honeybus / under the silent tree - gentle sounds with strings and things at the bbc 1967 - 1973
People may be aware of this recently Spanish issued 2 x CD / LP collection. Just to say it is already available from Amazon UK for next day delivery now (at time of writing). Not sure it is yet elsewhere yet (in UK anyyway)
Re: honeybus / under the silent tree - gentle sounds with strings and things at the bbc 1967 - 1973
I didn’t know about this, so thanks Paul! I’ll need the CD version as well as the vinyl because those bonus Colin Hare tracks are great. But I’m very pleased that Walking Aphrodisiac is on there (in two versions evidently) because that song is great, and it was driving me nuts that it had no official release.
As a major Honeybus fan, and very pleased about this release. And hearing the Bill Fay songs will also be great.
Re: honeybus / under the silent tree - gentle sounds with strings and things at the bbc 1967 - 1973
Thanks for the heads up Paul,i wasn't sure if this was getting the cd treatment,as i'd only saw articles concerning the vinyl.So i am well pleased that its a double cd.
When i read this yesterday(monday)i hopped onto Amazon,and there it was,so i did use money put aside for something else,and bought it for £17.99,and supposedly its being delivered today.(Tuesday).
Has their 1973 unreleased album "Recital"ever been issued on cd,as i know there WAS a vinyl release of said album.I do have some tracks from "Recital"on the fabulous double Honeybus cd comp put out by Castle/Sanctuary many years ago before they were swallowed up by a multiconglomerate giant.The "Recital"numbers were good,but i've never saw it on cd,i've searched and its vinyl only!!!It makes me go ggggrrrr..........