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When i first got bad, i couldn't leave the house at all, but a friend of mine started taking me out every day in his car, promising to drive me back if i got bad. Every time we went out, we'd go a bit further, or stay a bit longer. It helped me have the confidence to go out with other people, as long as i could get home ok, and i trusted them.

I'm back bad again, but am trying to force myself to stay out and not run home when i feel bad, i reward myself for a days work with a new bag or something!! It helps me to look forward to something. Good luck

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My names robert and i am currently going through the worst stage of my life!! I'm 24 and i am having what appears to be panic attacks or something similar. I have had tests done on my heart and they came back all clear. I have been like this for 6 months now. I feel like i can't do anything i used to. My first Panic attack happened when i was driving back from work on the M1 at 23.00 at night. It was the most scared i have ever been, i was so glad to get back to my flat alive.. It felt like i was having a heart attack!!

I have been seeing my GP for 6 months now and i have only just been prescibed some drugs (beta Blockers) He tried me on anti depress drugs, but i was'nt depressed. Only been on them for 2 weeks so can not tell if they are working. Unfortunatly i lost my job because of the panic attacks, so i'm pretty much house bound at the mo. Trying to build my confidence back from these attacks.

I've just started to do some running to get me out of my flat. Seems to be working!!

If anyone has any thoughts to help me get through this hard time i would love to here from you!!



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I'm going to have to force myself, i know i'd feel ( and look!) a lot better, it's just that first step

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My best recovery has been from exercise but I can understand what you are saying. My panic has never been so under control since I started exercising. You could try swimming as it is not tiring but still good exercise for the body.

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I hate it! Makes me feel anxious and panicky for no reason. I spoke to my doctor about it today and she said to get more exercise, brain and body, and it'd make me feel stronger and clearer, gently at first though, 'cos i get panicky about being out of breath!

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Hi Kerry - I can relate to you! There are times when I am feeling ok but still feel like I am going to pass out! I never have though. I also feel dizzy at times for no apparent reason! Strange isn't it?

Take care


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Does anyone else feel like they're about to pass out for no reason. I get this just sitting at work, or at home, when i'm not thinking of anything, or concentrating on my feelings, when i'm not even feeling anxious! This causes me to panic, as i automatically think somethings wrong