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Sunday Service Notes 07/9/2023 with Dr Diana Brevan

Sunday Service Notes 07/9/2023 with Dr Diana Brevan
We are a praying Ministry, A going Ministry, a Growing Ministry we are a praying, going,growing, we are a Ministry that will bring you the results.
Opening Prayer:
Lord as we gather this day we ask that you bless those that are delivering your word especially our Senior Pastor Dr Diana Brevan. We also ask that all those receiving your word will do so with a open heart and that your message will be written in their spirit,
We also hold up the Leadership of Jesus is Lord Fellowship and pray that you will build a hedge of protection around their lives.This Sermon today is spoken by your very Own Dr.Diana Brevan
As Dr Diana comes to the podium let us take a moment to bow our heads in prayer.
Today let us remember to prayer today for ourselves. For our own needs in health, wealth and happiness and for our spiritual wellbeing and growth
As we pray also let us hold up all the prayer requests that we have received this past week. Let us also be in agreement with the unspoken prayers that lay in each of our hearts.
Let us lift up all those that have been called as Prayer Warriors, that they may have the Lord’s strength as they pray and that a hedge of protection may surround them and their families
Let us also prayer for the needs of our local Church including the needs of Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI. Let us as God for provisions so that His church may be able to continue the work that He has set aside for it. Let us pray for those that have been called to leadership in His church that they may always have strength and a Godly vision. Let us place a hedge of protection around Leaders and their families so that they may be healed from all health problems.
Let us pray that as we listen today our heart and our inner soul will be open to the words so that we may feed freely on the message and drink from the Holy Spirit.
We welcome all National and International Fellowship members and visitors around the globe as you receive the spiritual nutrition of the Lords Word.
Praise and Worship
I Speak Jesus Lyrics
I speak Jesus
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
'Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
'Til every dark addiction starts to break
Declaring there is hope and there is freedom
I speak Jesus
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over fear and all anxiety
To every soul held captive by depression
I speak Jesus
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like the fire
Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy
Jesus for my family
I speak the holy name
Jesus, oh
Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy
Jesus for my family
I speak the holy name
Jesus (Jesus)
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire
Your name is power (Your name is power)
Your name is healing (Your name is healing)
Your name is life (You are my life)
Break every stronghold (break every stronghold)
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
'Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus.
Prayer Updates Mr. Jesus Brevan Will finally be going in for His Preop as Warriors who has been praying over him since his Hospital stay two years ago. they shared he will be having the surgery soon. Now its two years later He goes in on the July20th 2023 to Citrus Memorial Hospital for either open heart surgery or they will be doing it through the groan. Let Us Pray for complete Healing balm of Gilead over Mr. Jesus Brevan Rivera and a quick recovery through surgery. Pray continual prayer for Your Very own Dr.Diana Brevan Still awaiting the WC the one that I have now is about to leave so Pray that the new will come and the doors will shut with this old so I will not miss out on any exercise therapy nor any apointments. Pray for complete Open Doors within Dr.Diana Brevans Home as well for all of Dr Diana Brevan's Family No matter where they reside let us pray for all family who Dr.Diana Brevan holds deep within her heart Amen!
Deacon Matthew Helmich finally is back home from a long journey of health and healing. Glory to God.
WE WILL BE POSTING Chapter 6 of the Book of Hebrews Bible Studies.
We are praying in Good and Faithful Servants who will faithfully Listen to our Broadcasts on You Tube The More the listeners the more we can stay on aire. So come on and support us by Listening to Dr.Diana Brevan On aire Amen So Excited about this Hallelujah and Yep this is world wide Spreading the Gospel!
Sermon Series Part 3 Blessed Are They Which Do Hunger And Thirst
The be (Happy) Attitudes
Dr Diana Brevan
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
(Matt 5:6)
As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. 2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?
(Ps. 42:1-2 NKJV)
Jesus’ prescription for happiness dramatically demonstrates that happiness is inward. It’s living life “from the inside out.” Happiness begins by allowing the architect of the ages to place our life on His potter’s wheel to mold and make us according to His design.
We’ve already seen that happiness requires that we be broken in spirit, which leads to mourning for wrongdoing and then to the quality of meekness. Now we are ready for the final inward condition for happiness: what Jesus calls hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Right Living
In the sixteenth century, when the King James version of the Bible was being put together, righteousness meant “rightwise,” or “as it ought to be.” We can think of it simply as “right living.”
Righteousness is right living according to God’s standard of holiness. “Be holy,” says the Lord, “because I am holy” (1Peter 1:16). Our standards of right living not to be chosen by the herd instinct of our humanistic society. Humanism has defied man and demoted God to a cosmic bellhop responding to our patronizing tips. Humanistic society states, “I am the captain of my soul and the master of my fate.” But God has published His standard of righteousness in His word, the Bible.
