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Athletic Trainer

Good day guys and girls.

Just a query really as I have noticed the title Athletic Trainer becoming more prevalent in advertised job opportunities.

The role of the Athletic Trainer appears to be exactly the same or very close to that of a Sports Therapist. At least the roles I have carried out in sport clubs in the past anyway.
So am I an Athletic Trainer?
Is this a job title I can adopt or is there a specific qualification I need to add to my already bulging portfolio?

I think the reason I am asking is because to be honest I would much prefer there be no further variations or confusion in job titles of what are the roles actually are.

For example the old: "What is a Sports Therapist" question "is that like Physio" or "is that like massage & stuff"

And my degree in Rehabilitation throws a further curve ball by use of the title "Rehabilitation Specialist" and now if Athletic Trainer starts to creep in to circulation too, is this not going to further confuse an ill informed general public further?

I dunno, it just feels as though the industry is shooting itself in the foot by the forever conflict of who you are registered with determining if you applicable for a role and now the increase in job titles of what is the same thing.

Any thoughts?

Re: Athletic Trainer


From what I know I think 'Athletic Trainers' are an American Version of Sports Therapists. I was thinking of going over to the US to study and that was the title of a certain degree course.

I have never heard the term used by an English therapist. SO I suppose my answer is yes you need a specific qualification.

Hope this helps!
