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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Posts for October/November/December 2012

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Am just splashing through briefly to start the new string for the final quarter of 2012 as I want to finish up the year in the same format.

As the messages are lessening I will probably do a six monthly string for the New Year and then we can always add an extra continuation one if and when necessary. Mind you as our message numbers are now gradually dwindling due to the constraints of our own ~nows~ then I think it will be fine. {smile}

I hope to be back a little later this morning once I have completed some of my work tasks. Until then I hope that {{all}} are well and am sending out {{healing energies}}} to {{all}} who may need them.

with love always

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

Hello to All,

Wow, October already. This year has just zoomed past.

Update on Uncle Mark. He had the surgery to remove part of his lungs and so now the upper lobe is gone. While he understands the Doctors have cautioned him that this is only "buying time," his attitude is good, as he wanted extra time with his children and grandchildren, and now he will have it. He's always been a fighter so I'm glad to see that his resilient spirit is in full effect. {smile}

Thank you all so much for your healing thoughts, prayers, and fairy dust, as they certainly did the trick in pulling him safely through the procedure, and in helping him to recover. Mom is also thankful and wanted me to express her gratitude as well.

Thanks to dear {{{Mermaid}}}, the Animal Totems and metaphysical website continues on as she generously donated webspace to help ensure the Spirit Animals continue to have a place to share their wisdom and light. Thank you so much sweetie {{hugs}}.

The new website address is It's still under a bit of construction, but the main page is up and running, thanks in large part to Mermaid's technical knowledge {grin}.

We're starting to see some cooling temperatures, but it still insists on hovering at 100+ for half the week, instead of the low to mid 90s that's the average this time of year. Hopefully, as we proceed into October though, we'll see even cooler temps.

Ed is doing much better since we moved into this little apartment. It seems that the stress from having to sell the house, the move, etc was having a larger toll on him than either of us realized at the time, but he's now happier and more at peace than I've seen him for a while, so that is brilliant {smile} It will be a good place for him to heal up, and being the friendly and out-going fellow he is, he's already made several friends here, so that's good as well.

{{Elfina}} I'm so relieved to hear that Pat made it through everything well, and that things turned out better than what we'd all first feared. More healing thoughts coming out his way for a continued and complete recovery.

Speaking of recoveries, Mermaid, how are your knees? Seems over the years mine have gotten quite bad as well as I had several injuries to them as a youngster that kept getting exacerbated during my highly athletic days and now as a woman of nearly 50, it's all caught up, so I can most assuredly relate.

Kermit, hoping you're ok. Please check in when you can.

Am also wondering how Maggy and Hathor are doing. Has anyone heard?

Guess I'd best close for now and get back to some practical bits and pieces before my morning gets away from me.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Albert Einstein

Sending love to all who enter.

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

Good morning dear friends {Smile}

Looks like we have had a touch of frost overnight this morning so the leaves will really start to turn now. They have already begun to fall and yesterday Robert was here and we were getting the garden ready for autumn time in readiness for the winter to come. He will give the roses their winter pruning when we are away. It is hard to believe that in two weeks time we will be heading off Down Under and still much to do though at least the ORC work stuff is now easing as the public cruise season finished last weekend so the phones have eased down now. It seems to have been a long summer though the time has flown by and not a particularly easy summer because of the dreadful weather for May, June July that in some ways it seems that we haven’t had much of a summer at all at least the summers that we have been used to over the years. {Smile}

It is interesting that in some ways I wish I could be just staying at home and going into hibernation mode rather than arriving into spring time down under as I am very tired but no doubt the sunshine will rejuvenate me so that I can return back to our winter nice and refreshed. {smile}

Nelson had a bit of a hiccup this week as he went back of his food though I am hoping that it was just a hiccup as he is eating again. It has been such a worrying time with him over the past month as one step forward two steps back and he has had the vets mystified as all the tests he has had done have come back with nothing untoward showing. Chakhotay is now getting quite creaky in his own joints bless him – mind you when he belts off down the quarry he is like a young dog again for a little while – he is like his mum now quite creaky in the mornings until we both have our painkillers and anti inflammatory pills {chuckle} Shula is such a little sweetie too and keeps Nelson in his place – they both adore each other and it is heartening to see them continue to play together so I hope that Nelson will grow this his delicate tum and that they will have a good few years together after the terrible losses of both {{{Kirry and Noosa}}} in the past few years.

We are going to have our flu jabs done this Saturday and then we also have to get stuff off the boat in readiness for her coming out of the water whilst we are away so it will be a busy weekend methinks and am sending out a little request to the Universe that I won’t react too much to the vaccination! {Smile} I am going to see my osteopath this afternoon so that a little extra treatment for my knee will help a lot. It is better in that I can walk now although I still can’t kneel down without pain – so I don’t! {smile} She has really been performing miracles on it I must admit and am sending out a little {thank you} to the Universe for me being able to find her.

Heck I am getting into a ramble here so am going to quickly run through some posts else I will be off again to start my day without responding yet again! I do apologise for the length of time in not responding I do think of everyone who visits the Retreat both past and present and hope that they are all doing well in their own ~nows~ {Smile}

{{{elfina}}} that was such a relief to hear that {{Pat}} is on the mend and I do hope that all is well with you both. You will soon be getting ready to head south again and perhaps you will both be able to enjoy your beautiful Florida home for the winter months. How is little Scooter doing – it is hard to imagine him slowing down but I know what it is like and hopefully the warmer weather will help his little joints too bless him. Sending love and {{hugs}} to you across the sea dear friend.

