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National Tri Club Relays - What A Great Weekend

Hi All,

The Club Relays were a great success for the STO over the Bank Hoiliday Weekend. We had just two Therapists at the event on Saturday and with 1600 Triathletes, had our work cut out from 8am to 7pm. Sunday was a little easier with three Therapists covering a slightly smaller field. Overall, we saw approaching 90 people with treatments covering pre & post event massage, calf strains, hamstring strains, shoulder injuries, knee pain, lower back strains, tight quads, glutes and TFL. We received very positive feedback from Triathletes that we kept in the race.

As well as the satisfaction of being involved with such a prestigous event and the experience gained, we were also able to charge for our services, and each Therapist made enough to more that cover expenses. This proved to me that people value the service we provide at events and that we shouldn't be afraid to charge at events. Word soon spread about the service we were providing. I've also gained a few local contacts and have already had one positive hit for a follow-up appointment.

Although we all operate as independant therapists, there were clear benefits of being associated with the STO. It added a professionalism to the offering and allowed us to differentiate our service offering.