God’s Standard
The United States government has a national Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C. It sets the standards for weights and measure all over the country. It guarantees that a pound of sausage weighs sixteen ounces whether you order it in Wisconsin or Florida. Distance, time and public opinion do not affect the National Bureau of Standards.
The Bible is the ultimate standard of righteousness for all people all over the world! What is sin in Wisconsin is sin in Florida, in Europe, in Africa, in Asia and everywhere else. Distance, time and public opinion do not affect God’s standard of righteousness.
The Garments of Righteousness
What attitude should the church take toward a sin-saturated world that protests against God’s standard of righteousness as being “out of step with the times”? Shall we lower the standard of righteousness so that immoral and godless people can sit with comfort in the house of God?
The truth is, it’s not in our power to lower the standard of righteousness God has forever established that standard on the earth through the life of Jesus Christ. Those who profess to lower the standard to appease complacent congregations are hirelings, not shepherds.
Righteousness is not living “just a cut above” the unrighteous. It’s right living according to the Word of God. The garments of righteousness never go out of style. God never alters the robe of righteousness to fit the man. Rather He alters the man to fit the robe. Time, distance or changes in public attitudes do not alter God’s standard of righteousness one bit.
Desperate Longing
The Greek verbs used by Jesus in this forth principle of happiness are very powerful. We are to peinao and dipsao after righteousness. Peinao means to suffer deep hunger. Dipsao means to be consumed with thirst. Only when we are consumed with a desperate longing for righteousness will we be happy!
It is a biological fact that every living thing hungers and thirsts. Only the dead and the dying are without appetite. They want no food. They crave no water. When we feel bad and go to the doctor, one of the first questions he asks us is “how’s your appetite” Loss of appetite is nature’s way of telling us we’re sick.
Jesus was asking His audience by the Sea of Galilee and our generation as well “How’s your appetite for right living?”
Do you know the expression “You are what you eat?” I don’t know if this is true in the physical realm, but it’s certainly true in the spiritual. If we eat the wrong spiritual foods, we’re not going to feel well or be happy.
When we lack appetite for spiritual things, which is the basis of happiness, it’s not because we’re too sophisticated or too intellectual to accept God’s standard of righteousness. It’s because we’re too spiritually anemic to know we’re dying.
Righteous Responsibility
The secret of happiness lies not in doing what we want to do but in doing what we ought to do. Happiness never comes to the person who dodges responsibility. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “Happiness is the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”
There is nothing in the world that helps a man overcome his difficulties, survive his disasters, and stay healthy and happy like the joy of a life’s task worthy of his full dedication. Righteous responsibility is a mark of spiritual maturity. We don’t serve the Lord by feeling or emotion, but by duty and devotion. There is no happiness without righteous responsibility.
“They shall be filled”
Filled is a fantastic word. It means “absolutely satisfied.” Overflowing with God’s good old fashioned heart warming happiness. David wrote. “He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things”(Ps 107:9).
The Bible say’s, “come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare” (Is. 55:1-2).
Are you looking for a real happiness? When you hunger and thirst after righteousness as desperately as a drowning man craves air; you’ll find it. It’s not just feeling; it’s living faith. It’s not sensation; it’s salvation. It’s not religion; it’s righteousness through responsibility. Happy are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. My Name is Senior Pastora. Dr.Diana Brevan @ Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI
Serie de Sermones Parte 3 Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed
Las actitudes de ser (feliz)
Dra. Diana Brevan
Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia, porque serán saciados.
(Mateo 5:6)
Como el ciervo jadea por los arroyos de agua, así jadea mi alma por Ti, oh Dios. 2 Mi alma tiene sed de Dios, del Dios vivo. ¿Cuándo vendré y me presentaré ante Dios?
(Sal. 42:1-2)
La prescripción de Jesús para la felicidad demuestra dramáticamente que la felicidad es interior. Es vivir la vida "de adentro hacia afuera". La felicidad comienza permitiendo que el arquitecto de las edades coloque nuestra vida en Su torno de alfarero para moldearnos y hacernos de acuerdo con Su diseño.
Ya hemos visto que la felicidad requiere que seamos quebrantados en espíritu, lo que conduce al luto por las malas acciones y luego a la calidad de la mansedumbre. Ahora estamos listos para la última condición interna para la felicidad: lo que Jesús llama hambre y sed de justicia.
Vida correcta
En el siglo XVI, cuando se estaba preparando la versión King James de la Biblia, la justicia significaba "correcto" o "como debería ser". Podemos pensar en ello simplemente como "vivir correctamente".
