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Mermaid's Message Board

Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

Mermaid's Message Board
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Welcome to {{All}}

Hello dear friends and {{all}} who may enter {smile}

This is the new ~alternative message board~ for when the main one is having ~hiccups~ [smile} Was sorry that beseen decided to close their site yet thankful to Bravenet for supplying this one...

Walk in Beauty always with love


Re: Welcome to {{All}}

Mermie!! Hope all goes well with you (and us) and Bravenet.

Personally I hate them with a total passion, but that is just my experience....... Anywhere I want to go, they seem to hijack the addy.... RATS!!

But bestaluck!!

Loves Hathor XX

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Replying to:

Hello dear friends and {{all}} who may enter {smile}

This is the new ~alternative message board~ for when the main one is having ~hiccups~ [smile} Was sorry that beseen decided to close their site yet thankful to Bravenet for supplying this one...

Walk in Beauty always with love
