Countrybear Questionnaire

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How Did You Find The CountryBear?
Web Search
Windows Media Player Page
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What Is Your Musical Preference?
Older Traditional Country
New Country
A Mix of New And Old Songs

How Do You Feel About Older Traditional Country Music?
I Hate That Twang
The More The Better
I Can Take It Or Leave It
It Takes Some Getting Used To

When Do You Listen To The CountryBear?
As Often As I Can
Every Now & Then

How Do You React To Commercials?
They Don't Bother Me
I Ignore Them
I Turn Them Down
I Support Advertisers Whenever I Can
I Will Answer An Ad Occasionally

How Do You Feel About Unknown Artists?
They Turn Me Off
I Like Being Able To Listen To Them
They Don't Bother Me
I Prefer Only Established Artists

What Would You Like To Hear On The CountryBear?
Play Only The Hits
Play More New Songs
Play More Older Songs
Leave The Programming The Way It Is

How Do You Feel About Disc Jockeys?
Must Have Them
Wish They Would Talk More
Wish They Would Talk Less
Forget The DJ's---Give Me The Music!

What Is Your Musical Gender Preference?
A 50-50 Mix Of Male And Female Artists
More Male Than Female Artists
More Female Than Male Artists

Please Rate The CountryBear
The Best!
Very Good

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