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Re: Re: No Subject

Thankyou for replying, makes me feel a lot better, i try to stay at work when i'm feeling bad, i just think to myself that if i went home, i'd be on my own, therefore if anything happens, eg i die or pass out, no-one could help me! I always look at this message board when i feel bad, it helps to tell me that it's normal, that i'm not dying, as i didn't before, and neither have any of u!

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trust me I know how you feel.I have been living with my panic disorder for 3 years now. most of the time I feel o.k.

but like u for no reason, I feel like I am going to faint.alot of the time I can tell myself this is just my illness and I can overcome this. mind over matter. it usually works but sometimes it gets the best of me and I think I will die. when that happens,I have to go to my safe place which is home.this is a horrible disease but I do believe we can become stronger people cuz of it.would love to hear from you.

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Does anyone else feel like they're about to pass out for no reason. I get this just sitting at work, or at home, when i'm not thinking of anything, or concentrating on my feelings, when i'm not even feeling anxious! This causes me to panic, as i automatically think somethings wrong