Regal Zonophone 2
Steve Howe rejigs Tomorrow's Permanent Dream-
Don't like the sound of this too much. That sleeve is awful, like some late 80s House compilation. I also don't think it's a great idea for Steve Howe to 'reimagine' this over 50 years after the event. I mean they "do pitch and tempo adjustments where necessary. The goal being a “more rounded sound with greater continuity to an achievable level of perfection”. That not only sounds a bit pretentious, it also stinks of someone more concerned with 'sonic perfection' than the spirit of the times, a very common mistake made by artists trying to 'improve' what they did in their youth only to end up spoling what was special about it.
Great summation Nick
Nick,good points made there,and i totally agree,nothing worse than a musician "fixing"issues from 55 years ago,how many times do we see musicians saying they're not happy with such an album from their younger days,either because of mistakes only they know about,or because it was recorded on 4 track or 8 track?
Surely THEY must realise they're defrauding the buyer,the music lover who enjoys those albums just the way they are,even with fumbles or mistakes....particularly when they delete the original they don't like,but release (to them at least)a improved version of that album for the buyer or music enthusiast.To me thats NOT the album that was released in 69 say,so SHOULDN'T be passed off as if it is!!
Funnily enough Tony Hazzard has also released a cd titled"Demonstration"which is a improved(to him)version of his marvellous wee timepiece "Tony Hazzard Sings Tony Hazzard"album from 69,with an awful sleeve,with a couple of additional tracks,and im not sure what has been dropped or played about with,its titled "Demonstration"as that was to be the original title of said exquisite pop album from 69......and this new improved version is retailing at between £ thinks i'll stick with my Revola cd from quite a few years ago,with original artwork,running order and bonus tracks.
As for the new improved Steve Howe Tomorrow.......ill be keeping my distance from that,it looks horrendous,and i can imagine his improvement is possibly a descecration of a psych era period piece that should have remained untouched, as it IS part of the cultural history during a time in the uk that will NEVER be seen again.Instead of pissing about and messing about with it,how about releasing a true mono version of said album on vinyl and cd,as it is one of a few albums that has big differences in mono compared to the poorly put together more common stereo version.THAT is what true music enthusiasts would be appreciative of,and pay for,NOT a reworked fucked up maintenance job 55 years after the fact.
I don't disagree with anything anyone has said about this. However, I am rather looking forward to this version of the Tomorrow album. Remember firstly, you don't have to buy it or even listen to it on line if you feel that strongly against it and secondly, it's not like in doing this, Howe has somehow obliterated the original versions, they are still out there!
Has anyone heard this new version yet? I'm intrigued to hear what they've done to it (apart from replacing the sleeve with a migraine inducing one)
Received my copy yesterday but yet to play it. The booklet is quite nice inside, with a few period photos and notes from three of the members. From these it seems there has been adjustment to the original tapes to get a clearer sound but it's not a re-recording or anything as crass as that.
I too am looking forward to this, I ordered it from Burning Shed the day it was announced and recieved notification that it has shipped on Tuesday.
But I've never had an issue with albums that are remastered, remixed, re-imagined or whatever. If I like something, I love to hear it different ways if that becomes an option.
Well, I just got through playing this for the first time and thought I'd share some initial thoughts. Baring in mind I have not played the original stereo version of this album in quite some time, so a 'back to back' listen would probably be advisable.
Overall sound: I like this a lot. Opening track 'Real Live Permanent Dream' still sounds compressed in the middle though Howe's guitar filigrees sound really nice in both speakers and clearer than I recall. Thereafter, the album has a very clear and well balanced sound, wider than the original.
Voice - I may be mis-remembering but West's vocals sound to me on a few of these numbers to have a different melody at the end of some of the lines. It made me wonder if the stereo tapes EMI sent to Steve Howe might have a different vocal take perhaps? There again, it might be that the variation (and it's not massive) might be revealed from the original now the sound is clearer anyway.
Guitar - Howe's guitar work is now crisp and very present and as with some of West's vocals 'sound like they're in the room with you' to coin that old phrase. Very pleasing on the ear.
Engine room - both drums and bass are punchy and fully rounded.
The songs - Well most noticeably, the spoken (slurred) word intro to 'Revolution' has gone so no more 'In Spain they sometimes have them, and it's a good thing!' Revolution, Revolution, Revolution' at the beginning, it goes straight into the chorus as the opening. Purists may baulk but it sounds fine and I'm glad to have both versions, I like the differences.
