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VD Project (Vifa/Dayton)

There is a project on the PE showcase of a Vifa P17WJ with Dayton Silk Tweet. The author did a nice write up on it and said the crossover desigh was done by Wayne J. There was no mention if the crossover was designed for a certain size baffle or any measurements. I was hoping someone knew. Thanks

Re: VD Project (Vifa/Dayton)

You're thinking of Dave Tenney's "VD" monitors.

You can find my crossover design for it here..

Also, there's a link to Dave's project page.

Also, as I recally, this should work fine on a 7-8" baffle (although narrow is better in this case).


Re: Re: VD Project (Vifa/Dayton)

Thank you for responding. That helps alot with the decision to go forward.