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Chronic Groin pain.

Hi Guys , I'm hoping for a little advice on my ongoing groin pain, at the end of last season during cup semi-final i had to come off with 10 minutes to go as my right groin was far to painful to carry on, the next day i had soreness in the adductors/Lower abdominals also pain when coughing or sneezing, now approximately 7 weeks on my symptoms are mainly around pubis , I'm getting referred pain higher up in the stomach which feels like Psoas, which I'm guessing is going into protective spasm ?? I can Squat, Bench press , Row without to much discomfort, the symptoms are made worse when I try to perform Ab rollouts or any kind of hip extension & and running , i tried playing in a knockabout last week and whilst playing i wasn't to bad until the last 10 minutes when it began to ache a bit more, the next day the whole area was sore but not to the point of being unbearable, I'm currently Icing the pubis & high adductors, also applying ultrasound , foam rolling, glutes, adductors , avoiding any kind of flexion which again makes it worse , I'm also doing inner thigh squeezes, cook leg lifts , side lying abduction & my other strength work which i know is not really resting but also not causing me to much discomfort, I'm thinking along the lines of sports hernia?? osteitis pubis?? I've read in Mike Boyles book advances in functional training that once the pain goes in to the stomach that your pretty much screwed ?? the new season is literally weeks away & I'm beginning to think management may be calling as I'm not getting any younger, please help I'm getting Desperate , kind regards lee

Re: Chronic Groin pain.

Could be a sports hernia. You need to ask your GP for an ultrasound scan. If it is then surgery is the only treatment as I understand it.