him.

One of the things we wanted to do to represent new life, hope, and positive change is to plant winter rye grass in the back yard. Prior to now it has been desert landscaping which simply means lots of rocks, sagebrush, a tree and not much else. Now, we will have some lovely grass that should grow here all the way until January, so we're looking forward to that.

Well, I've rambled on long enough, time to get back tot he web designing.

Leaving love to all.


Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011


Diana, yes, the rain was good to get and the past two days gave us .6 more and the weather has cooled into the 40s at night, 80s daytime.

Prayers and LOVING HEALING THOUGHTS my FRIEND. The problem-to me-is the roads are so straight I tended to let my speed increase, oh my. I am praying the treatment for the immune system works well with little stress on his body.

Being the nutty person I am, I read about garlic being a good immune booster I get a drink now of : 4 to 6 carrots; 3 sprigs of parsley; 2 stalks of celery & 2 cloves of garlic. Juiced.

Not sure it works but lately I noticed people/animals seem to keep away from me, I wonder why.


LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends + B2 B2 keeps her distance these days. heeeee heeee

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

Thanks for the healing thoughts and suggestions dear Kermit {{hugs}}

What a glorious couple of days it's been here with nice temps and fresh air!

Ed's treatment has been postponed until the first part of November as he's come down with a nasty virus that has turned to bronchitis. He also needs to get some blood work redone and a shot to boost some other things, so it's for the best. Still, I know he's anxious to just get it all under way, so hoping that all will go well in the meanwhile.

The ground is ready for the planting of the winter rye grass so we should get that done by the end of today. I'm really looking forward to getting to see some grass back there instead of rocks and desert landscaping.

We've got some lovely marigolds, petunias and impatience planted and they are attracting hummingbirds and dragonflies with their lively Medicine. Also, a huge Roadrunner seems to love to hop up on our backyard wall and go for a run down the center of it like a dancer on a tightrope! It's quite hilarious to see, but what an agile, quick bird it is and wonderful it has decided we're safe company to hang out around {smile} Think between the Dragonflies, hummingbirds, and roadrunner, someone is making sure we get down the Medicine of transformation, quick action, and agile thinking, thank goodness as all of that has certainly been needed recently {chuckle}

The website is all up save for the links page and the "Totem/Wood/Gem" of the month, so thought I'd leave the URL here for you all to peruse if you so like. It is:

Heading off to lunch, hoping that all are well and enjoying your day.


Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

Hello dear friends

I will write up a longer post a bit later on this morning as have been out of action with my neck having got damaged after a visit to the hairdresser last Wednesday. Fortunately the osteopath has put things right yesterday though it is still a tad sore (those leaning back washbasins have a lot to answer for!).

However, I just wanted to leave a line here to ask you all to hold dear {[robynne}} in your thoughts as although this doesn't affect her personally per se it is the beautiful area where she lives and a tragedy could unfold due to an oil spill.

Paul just called me and told me to take a look at the BBC news web site. We knew a container ship had gone aground and was leaking oil yet didn't know that it is in the beautiful area that {{robynne}} lives. Here is a url for the information.

I have walked on those beautiful beaches and hope that the weather eases up so that the tanker can return to the ship and pump out the remaining oil and that they can get the area cleaned up very quickly with the minimal damage to all the marine and bird life.

Will be back a bit later today with more of a catch up post.. til then

much love always

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2011

Hi to everyone,

Liz, thanks for your thoughts there, you've been popping in to mind all week, and saw your post this morning, I thought you would want to know, as you loved the Mount beach. The real effects of the oil spill are starting to show now, as the current storms are bringing the oil up on to the beach, todays news shows our lovely white sands just smothered with sticky black oil for miles and miles. There are a lot of dead fish and seabirds just covered with this sticky tar like substance. I felt compelled on Sunday to zip over to the Mount and take photos, and am glad I did as that was the last day before the oil started arriving on the beach. Will leave the link here:

Just a lot of disbelief, sadness, and anger among the locals that nothing effective was done in the 1st 4 days while the weather was so clear, and now with the storms the situation has worsened, and there is more inaction, as it is too dangerous to make a move.

Sorry if this sounds gloomy, there is such a strong feeling of this around, as they are now saying it will be decades before the environment is restored to normal.

Thanks again eh?

Lots of love

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