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iraq war visions

God showed me in visions the iraq war will be nuclear(1) I saw the nation of Iraqand it said Iraq on it and it had a circle around it with a slash thru the circle.(2) In the second vision, I saw a bomber plane bombing a nation that said Iraq(it was all by itself and it as like an illuminated drawing) on it and U.S. flashed by the plane and I was high above the earth and then i am suudenly on the ground and I am running yelling, Iraq is about to get nuked, Iraq is about to get nuked and one of the girls that I was talking to warning, i was telling her while in this vison about another vison i had i believed was about to be fullfilled where I saw a speedway gasoline sign and the price for gas was4.03.(3)I saw an Indianapolis newpaper in a vision and it said, Indianapolis reacts to Iraq decision to use nuclear weapons against Israel. while praying in my car back in june of 2002, I saw an arab man who said, Israel is about to nuke us