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Mermaid's Message Board

Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

Mermaid's Message Board
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Hello all

Having major computer trouble, Pat's is in the shop for repairs and he has commandeered mine. I am sorry for not being here for you Diana and am truly sorry about Ed's news. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I am having a lot of pain with osteoarthritis hitting me in the neck area. I am in traction twice daily and on strong pain meds. I am just not myself because of it. I don't like sitting up for long periods of time at the computer as it hurts to much. Mermaid I hope all is well with the boat and that you are catching up on all your many activities. Hopefully when the cooler weather arrives we will all be able to keep in touch a lot better. I had my grand daughters here all last week during a wicked heat wave. With the neck pain and heat we did almost nothing but read and watch TV and the girls played on their ipads. I wasn't a very good Grandma I am afraid. Kermit, I just saw my e mail for the first time in a week and saw you had sent some. I will get to it soon I hope. Well this is a long as I can stand to sit at the moment so until next time I remain your friend....Elfina

Re: Hello all

Dear Elfina,

There is no need to apologize at all! I just didn't want to offend anyone, but think I was just feeling a tad ~overrun~ with everything.

I am so sorry to hear about how much pain you're in and can totally understand why you're not able to sit at a computer for long. Sending out the hope and prayer that you will be restored.

Love and healing your way!