Regal Zonophone 2
Out in April
With this volume we celebrate 20 years since Fading Yellow volume 1 CD - Fading Yellow created a genre all of its own and praised by many including Bob Stanley. "It's twenty years since I walked into a record shop in Stockholm and heard Disraeli's mournful, gently thunderous What Will The New Day Bring. I asked the owner what he was playing and he told me it was Fading Yellow volume 2. He played snatches of volume one. I bought both on the spot. Here was a new subset of music which I had always loved, without thinking of it as a subset. Fading Yellow magically bound the softer end of psych with singer-songwriters and beat groups; what they had in common - aside from woodwinds, harpsichord and cellos - was minor chords. The heart of Fading Yellow is rarely sad but always melancholy. Twenty volumes in and it still sounds magical." - Bob Stanley 2022 The usual high quality 45's musically, this time from the USA and, as always, all the tracks doing their first entrance on any compilation. Groups including Magic Ring, Second Helping, The Mother Love, Luv Birds, The News etc. All late 60's popsike and other delights. Don't miss out on this wonderful volume.
Lime Beautiful Day
John Braheny Free Fall
Mark Radice Girl By The Meter
Plum Beach Incident Summer Love
Magic Ring Jane
Chips And Dave Trio Who's To Say
Proposition Two Faced Madonna
Charlotte Russe High On A Rooftop
Second Helping Children Of The Night
Black Sheep Feeling Down
Plastic People This Life Of Mine
Mother Love Flim Flam Man
Roosters Home Down Right
Luv Birds Lilac Wine
News The Boy Who Only Smiles
Wc Fields Memorial Electric String Band Don't Lose The Girl
Sunny Morning Wish You Were With Me
Sounds Of Dawn Stephanie Says
Mark Radice Natural Morning
Disraeli Humidity 105
That's great news, thanks for sharing Paul!
Just put in my pre-order with Hotstuff, but now I'm curious... I haven't heard anything from Jörgen in a couple of years now - not here and not on FB. I hope all is well.
There is a long delay in the release of FY #20. Now it seems likely to be released in early June 2023. I looked on Amazon.
Same thing happened with vol.19. Overly optimistic release date to start with. Given there's only 500 of them (apparently) then I can't see the CD pressers prioritising them, hence the movable feast of a future release date. It is the same on all eSellers though. I either buy them direct from Sweden or from Juno in UK. I doubt Amazon will get a sniff of it even when it is out, despite the listing:grimacing: .
Why announce a release date until it's ready to go? It seems to be a recurring issue with Fading Yellow series..
Yep this does seem to be a reoccuring problem with the people behind Fading Yellow,announcements of release....then nothing for months......this was happening well before all the covid stuff,so it's nothing new.
Do the people behind Fading Yellow,take payment when a release of a new volume is announced?
Or do they hold off till it is actually released?
I have been a great lover of "Fading Yellow", although in my opinion the collection should have ended in vol. 9, until this one, they are all very good, and vol. 4, for example, is quite a masterpiece. From this volume the level is much lower and irregular, for example, the one dedicated to Spain (my country) is really disappointing.
I think the mythical "Fading Yellow" label has been squeezed too much, and I honestly think that from vol. 10, the title should have been changed.
I very much doubt that I will buy this album without listening to it, although yes, I will download it from Soulseek and if I like it I will decide.
Pre-order it from Juno Stuart. They take your order but do not charge you until they have the item in stock to send. Sort of like a micro Amazon. They always get it in once out, Amazon most likely won't.
Hello Paul,thank you,i've bought stuff from Juno many times,but i lost a lot of interest in the Fading Yellow comps quite a few years go,so i'll not buy this,but Juno are indeed easy to deal with.
I remember the person behind Fading Yellow,emailing(myself included) people quite a few years ago asking for financial assistance,which at the time i thought was sketchy and rather brass necked to be blunt.
There was also an issue with The Aerovons unreleased master at that time if i remember correctly with this same person.
The Fading Yellow concept was a very good one and a highly successful venture,featuring album tracks,B sides,A sides and unreleased stuff on acetate etc,of many beautifully arranged,pop epics,many with orchestral scores or a string quartet,but in general a warm,at times mellow,collection of songs featured on them,with collections featuring acts from the States ,UK,mainland Europe and beyond,and i DO have many of them.I enjoy most of the volumes i have.
I lost interest as the problem that has been discussed on this thread concerning the announcements of a new FY being released,then nothing for a long time, was a thing that just happened far too much,in particular when money WAS being taken,and people were waiting for months for the actual release of FY.
I smelt something not quite right,concerning the timing of announcements,then NO release for months on end,it stunk of possible getting money in(i'm a cynic),at what could be a hard time possibly for the individual?
If it was,i had sympathy at the time as we ALL go through hardships,in particular financial hiccups in our lifetimes,but to STILL see it happening,announcing and hyping a product.....then NOTHING.I got fed up and suspicious,and my interest wained.
Also i saw there were less and less tracks appearing on some volumes,when originally they were packed with 25,26,27 tracks etc,then going below 20 tracks,as they were NOT cheap,when you condsider the exchange rate with the country it comes from,but to buy a Fading Yellow cd was NOT a cheap endeavour.Then to receive less music as the price increased was a big swallow.
Originally it was a one man show who i think got taken by surprise at the success and demand as the series went on,and i got the sense the the quality of product,with artwork,colouring,printing,booklets and sound reproduction increased as FY popularity grew.
I have no knowledge concerning if ANY payments are made to the artists that feature on this series of comps(now onto 20),as much are one off single sides,little known to unknown artists,some are major label singles while others are from small labels long since vanished,and of course i love that album tracks are also included,from mostly unknown albums(to me anyway)so how a royalty payment is arranged on comps like this,i have little knowledge,or even if the folk behind FY buy all the 45s used on the comps from their own pocket as a collector,or are taken from "other"mediums and sources.
All i DO know is there is much great music to be found on all the volumes,and they were a sensation at the time,but in todays market where choice IS everywhere,and comps are released regularly of this era of music,FY maybe is now just another comp of many,when originally FY started,there was NOT that many comps of this type available,though many people like yourself and i and many others made our own cdr comps,and sent them by snailmail for free to those who would like them,with artwork and in some cases liners,but FY was among the first of a loosely linked sound of a record compiled together,like we were doing,but charging for them as they were far more professional looking and sounding than anything i certainly compiled and gave away,i even paid for postage around the globe to those whod requested a copy of any of my cdr comps.
i know another blowhardy post,forgive me,i nee to rest my