Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI


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Jesus is Lord Fellowship WWI
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Who Do You Say I Am Dr.Diana Brevan 09-28-2023

There are answers inside the Bible. God's light and instruction are there for those who read and study Scripture.

While the Bible won't tell you what to make for dinner, it offers something remarkable. It is an unwavering source of inspiration, providing guidance and direction for your life.

If you seek profound truths, a transformative journey, your life's purpose, or something that feeds your soul, the Bible is where you need to start your journey.

To gain absolute clarity, Bible Gateway Plus is there to answer your questions. The wisdom found only in Scripture will be revealed with access to over 50+ curated study resources.

These premium resources, from trusted pastors and scholars, will provide clear answers to the profound questions that come up as you read God's Word.

One of the most critical questions Jesus asked of His disciples, and also of you, is:

“Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15, NIV)

One remarkably clear answer is from The Jesus Bible, available with Bible Gateway Plus. It reads:

"For believers today, it is crucial that they understand the power and truth of Peter’s proclamation of Jesus as the Son of God. To say that Jesus was, and is, the Son of God is to say that He is the truth and the one way to enter into a right relationship with God. Through Jesus, believers are able to experience everything that comes with knowing God and having a relationship with His Son—grace, peace, mercy in this life, and eternity with him in the next."