Survey for ScraphouseChat

Tell us a little about how you scrap.

What program do you use to edit graphics and/or do layouts most frequently?
Paintshop Pro
Photoshop Elements
Picture It!
Foto Finish
dedicated scrapbooking software

If you use more than one graphics software program which do you use second most?
Paintshop Pro
Photoshop Elements
Picture It!
Foto Finish
dedicated scrapbooking software

Where do you put your layouts?
Just have them on my hard drive.
Print them out for a scrapbook.
Post them to a scrapbook site
Post them to a storage site like Fotki
Store them on CD
Store them in a digital photo album
Nothing yet.

If you use a photo editing program, how advanced do you think you are?

Do you use tutorials?
I would but I don't know how
If the tutorial isn't too hard
depends on the tutorial

For which program would you like to see tutorials?
Paintshop Pro (8-up)
Paintshop pro (7 or below)
Photoshop Elements
Picture It!
Specific Scrapbook Software?
I don't want tutorials, thanks.

What sort of challenges do you prefer?
any sort of challenge
Challenges about color
challenges using a specific photo
challenges using a specific kit
challenges using scrap supplies to do other things like cards.

What type of scrapping do you do?
I do it all (digital and paper)
Just digital
just paper now
I don't scrap, I design kits only
I use scrap kits for other things like tags or crafts.
I'd prefer not to answer.

Are you interested in learning about copyright?
Yes, I'd like learn about copyrights in scrapping
Yes, I'd like to learn about copyrights in designing scraps.
Maybe a tutorial or two.
Just a monthly reminder is fine.
Just give me a link and I'll learn by myself
Copyrights? I don't want to hear about them!

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