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Re: wishing you all a very merry christmas and a happy 2003

I hope it gets better for you! I'm in the same place you are i think, not panicking,, but aware that i could at any moment, i automatically shy away from things still that i know would make me anxious,

Take Care and Merry Crimbo everyone!!

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Replying to:

Hi all - just thought I'd spend a few minutes wishing you a very merry christmas and a brief up date on my life. As some of your are aware I suffer with panic attacks - this was due to the sheer quantity of uni work in my final year (2002). I regrettabley had to take 'time out' to gather my life back together - which I am still doing! I returned to uni in September 2002 and it is such a struggle to complete my work. Although I haven't had a full blown panic attack for a while now, the threat of it happening is always there!

Anyway - I hope to write a personal story for the 'nomorepanic' site when I am a little less busy, which I hope will benefit someone!

Merry christmas to you all, really do hope have a very successful and happy new year!!

Take care Joxxxx

Re: Re: wishing you all a very merry christmas and a happy 2003


Hope you have a relaxing one.

Take care



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Replying to:

I hope it gets better for you! I'm in the same place you are i think, not panicking,, but aware that i could at any moment, i automatically shy away from things still that i know would make me anxious,

Take Care and Merry Crimbo everyone!!

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Replying to:

Hi all - just thought I'd spend a few minutes wishing you a very merry christmas and a brief up date on my life. As some of your are aware I suffer with panic attacks - this was due to the sheer quantity of uni work in my final year (2002). I regrettabley had to take 'time out' to gather my life back together - which I am still doing! I returned to uni in September 2002 and it is such a struggle to complete my work. Although I haven't had a full blown panic attack for a while now, the threat of it happening is always there!

Anyway - I%