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Good Morning Devotional with Dr Diana Brevan 4/17/19

Good Morning Devotional with Dr Diana Brevan 4/17/19
Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI
Where we make a difference in People’s lives

Good Morning!

1 Corinthians 12:3-11
3 So I want you to know how to discern what is truly from God: No one speaking by the Spirit of God can curse Jesus, and no one is able to say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. 4 Now there are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all. 5 There are different kinds of service in the church, but it is the same Lord we are serving. 6 There are different ways God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work through all of us. 7 A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church. 8 To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another he gives the gift of special knowledge. 9 The Spirit gives special faith to another, and to someone else he gives the power to heal the sick. 10 He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and to another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to know whether it is really the Spirit of God or another spirit that is speaking. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, and another is given the ability to interpret what is being said. 11 It is the one and only Holy Spirit who distributes these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have.
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.) 1996.

Anyone can claim to speak for God, and the world today is full of false teachers who do. Paul gives us a test to help us discern whether or not a message is really from God. Does the message confess that Jesus Christ as Lord? When we become a Christian, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in us, and we are born into God's family. Christians all received the same Spirit. No one born of the Spirit can claim any-thing other than Jesus Christ as Lord. If someone claims to have a word from God, but can not say, "Je-sus Christ is Lord," then the word is not from Christ. So when someone comes to you claiming the Word of God, test it to see if it is true. Do they claim that Jesus Christ is God and that He was a Man who gave His perfect life in our place so we could be reconciled to God? If so they are a part of the family of God and are a brother in Christ. This is the true test. We may all have different interests and gifts, but we are all united by the same Spirit. The Spirit of Christ Jesus.

Have a God Day!

We are a Life Changing Ministry,, a Going ministry and a growing Ministry and Praying Ministry, This is a Growing Ministry, a Ministry that Brings Results !

Senior Pastor, Dr. Diana Brevan,
Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI
USA Headquarters
PO Box2752 Inverness Florida 34451

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Please contact Dr Diana Brevan re Bible

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