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Re: post trumatic stress

Hi Trace.

Sorry to hear about your accident. If you have read "My Story" you will realise that my panic got much worse after a minor car accident. I realised that unless I got back in the car straight away, I never would and I did just that but I used to spend my evenings driving around trying to regain my confidence. It was hard and I still am not confident in cars but I HAVE to travel to get to work so i told myself that I had to get over it. I am not over it yet but I still drive to work everyday and I keep going.

Please try and get back in the car and drive again - it will be the best thing you can do. I think I was forced into it as I lived alone so unless I drove again I was going to be housebound.

I suggest you take the car out later in the evening (or early afternoon) and just drive round familiar roads to get your nerve back again. If this fails then you can get a driving instructor to take you out for a "refresher" course and if you explain why then I am sure they would be understanding.

Above all, DON'T let this take over your life. Get on top of it now and try to re-gain control.

Hope this helps somewhat


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hiya i think my other message has just gone without me putting anything on it! anyway, i was in a car crash about 2 months ago, a car crashed into my side with me and my daughter in it, i suffered some injuries, but ever since then i cannot get into the car without feeling dread. I have never felt like this before, i shake and sweat and cannot get the picture of the car out of my head. junctions are the worse and i am a nightmare as a passenger. I went to the doctors and she gave me the no panic website, has anyone ever felt like this? please help! thanks for looking at this any help would be appreciated....trace