I thought I also noticed longer guitar solos or middle eights on one or two of the songs ('Why' for instance) but again, I may be misremembering. If they are added, you'd not notice it in terms of sound or tone.
Anyway, I am very glad to have this and would recommend it to anyone who might want to hear the familiar with fresh ears.
Thank you Paul for giving us a bit more info concerning this release.
Reading back on my post concerning this release,now seems a bit harsh,and a bit bad mooded,as in my mind i thought Steve Howe was adding modern parts,but it sounds as if its just had a modern clean up,a dry clean as such with modern technology,as the original stereo mix was below par and sounded poor in balance,texture and cleanliness to the ear from speaker,so i'm happy its sounding brighter,clearer,and more prominent from the speakers,as it IS a good album,a fine example of UK psychedelia,from total childhood like whimsy,twee pop,and guitar laden and effects ridden rockers.
So i will go back on what i originally said in my bad tempered and idiotic post,i WILL get this if it's out on cd..........does anyone know how Tony Hazzards "Demonstration" cd sounds?Again its an upgrade by Tony himself,of his fine pop album "Tony Hazzard Sings Tony Hazzard"but i've noticed there IS differences in the tracklist and order,with from memory 2 additions from the same period,but also ommissions...and possible thing for sure,the cd front artwork is brutal....why put an up to date photo,and horrible type for an album from over 50 years ago?
I sometimes find it hard to understand what the artist is doing to their own work...
Stuart, you can hear Steve Howe explaining his processes for this along with other interesting stuff about his career on yet another very engaging Jason Barnard podcast;
The way I understood it, Howe got the mono mix and extracted/separated tracks through a AI software, then rebalanced the mixes to his taste, editing-repitching-etc some tracks, duplicating a few bars here and there too (the intro to Why, for example).
I listened to it once, then put my LP copy for sale on Discogs :) (not my cup of tea, probably I like the original LP the way it is)
Regarding the Tony Hazzard "Demonstration" LP. The main differences between this and the "Sings Tony Hazzard" LP, apart from the running order and bonus tracks, is that the mixes seem to of been done before a lot of the overdubs were added. From memory the lovely orchestrations are not there, as well as some backing vocals, percussion, sound effects and the odd solo. The basic rhythm tracks are the same takes that are on the finished album though. Overall it sounds slightly more sparse and like the title, a demo. If you love the "Sings Tony Hazzard" album like me, you will still enjoy it, just to hear slightly stripped down versions of the songs. Hope this helps, James.
Thank you to James and everyone else who added information on both the Steve Howe Tomorrow release and Tony Hazzard "Demonstration"cd.....hmmmm.....i've NOT made the jump on either as yet,as i understand it 2 tracks that where on the original Tomorrow album have been omitted,i personally think that IS sacrilege,no matter the reason,why do an upgrade of an album with modern technology but omitt 2 songs?I DON'T get's NOT the Tomorrow album then is it?I don't mind using modern technology to clean up sound and mixes etc,but dont use it as an excuse to get rid of 2 original songs,it changes the feel and run of the album completely,and i trully believe it cheats the music enthusiast of 2023 of a trully upgraded version of that album.For me this IS a missed opportunity,as it falls in the middle of good and bad,and kinda leaves everyone missing something,or left with questions and the reasonning of why would anyone cut out 2 songs?
As for the Tony Hazzard "Demonstration"cd,right i now get the jist behind this,as the original Sings Tony Hazzard album were a bunch of demos with added overdubs like orchestrations etc put on the idea IS a stripped back version of that album,to the basic demo recordings Tony Hazzard had made originally!!
So i think it will be Tony Hazzard "Demonstration"cd that i shall jump on,as THAT does sound very interesting and gives another spin to the marvellous original released little pop album,that it is,as for the sleeve artwork,it's still brutally awful,and doesn't seem to go with the whole aesthetics of this project,harking back to demos from the later 60s,yes it's a photo of Tony,but 55 years AFTER those initial demos,it would've been nice to have had a montage of photos like on the original album,a sorta then and now.
Thanks again folks!!
More info on the Tony Hazzard "Demonstration" Lp....
Of the bonus tracks, "How She's Making Out" is the B side of the 1970 single "The Way I Feel". Great tune.
"The Matter With You" was covered by High Society as "Tell Me Now", made famous (at least to me) by its inclusion on Fading Yellow 5.
"Demonstration" has been uploaded onto Spotify for anyone who wants to try before they buy!