La justicia es vivir correctamente de acuerdo con el estándar de santidad de Dios. "Sed santos", dice el Señor, "porque yo soy santo" (1 Pedro 1:16). Nuestros estándares de vida correcta no deben ser elegidos por el instinto de rebaño de nuestra sociedad humanista. El humanismo ha desafiado al hombre y degradado a Dios a un botones cósmico que responde a nuestros consejos condescendientes. La sociedad humanista afirma: "Soy el capitán de mi alma y el dueño de mi destino". Pero Dios ha publicado Su estándar de justicia en Su palabra, la Biblia.
El estándar de Dios
El gobierno de los Estados Unidos tiene una Oficina Nacional de Normas en Washington, D.C. Establece los estándares para pesos y medidas en todo el país. Garantiza que una libra de salchicha pesa dieciséis onzas, ya sea que la pida en Wisconsin o Florida. La distancia, el tiempo y la opinión pública no afectan a la Oficina Nacional de Normas.
¡La Biblia es el estándar supremo de justicia para todas las personas en todo el mundo! Lo que es pecado en Wisconsin es pecado en Florida, en Europa, en África, en Asia y en todas partes. La distancia, el tiempo y la opinión pública no afectan el estándar de justicia de Dios.
Las vestiduras de justicia
¿Qué actitud debe tomar la iglesia hacia un mundo saturado de pecado que protesta contra el estándar de justicia de Dios por estar "fuera de sintonía con los tiempos"? ¿Bajaremos el estándar de justicia para que las personas inmorales e impías puedan sentarse con consuelo en la casa de Dios?
La verdad es que no está en nuestro poder bajar el estándar de justicia que Dios ha establecido para siempre ese estándar en la tierra a través de la vida de Jesucristo. Aquellos que profesan bajar el estándar para apaciguar a las congregaciones complacientes son asalariados, no pastores.
La justicia no es vivir "sólo un corte por encima" de los injustos. Es correcto vivir de acuerdo a la Palabra de Dios. Las vestiduras de justicia nunca pasan de moda. Dios nunca altera el manto de justicia para que se ajuste al hombre. Más bien altera al hombre para que se ajuste a la túnica. El tiempo, la distancia o los cambios en las actitudes públicas no alteran ni un poco el estándar de justicia de Dios.
Anhelo desesperado
Los verbos griegos usados por Jesús en este cuarto principio de felicidad son muy poderosos. Debemos peinao y dipsao según la justicia. Peinao significa sufrir hambre profunda. Dipsao significa ser consumido con sed. ¡Sólo cuando estemos consumidos por un anhelo desesperado de justicia seremos felices!
Es un hecho biológico que todo ser viviente tiene hambre y sed. Sólo los muertos y los moribundos no tienen apetito. No quieren comida. No anhelan agua. Cuando nos sentimos mal y vamos al médico, una de las primeras preguntas que nos hace es "¿cómo está tu apetito?" La pérdida de apetito es la forma en que la naturaleza nos dice que estamos enfermos.
Jesús estaba preguntando a su audiencia junto al Mar de Galilea y también a nuestra generación: "¿Cómo está tu apetito por vivir correctamente?"
¿Conoces la expresión "Eres lo que comes"? No sé si esto es cierto en el ámbito físico, pero ciertamente es cierto en el espiritual. Si comemos los alimentos espirituales equivocados, no nos sentiremos bien ni seremos felices.
Cuando carecemos de apetito por las cosas espirituales, que es la base de la felicidad, no es porque seamos demasiado sofisticados o demasiado intelectuales para aceptar el estándar de justicia de Dios. Es porque estamos demasiado anémicos espiritualmente para saber que estamos muriendo.
Responsabilidad justa
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que queremos hacer, sino en hacer lo que debemos hacer. La felicidad nunca llega a la persona que esquiva la responsabilidad. Franklin D. Roosevelt dijo una vez: "La felicidad es la alegría del logro y la emoción del esfuerzo creativo".
No hay nada en el mundo que ayude a un hombre a superar sus dificultades, sobrevivir a sus desastres y mantenerse saludable y feliz como la alegría de una tarea de vida digna de su plena dedicación. La responsabilidad recta es una marca de madurez espiritual. No servimos al Señor por sentimiento o emoción, sino por deber y devoción. No hay felicidad sin responsabilidad justa.
"Se llenarán"
Lleno es una palabra fantástica. Significa "absolutamente satisfecho". Rebosante del buen corazón pasado de moda de Dios que calienta la felicidad. David escribió. "Sacia al sediento y llena de cosas buenas al hambriento" (Sal 107:9).
