Sonya's Mystery Shoppers Forum

Chat it up with fellow mystery shoppers! This is a general discussion group - all topics are welcome, but please keep it shopping related. As with any public comments, please keep it professional!

Sonya's Mystery Shoppers Forum
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Undercover Shoppers needs you

The newsletter is looking for new and experienced shoppers to be on our staff. To be a reporter, is an experience in itself. You get to express your views and your experiences to other shoppers/merchandisers. You get to see your name in print and all of the joy along with it. Not to mention, you get entered in our monthly contest. For our regular reporters that contribute every month, you are known as our Staff Reporters. Staff Reporters will be rewarded at the end of the year for all of their hard work. To apply, please send Lori an email at As always, thanks for your support.

*Earn commission on any company that you refer that buys an ad from the newsletter. For further details, please let us know. Any monies received by the newsletter are used to reinvest to make the newsletter and its operations better.


Undercover Shoppers Staff

We are also recruiting for salespeople? Are you a born seller? We need you too.