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Hello everyone.
A simple question really.
Would membership to one professional body be ok, as opposed to the 3 i`m with now? NAMMT renewal time is here, but I wonder if the benefit`s worth the cost. I am also registered with the CNHC and STO & SST.
How would dropping out of NAMMT affect me? Financially I would be better off, but what are the forums thoughts on multiple memberships?


Re: Memberships.

NAMMT, STO and SST are all membership organisations, CNHC is the regulator, there is no requirement or potential benefit from being a member of multiple associations/organisations, pick the one that best meets your needs and then decide whether there is a personal benefit from being registered with CNHC

Gary (Chair STO)

Re: Memberships.

You have to look at what you get for your money. In this day and age, one membership is usually enough. As for CNHC, if they get PSA accreditation, I will renew, if they don't then I wont bother.

Re: Memberships.

Thanks for the responses guys.
Decisions made this morning on my future memberships!