La Biblia dice: "Venid, todos los que tenéis sed, venid a las aguas; ¡Y tú que no tienes dinero, ven, compra y come! Ven, compra vino y leche sin dinero y sin costo. ¿Por qué gastar dinero en lo que no es pan, y tu trabajo en lo que no satisface? Escucha, escúchame comer lo que es bueno, y tu alma se deleitará en la comida más rica" (Isaías 55:1-2).
¿Estás buscando una verdadera felicidad? Cuando tienes hambre y sed de justicia tan desesperadamente como un hombre que se ahoga anhela aire; lo encontrarás. No es solo sentir; es fe viva. No es sensación; es la salvación. No es religión; Es rectitud a través de la responsabilidad. Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia, porque serán saciados. Mi nombre es Senior Pastora. Dr.Diana Brevan @ Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI
In Matthew 10:42, Jesus promised: And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.
When you give to Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI, you give a virtual "cup of cold water" to tens of thousands daily. How you ask? By enabling Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI to daily satisfy their spiritual thirst in the virtual world of the Internet where we minister to homes through out the world. We also supply needs by post world wide. Please consider sending us regular tithes and offerings. May the Lord richly bless each and every one of you. We do pray that our Fellowship does minister to you on Sundays, and throughout the whole week on a daily basis. God Bless you and have a blessed Jesus filled day, we daily are available to assist each of you daily in all the areas of your lives through Christ Jesus in Jesus is Lord Fellowship World Wide International through Senior Pastor Dr Diana Brevan
May the Lord richly bless you today around the globe. I am Senior Pastora of Jesus Is Lord Fellowship Dr. Diana Brevan. Let us prepare ourselves by turning to:
Salvation Prayer
Have you ever made Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life?
If not, pray this prayer and start a new life in Christ.
Dear God,
I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I admit that I am not right with You, and I want to be right with You. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. The Bible says if I confess with my mouth that “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will be saved (Rom. 10:9). I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank You for saving me!
In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer for the first time, we would like to know. send us an e-mail Or Send to Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI Dr.Diana Brevan PO Box 2752 Inverness Florida 34451 or share your testimony. We would love to and look forward to hearing from You Amen!
We are a Praying Ministry, We are a Growing Ministry, We are a Going Ministry, We are a Ministry, that will Bring You the Results!
For Full Contact Details See our Daily Posting in the Fellowship Halls
Senior Pastor, Dr. Diana Brevan,
Deacon Matthew D Helmich
Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you
We are here to help and encourage you and send prayer requests to: Senior Pastor, Dr. Diana Brevan , call the Main Headquarters of Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI Headquarters at 352-637-3046 daily between early morn to 6PM eastern time or
Prayer requests may also be sent to Deacon Matthew in Missouri at
We; Our Staff and prayer Warriors; around the Globe will be available to pray for you each day, to pray with you and place it in continued prayer. Our Staff will place all prayers before our Lords Alter in our Main Fellowship Halls Front room chapel and also in our individual staff offices and or Prayer Warriors prayer closets around the globe; keeping them in continued prayer no matter if the Lord has healed you already.
As you learn about Jesus Christ through prayer, Bible reading and fellowship with other Christians, and our staff as you learn through our Bible Studies reward Program
May God richly bless you as you continue to follow Him,
My name is Senior Pastor Dr.Diana Brevan where Jesus is Lord!
Deacon Matthew Helmich
For full current Contact Details see our posting in the Fellowship Halls
Senior Pastor, Dr. Diana Brevan,
Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you
You are invited to visit our various sites:-
Jesus Is Lord Fellowship WWI
USA Headquarters
PO Box 2752
Inverness Florida 34451
Deacon Matthew D Helmich
104 East Elm Street
Huntsville Missouri 65259-1111
660-676-8569 No Membership required. Everyone is welcome every moment of your day and night to visit us to click on the Icon Fellowship Hall and Receive Your Word of the day as you scroll for your day and your weekly message and Word of God. Please as you visit regular click on the guestbook and sign the guest book so we will know that you came to visit us and how you enjoyed your stay. God bless you and remember Jesus Is Lord!
Please contact Dr Diana Brevan about Bible Studies
Now stand in agreement and Let’s Praise Him Church Lets Praise Him! No Matter who you are what background you hold You are welcome to Worship with us and receive as well the Word in all of our Websites everyone that has breath is welcome to receive our weekly Bible Studies Everyone that has breath is welcome to Raise their hands and Touch The Hem of the Lords Garment In Prayer as we two or more gathered standing in agreement together!
Prayer Room World Wide Warriors on Facebook Site
Jesus Is Lord Fellowship World Wide Certified GPA Bible Studies Class Room on Facebook Site
Dr Diana Brevan Founder/President/Senior Pastora