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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

Mermaid's Message Board
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Hello dear friends {smile}

Hello dear friends {smile}

Have been taking a little time out for me yet also catching up with different tasks that need to be done. Yesterday we finally got the pavillion marquee down and dismantled after the barbeque party at the end of May! They are forecasting big storms later on so I thought I would take the opportunity of popping a post here in the alternative board and see if I can also copy it to the main one as I managed to get in there today (though not sure if I can post again). Btw a little tip (got from dear Babs) If/when you get the error message from tripod then hit refresh a couple of times and then you can get to the board.. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.

The sheep are now sorted out and yesterday we had the winter hay delivery so that is all safe and stored so I don’t have to worry about that. Mind you have been sneezing like a good un with the high pollen count and also the new hay! {chuckle} I have to get somethings put away this afternoon before the storms arrive also. Must admit I have been very tired with the hot weather and today there is a refreshing easterly breeze which is helping me to stay awake as when it is hot then I simply go into siesta mode and sleep in the afternoons. Last Thursday it was so bad that I just laid down at 1pm and was out of it for the whole afternoon! {chuckle}

We have a couple of squirrels that are resident in the garden and it is so funny to watch their antics every day. They have been trying to get into the bird feeders and hang upside down with their tails wrapped round the tree branches for stability. They are such pretty little creatures – I really must recharge the bateries on my camera and see if I can take some pics of them to share.

The blackbird has been feeding his brood who hatched out in the log bin and they are now as big as him! All the baby jackdaws are now nearly fully grown and out of the chimney. They all come to feed every morning when I put out the wild bird seed for them. Mind you it was funny the other morning when I heard this tremendous cacophony of sound and wondered what on earth it was so when I looked out I could see the whole family of jackdaws with youngsters as big as parents. I think the lesson was to show them how to eat for themselves. As one of the ~babys~ was squawking away and flapping its wings to say ~feed me feed me!~ whilst the other pecked away at the seed on the groun and the parent resolutely ignored it! {chuckle} It eventually got the message. The little robins are still in the quarry and I see them every day so I think they must have finished nesting. One landed on my hand the other morning which was interesting as I didn’t have my gloves on (was too warm!) and to feel its little feet on my skin was lovely! {smiling}

The moorhens have now left the quarry with the babies and I see them in the garden now. There is no water in the bottom of the quarry at all at the moment (after being about 10 to 12 feet deep in the winter) due to the hot weather and lack of rain. Mind you that might change now be tonight if the weather forecast is correct. Have just seen a family of green woodpeckers fly by which was lovely.

Well dear friends I will have to think about popping this post in for now… yet before I go (in case I have to shut everything down in a hurry)………..

{{{elfina}}} hope everything is ok with you sweetie as haven’t seen you call in here for a few days.

{{sarah}} Thank you for your email and I will write again later (storms notwithstanding that is). Am sending out more energies for you sweetie and will speak to you this week for sure. {{{hugs}}

{{{robynne}} was lovely to have a catch up with you today sweets we have left it way too long though... sending love and {{{warm hugs}}} your way Down Under….

{{{kermit}}} hope all is well with you sweets – hope I can get this post in the main board so that you can see it {{{hugs}} to you and {{{bom bobbi}}}}

{{{robin}} how are things with you sweets? {{{{{hugs}}}

I have just come across this that I saved a long time ago and it feels appropriate to leave it here in view of the weather forecast.. hope you all {{enjoy}}}

The Color of Friendship

"Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. The most important. The most useful. The favorite.

Green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."

Blue interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing."

Yellow chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world.

post continued {smile}

The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."

Orange started next to blow her trumpet: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas. I don't hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."

Red could stand it no longer he shouted out: "I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood - life's blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire into the blood. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy."

Purple rose up to his full height: He was very tall and spoke with great pomp: "I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey."

Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."

And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.

In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."
Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands.

The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.”

I know that we all appreciate one another and we always create rainbows {smiling} So leaving a {{rainbow filled group hug}}} for {{{all}} who may enter and will return again soon… til then

May you all continue to walk in beauty always with love


PS I will see if I can copy this whole post into the main board.

Re: post continued {smile}

think i made it

Re: Hello dear friends {smile}

{{{dee}} glad to see you made it sweetie and hope that you get back again soon. I have left a message in the ~mermaid board is down~ string this morning. Actually think we should decide which one to follow rather than going through all of them. If one sets the board to ~Board Style~ (at the top of the messages) tis easier to see the latest posts.

Well off to get some chores done and then have to run some errands so will be back later.. til then

love and {{{{{hugs}}}

Re: Hello dear friends {smile}

Hello again dear friends {smile}

I have upgraded this service to ~professional~ so hopefully you won't be bothered with pop ups and ads. I have contacted the providers of the main board and have yet to receive a reply. Will let you know when that happens. I did go to their web site and saw that they had had a major hardware problem which still doesn't explain why you can sometimes access in there by hitting the refresh button once you have received the error message. Fortunately I have had some spare time today so have been trying to get some things sorted out.

So in the meantime we can continue to use the bravenet powered service and if this works out ok now I have upgraded it then perhaps we will switch this to the main one. Let me know how you feel about it ok? {smile}

Am expecting the AGA man here shortly to change some settings etc (this has been going on for months) so had best plop this post in and will look in later. Til then hoping that {{{all}} are having a lovely day and that you friends on the other side of the Pond will soon be getting ready for your July 4th celebrations {smile}

with love always

Re: Re: post continued {smile}

Hi (((((((((((Dee))))))))))

Its so good to see you!


Re: Re: Hello dear friends {smile}

what board style cant see that.

Re: Hello dear friends {smile}

sarah hugs. xxx

Re: Hello dear friends {smile}

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Am running late this morning as wanted to get dear {{dee's}} birthday graphic done so that is now posted under the Cancer birthday string. So time to go and take the wolfpack for their walk and I see the birds are waiting patiently too for their breakfast! Will be back later this afternoon to write a catch up post yet before I go wanted to let {{sarah}} know that I sent an email yesterday to have to returned three times - is there a problem with aol at the moment? Will try sending later when I return. Til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}}}}

with love always

Re: Hello dear friends {smile}

Just popping by to say hello to all and leave a ((Great big hug)) for you beloved wolfsister.

Walk in love, light, and peace

Re: Hello dear friends {smile}

aww bless your heart {{{beloved wolfsister}}}}

we are online at the same time as I have been doing a little bit of surfing before feeding wolfpack... though I popped msn up you are not showing online so I guess you are at work?

Hopefully we will have a chance for a catch up very soon.. til sending sending you a {{{great big warm hug}}}}}}

love always

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