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SoO -What in the World is Bush Thinkin AnYwAy?

I've been wondering that since that Schmuck entered office! Did anybody see the documentary the BBc did on how Bush Bought the Election?? If you havent, please email me & I'll send ya a copy of it! Every US citizen should see it! Just so you know, It was Banned here in the USA! I had to do some finaglin to get a copy!
Since I'm rantin about the shoddy leadership & corrupt gov., I should also throw out the link for Move On .org. If you'd like to know how to reverse some of the damage the Bush administration has wrought on our previously deocratic country, please register at
Its FrEE & you can stay on top of the Shady dealings our government is tryin to hide from us! Plus you can send Free faxs to our government officials ,letting them know that were not going to stand for it!!
Please Fight for your Freedoms, before its tooooo late!PLUR
Redhead the Pirate

Nick Name: Redhead the Pirate