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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Re: Thank You Liz

Back again and better late than never to respond more fully to your post dear {{Diana}} {smile}

I don’t know where the time flies to as it is also nearly a year since dear {{chakhotay}} left us in November 2014. Interestingly my next door neighbour (that we don’t have that much to do with unlike the ones on the other side of us) said to me yesterday “didn’t you lose one of your dogs recently?” I said “Yes it is nearly a year ago now” so he didn’t quite know what to say to that one! {chuckle}

Yes it would be lovely to really sit round a table with a nice pot of coffee or glass of wine (depending on the time of day) and have a good ole chin wag wouldn’t it? {smile} It is hard to believe that so many years have passed since we all first met and chatted – firstly in AC and then in the different incarnations of this message board. It is still lovely when there are messages left in here though our numbers are now sadly much reduced. Mind you I keep the site open if anyone does want to pop in a leave a post so it is not coming to any harm here.

How are you and Ed doing with both your health issues? Hopefully they are being managed fairly well sweetie. With our advancing years here Paul is getting fairly crippled up with gout and arthritis so a lot more is left to me to do outside with animals and garden etc but I do have a very good osteopath who keeps me going bless her! {smile} Paul has gone to see a specialist this afternoon to try and resolve the gout problems so hopefully he can make a start on that sooner rather than later as he is not the world’s best patient bless him! {smile}

Aww I know exactly what you mean about the empty space with {{Lakota}} as even though we still have Shula and Nelson I sometimes look around the garden to see where Chakotay is. It also doesn’t matter what size our fourleggeds are (whether canine or feline) the empty space is still just as large is it not? It’s quite comforting to know that one day we will see them all again as I believe we will so there is that to look forward to when it is our time to leave Planet Earth and in the meantime we just carry on don’t we? {smile}

Sounds as though Khaleesi was the perfect birthday present for you and am sure she is very happy with her new family. Nelson is a Gemini Sun (though I don’t know any of his other placements though I could look them up I guess as I do have his birthday) and he really is such a puppy minded dog! Mind you Shula keeps him in some sort of check as she is now the Boss {chuckle}

Well looking at the time I think Paul will be back shortly and I need to take the dogs out for a quick run before it starts to get dark – I do hate it when the clocks change and we now have it getting darker earlier. The poor fish have suffered this past week or so as I kept forgetting to feed them when it was light as I always fed them after feeing the dogs only now it is dark then. I will go and feed them when I have posted this into the board.

I hope that you and dear Ed are both keeping well and that it is not too long before you post again here {smile}

{{elfina}} I hope you are having a lovely birthday dear friend and will respond to your post in a separate one either later today or in the morning as Paul has now arrived home. {Smile}

Sending Love and {{warm hugs}}} across the Sea to you both {smile}


PS am not going to proof this so excuse typos/grammar etc in advance {smile}

{{healing energies for elfina}}}

Hello again dear friends

I was just shutting my computer down for the night and as I was closing my FB page I saw a post from {{elfina}}} who has come down with shingles!

Can you all send out some extra strong {{healing energies}}} her way... {{elfina}} am holding you in my thoughts for this to be a mild case as I have had them and it is not something I would wish on anyone! Sending more {[healing energies}} across the Pond to you dear friend and will be back in the morning.. til then

love always

Mercury Rx - Post from Diana Catchup Part One

Hello dear friends

I received an email notification that Diana had left two posts here but can't find them so am going to copy paste them in from the emails.

Wed, 21 Jan 2015 at 18:45
Message starred
Bravenet Forum New Message Notification

The message was posted by Diana (from the ip address

Catchup Part One

Hello to my dear friends here. Before doing a little catch up with what's going on here at the "Willowden," thought I'd comment on the previous posts and do a 1-card reading for Hathor.

Hathor, sending out lots of healing & protective energies your way so that you remain cancer-free. These nasty health bits can certainly be frightening, vexing, and bothersome, and my heart goes out to you {{hugs}}. I'm not on Dapsone yet, though the rheumatologist stated she would consider trying that if the present course of treatment isn't showing enough progress. At the moment I'm on an anti-malarial would you believe? Odd they use that to treat Lupus, but if it works, then so much the better. It starts with a P and ends with a "quil", but not sure of the exact spelling at the moment. Still early on in the treatment course, so not sure how it's all going, though I'm doing blood work Friday and a follow up with her the first Monday in February, so should know more then.

Now for your 1 card reading. THE TEMPLE PATH was the card that surfaced for you. Keywords: Spiritual Purpose & Support Meaning: Receiving this card represents your own spiritual revolution. The winding path you are on leads to a blessed temple in a lovely garden, symbolizing the spiritual destiny your soul has had in mind in this lifetime. This card is here to tell you that what you're going through now is all part of your soul's process. You are on your karmic path and headed in the right direction, and the choices you make now are important for your personal growth and life lessons. The lights around the temple represent the spirit world - your family and friends, angels and guides, all the loving spirit helpers who long to assist you. Call upon them, and be open to their wisdom & inspiration. This is a wonderful, life-expanding time, so keep in mind your personal priorities as well as your spiritual connection. Following your higher intentions will help you move your life forward in dramatic ways, and connecting with spirit - and your higher self - will have a wonderful influence on all that you experience. AFFIRMATION: I open my heart to my spiritual truth and a deeper connection with spirit. Guidance and inspiration come freely and easily to me. Thought I would break this post into two parts at this juncture, with the remainder to follow in the post below this one."

