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Prayer Request from Dr Diana Brevan 2-13-18

Prayer Request from the desk of Dr Diana Brevan 2-13-18
Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI
Where we make a difference in People’s lives

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" (James 5:16).

Let Us Pray Today For everyone around the Globe In Agreement For The Brand New Year With Christ Jesus
Let Us Pray For Compleate Healing!

I bless you in Jesus' name! I bless your trip to the doctor and back home. I bless the words your doctor speaks over you, that it will be good news, and that the problem is gone. I bless the tests the doctor does, I bless your body and how it responds to prayer, in Jesus' name I command your body to respond to our prayers quicker and more in depth than any other body, and to receive healing quicker and more in depth and permanent than any other.

In Jesus' name I declare you clean, healed and in perfect health!

Dear Jesus, precious Lord, Father in Heaven, God Almighty, Holy Spirit of Truth! We bless you, and we lift you up for praise and glory. Lord you know our thoughts and our hearts. You loved us when we were apart from you, when we wanted only things for ourselves and didn't care if we hurt others. Lord you loved us when we were ugly, and yet you went to the cross anyway, and gave your precious blood to us so that we could be free and come out from under the curse of the law of sin and death. Lord you gave us YOUR righteousness to wear, you covered us with holy garments and prepared us to be your bride.

You showed us that we are truly your beloved, and that all that you have is ours, and your will and desire for us is “always good and never harm”! Thank you so much dear God for this!

As your word says, "In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is NO death! (Prov. 12:28) We have taken on your righteousness Lord, not by our power or will, because we were helpless to help ourselves. But by your strength and your will, and by your death and resurrection, we are healed! By your stripes we are healed! By every word you have spoken throughout history, we are healed and every promise is “YES and AMEN for us”! We love your thoughts and ways, and strive to accept them as our own, and “lean not unto our own understanding”.

All we can see is the physical, what shows up in x-rays and what our skin looks like or how we feel, but these things are temporary and they change. They are subject to your will and to our speech using your words. So we do as you have commanded, we ask in your name for this healing today. We speak the words you have spoken, "by your stripes we ARE healed”, and “in the way of righteousness is life and in its pathway there is NO death!"

We command this problem to be gone forever in Jesus' name, and it must go now! Straight to the pit!

Thank you Dear Jesus, for allowing us to use your name, for giving us the authority to use the name that is “higher than any other name” in the universe! Thank you for giving us your power to use, to command physical, material things, and even spiritual things, because “even the demons are subject to the name of Jesus”! Thank you Jesus! We command this physical problem to be gone, and we turn it over to you into your hands and walk on in confidence, leaning on you as our “tower of strong defense”!

“No weapon formed against us shall prosper”, and every arrow that the enemy sends to kill us will prosper us instead! We will grow stronger, healthier, younger and more confident, and walk in more power than ever before, because the enemy tests us, and we overcome in the name of Jesus!

Lord, we submit to you and your will, and seek to know who we are in YOU, so that we can live up to the plan you have for our lives. “We shall NOT die, but LIVE and declare the works of God.”

We know that “ALL things work to the good of those who love you”, and we claim this day, and this problem as one of those things that will work to prosper us, teach us, and grow us closer to you in all ways!

Thank you Jesus for your wisdom, please give us wisdom, courage, and move us forward in joy and thanksgiving! We bless this body and this day, and all of the outcomes of this day, in Jesus' name. We pray today for protection for our entire family, and the speedy appearance of all provisions we need to pay bills and provide for our family. Lord we ask that you save every family member and every loved one, so that all can know the goodness and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever!

Thank you Jesus, we ask it in your name and believe we receive as we pray! You are GOOD and we love you! Amen!

Senior Pastor, Dr. Diana Brevan,

Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI

USA Headquarters

PO Box 2752

Inverness Florida 34451


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