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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject

Okay, i'll try that, thankyou

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Hi again. Ok, you need to call 01455 559880 and enquire about the tape called "Meditaion with Paul" by Raw Brown. Hope this helps. Nic

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Couldn't find his web site so I will see if I can get the URL or where I can buy the tape for you. Will let you know asap, ok?

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That'd be great, i do have a couple of tapes taken when i did hypnotherapy, they're relaxing, but there's only 2, and i would like to relax without being hypnotised!!

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The best relaxation tape I have is by someone called Ray Brown. It is called "Meditation with Paul" - superb. I am not sure where you can buy it but I can find out if you like. My partner's step-mum got me a copy cos she goes to see the guy for healing. It is really relaxing and he has a lovely voice. I prefer men's voices to women's when using relaxation tapes - not sure about you. Let me know if you want to get a copy or find out where to get one. Nic

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Is anybody here a member of No Panic, or bought the tapes or videos? If so, are they worth thier money, not to sound tight, just skint!