Re: Mercury Rx - Post from Diana Catchup Part Two

The message was posted by Diana (from the ip address

Part 2


Elfina: I'm so sorry to hear of your bout with shingles, especially following on the heels of your knees {{hugs}}. Sending boat loads of healing your way. I do hope Pat's surgery goes well, and that John's presence will help you both in your recoveries. It sounds like you will have some lovely renovations made to your home to loom forward to though, so hoping that all goes well.

Liz, sheesh, what's with the boiler problems? Really hoping you are able to get that all sorted out once and for all sweetie. Wondering if you or Paul are experiencing a harsh aspect to your Pluto and/or Mars at the moment, as that seems like a very Plutonian/Martian issue. I remember once when we had a major pipeline issue with the toilet, my Pluto was being whacked a good one, forcing s$@! to the surface so as to say {grin}. Still amazes me how accurate astrology is, even after 35 years of working with it. Yes, Lupus is a rather nasty autoimmune disease, particularly as it can assault anything in your body at any given time during a flareup. However, at least we now have the diagnosis and a treatment plan, so hopefully can keep organ damage as low as possible. I've been told to expect the painful joints, malaise, and fatigue to be nearly constant even when a "flare" isn't occurring, but I'm looking into alternative treatments to assist in an integrative approach, even incorporating crystals and gems. One day at a time {smile} Ed had his blood draw today for tomorrow's appointment with his liver specialist, so I'll let you all know what things look like as soon as we know.

All of the spring cleaning and renovations Liz and Elfina are doing has given me the itch to see about having a company come out and clean our rugs. Apartment rugs aren't the best quality and nearly three years of wear with two people and a large dog takes its toll! We watched "Guardians of the Galaxy" on dvd, and what fun we had! Impressive special effects, humor, action, and an upbeat story made for an entertaining movie. If you've not yet seen it, I recommend it for good ole escapist fun {grin}.

Okies, that's it for now, but sending love to all and hoping Kermit and Robynne are also doing ok.

Love to all, Diana

New to Mermaid

Just "discovered" this site by googling" moons of Jupiter". for a greater esoteric understanding

of them. The thought thread (as far as I can trace it ) began with a post on

A reference to me as being a "Hydra" (chop off 1 head and another appears). Picked up the thread

again when read on that big "things" were going on with the moons of Jupiter

eclipsing one another, and one was named Hydra. I was posting comments that came in from "my

higher self" that were very "esoteric" and this individual was trying intellectually, to get to the

roots of the things i was saying. Your esoteric astrology site is magnificent! (Magnifying).

My (non personal my) master teachers taught the divine sciences. In regards to astrology,

the logic of the stars, they taught; "to work "out" the energies of the planets/etc of ones natal

chart go across the wheel 180 degrees and work them through that sign. I have Lord Jupiter

in Gemini, therefore the "way out" or if you will, "the way in" is through the "world" of thought of


Thank you for being (and doing :-) )

Rayone , Pisces, 8th house, Cancer rising. (water water everywhere)

Re: {{healing energies for elfina}}}

Hello dear friends

I am copying a post that {{elfina}} left on her Facebook page so that there is a little update in here on her and {Pat}.

"Pat is home and resting with ice on his eyelid. The Dr. got all the cancer with very few stitches needed. He will be hurting for a few days . I am glad it is done. John took him as I stayed home because I'm still not able to wear my bra all the time as it hits on the blisters and they are red and sore. The Shingles meds seem to be working but it will be awhile before they heal. Still have pain from them but not as bad as the first few days."

Sending out more {{healing energies}} across the Pond to both of you dear {{elfina}}} and as I said on your FB page, try going without a bra and wearing a very loose pure silk shirt. It helped with my shingles when I had them although just a silk shirt in winter was a tad challenging! {grin}

much love always

Re: New to Mermaid

Greetings Rayonne and thank you for leaving your kind message.

I too have an 8th house Sun at 4 degrees conjunct Mars at 8 degrees {smile}

love always

Re: New to Mermaid

Interesting. My sun is at 8 degrees.

Lords Saturn, Mars and Uranus conjunct (within 4 degrees of each other)

in the sun dome of Tarus, spiritual decanant. The sun dome of my master /teacher.

Visited England early 70's when you could still walk around Stonehenge. Someone

had sacrificed a bird on one of the stones, my wife at the time said Druids.

Don't know for sure about that, but when we left I gazed back over the Plaines of

Salsbury and beheld a pillar of fire arising from the monolith.



Re: New to Mermaid


Trying to unsubscribe to receiving messages.
I follow instructions and doesn't happen.
Your assistance respectfully requested.



Re: New to Mermaid


I don't know how to unsubscribe as it must be a Bravenet thing. Perhaps you could contact Bravenet direct and just quote the message board address?

kind regards


Merry Christmas to All

Stopping in to wish Elfina and Liz (and anyone reading along) a very Merry Christmas.

Ours will be a peaceful, quiet one with just the two of us and Khaleesi.

I'm making a bone in ham with a maple, apple, and brown sugar glaze, twice-baked potatoes, corn, and cheese bomb bread with apple roses for desert. We're giving out plates of food to some of our disabled neighbors who don't have family nearby to celebrate the day with, so the food won't go to waste, that s for sure {chuckle}

The weather has been so nice and mild here. We've even seen some lows in the thirties, which is quite brisk and a wonderful change to the 100+ temps of the summer.

Anyways, best get a move on here with my day.

Liz and Elfina, thinking of you both and sending outnlts of love.
