Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI


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Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI
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911 Where Were You During this event upon 911

Let Us Praise God for each life and Let us continue to Pray for those who are still effected by 911

Dear Loving Father,

We pause to remember the great losses and courageous acts of September 11th. We lift up those who are still affected -- families of the victims, police officers, firemen, first responders, and all who were involved. We pray for the light of Christ to flood the hearts of people everywhere. We believe You desire to redeem Your creation, and we trust that beauty will continue to come from the ashes of those dark days. Surround us with Your mighty angels of protection, give us compassion for one another in all of life’s circumstances, and instill in us the courage to answer Your call. Amen. Dear Heavenly Father,

We are so grateful for the blessings You continue to shower upon us. We are grateful to live in a free nation, and we are grateful for the service of so many people who make that possible.

We pray that You will always help us remember the sacrifice and the tragedy of that day. Help us remember the cost of the lives that were lost and help us honor their legacy by promoting peace and freedom.

Teach us how to help those who are still actively mourning the loss of life from this tragedy. Many lost parents, siblings, and children. Help us remember their lives. Show us what we can do to “mourn with those that mourn.”Help us always honor the freedom that was attacked that day. Help us use our freedom for good. Make sure we use our freedoms to choose things that honor and help others. Teach us how we can preserve freedom and peace moving forward. We pray that with Your help, the world can live in tranquility, liberty, and prosperity.

We graciously offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

Amen, Amen, Y Amen!

Someone had asked me where was I when all of this was taking place, I was in a Leadership Meeting. one of the leaders Children turned on the tv in another room and 911 everything was taking place, than I Had received a call from my husband that all trucks was being called off the road and shared with me what his company had shared about the tragedy. There are so many Still effected by 911 let us continually pray over each and everyone Amen!