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Does anyone have experience with Celexa? Most studies show 20,oe 40mg work best, but I am wondering about 10 mg. /day. I would appreciate any help. K

Re: Celexa

If you scroll down there are some posts about certain drugs, Celexa rings a bell, what's it's other names? Cipramil or Paxil, etc?

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Replying to:

Does anyone have experience with Celexa? Most studies show 20,oe 40mg work best, but I am wondering about 10 mg. /day. I would appreciate any help. K

Re: Re: Celexa

Hi Kerry, thanks for your reply...I have read the earlier posts and dind't find any answer, so I thought I''d post the question....Celexa is in the family of Zoloft I don't know any other name. P

Re: Re: Re: Celexa

Celexa is also known as citalopram, which is the same as cipramil. I went on that last year, 20mg doses. I started feeling better, whether this was the drug or just natural time that helped i don't know, as i didn't take the drug to help me last time i got ill ( recently), and am getting better on my own.

The problem i had was when i came off it, i didn't consult my dr, just kept forgetting to take it, so started takeing it every other day, then stopped. A short while after i had the worst depression i've ever had, ( I didn't take it for depression, i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks) I couldn't get out of bed, couldn't see myself living till the end of the day etc.

I got through that on my own, so now i'd only take drugs if it was the last option left to me.

I admit though that it was probably my own fault, as you are warned to come off it carefully!!!

I entered some interesting websites lower down the message board under Re: Seroxat, have a look, they're very helpful.

Good luck.

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Replying to:

Hi Kerry, thanks for your reply...I have read the earlier posts and dind't find any answer, so I thought I''d post the question....Celexa is in the family of Zoloft I don't know any other name. P