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Regal Zonophone 2

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Light Hearted topic ?

What music will you hope to have played at your own funeral?
Mine will be
Jimi Hendrix-Purple Haze/All Along The Watchtower
Both hopefully played by my Grandson

Re: Light Hearted topic ?

Phil, I fail to see why you're choosing "All Along The Watchtower".

One can get many meanings out of those lyrics . I see it as being about imminent -for the good - CHANGE. Cultural,social...whatever. Like "The Times They Are A-Changein'" and (my fav Dylan track of all time) "When The Ship Comes In", its about CHANGE.
(The joker and the thief are outcasts and the first to sense this great sea-change. The Watchtower is the enemy - it is the outpost and the first to get notice of the threat of this change to its bastions of conventionality, repression....again - whatever.)

So, wot are you saying here, Phil? That your death is this change for the better? (Like Daevid Allen's Gong "Rejoice! I'm Dead."??


Anyways, when Wallace,Prince of Eagles, shifts the mortal toil and pops the knob, you all will not likely be thinking of songs to play.

It will doubtless be a prodigious shock to the Zono-community that Wallace stopped posting here.

You will all be on your knees, pulling out your last hairs in mind-numbing grief.

Re: Light Hearted topic ?

Re: Light Hearted topic ?

When the world ends soon there will be no funerals. We all go together.👍😀