{{diana}}} I have been holding dear {{Loralee}} in my thoughts and hope that she is also now fully recovered from her injury. It is always difficult when an ~Anniversay~ comes round and I know that you and her will have felt {{Don Snr’s}}}} one very deeply – bless you {{both}}}. It was lovely to read that {{Ed}} is enjoying life a little more now that you have both moved and don’t have the worry of the house any more so that he can now focus on healing. Am also sending out some {{{healing energies} to your Uncle and hope that the Universe grants him enough time to enjoy his family before it is time for him to leave. I love the web site by the way and sent you a quick one-liner this morning to say how much I love the new background on the front page. The beautiful emerald green is so healing and I love just wafting in those energies {smiling} My own BT hosted site will be closed at the end of the month according to an email I received yesterday so I will make a start on moving pages during the winter months. Sending love and {{hugs}} to you sweetie – it is lovely to read your posts again. {Smile}

{{kermit}}} please check in sweetie as you know what a ~worry wort~ I can be at times {{{hugs}}}} to you and {{{B2}} {smile}

Well looking at the time I see it has moved on again and I will have to make a start on my day {Smile} What is the saying? ~tide and time wait for no man (or woman)~ so I will pop this post in now with the hope that {{all}} are well and am sending out extra {{healing energies}} to those who need them.

With love always


Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

Good Morning All, Autumn is truly here with the trees all decorated with their wonderful colors. We haven't had a hard frost yet so the flowers are all still in bloom and it looks so pretty here. Pat closed down the sprinkler system yesterday and brought in all the bronzes. Next weekend we will bring the travel trailer home from camp which is always a chore. The weekend of the 20th is Pat's 50th class reunion. We are going to Connecticut to celebrate for 3 days with his class mates. It should be a lovely time with so many activities planned. I will also have a chance to visit with my Mother and siblings. Pat's birthday is the 22nd so we will celebrate his there. We will celebrate Denise's birthday a little late on the 26th and stay at her house for that weekend. Pat leaves the following week for a hunting trip with our son John and he will return 3 days before we leave for Florida on the 10th. So there it is the month all gone and me packing up for my Florida journey again. I really can't wait to be there.

Scooter is doing well this week...he is such a sleepy boy but he still likes to sniff all the trees and bushes when he goes out. We have had a fox here and Scooter smells all the places he has been each morning. I have to watch him so closely now as if the fox is nearby Scooter will run after it I am sure. He is still a fearless protector of his property.

Diana I loved the new pages...I wasn't able to get to the crow page but I am sure it is because you are still working on it. So glad you have made your move to a more relaxing place for Ed. Not having worries about household things will help him mend. My prayers are still with your family for their continued recoveries.

Mermaid, wishing you the most relaxing and happy time on your trip. I just wish you were coming this way this year, perhaps next trip you plan will be to the states. My sister is in Austria and Germany this week on a Viking River boat cruise. She is having a lovely time, maybe Pat and I will plan one someday as we loved visiting Europe.

Kermit, wishing you and B2 a happy week. I thought the debate last night went well. We shall all know in a few weeks the outcome. Keeping my fingers crossed it will go our way for a more secure future for America.

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

Popping in to leave a message with my iPad as I am trying to get used to typing on it ! I know that these are a wonderful piece of kit but I am trying to get used to it so that I don't have to carry a laptop around Australia with me but right now am still not convinced! If I cafigure out how to copy and paste stuff out of a word document into emails then that might be ok but at the moment I still cxan't figure it out and am now running out of time! I have got a really good book so will get stuck into reading it and learning dhow to make the most of this little piece of kit.

{{{elfina}}} it was lovely to read your post and I will respond properly on my computer rather than this iPad! I need to go and get dinner sorted out for us (dogs have been fed so now humans time) and then hope to be back later...til then

Love always

Mermaid... Xxx

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

PS. Please excuse the atrocious typing above I will get used to this little machine! (laughing). Xxx

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

good morning dear friends {Smile}

I am so sorry that I haven;t been in - it has been a hugely busy time getting everything up to date work wise and at least making a start on the Australian trip. I have been rushing about hither and thither getting 6 weeks worth of animal feed, dog food etc so the house sitters have everything here for them.
The boat has now come out of the water and she will have more work done on her whilst we are away.

We had a big shock this week though with dear {{Chakhotay}}}. He has been diagnosed with the progressive disease Anal Furunculosis and hopefully it has been caught early enough that it is treatable with lots of seriously expensive drugs and then if they work then just a maintenance dose. There is no good time for that to happen but this just when we are about to leave for six weeks is horrible. He is such a good dog bless him. We had a hiccup when he reacted violently to the drugs (vomitting and diaorrhea) so the vets have changed the dosage and we will see how he gets on with that. He managed yesterday evening to hold down most of his dinner. If he didn't have the treatment then it gets progressively worse quickly and he might not even have been here by the time we returned. So please hold him in your thoughts and send out some {{healing energies}} for him.

I have felt really torn about leaving (as you can imagine) but the trip is all paid for and has cost a lt of money (let alone the cost of sitters etc) and we will be letting a lot of people down in Australia as well so I have to go. Unfortunately we now won't be going to New Zealand so that will have to wait until the next time. Mind you I know that {{robynne}} is as busy and rushed as I am at the moment so it is probably a good thing in some ways though I shall miss not being able to visit there.

I hope to put another post in later today perhaps as I have to make a start on actually getting some packing organised. We leave here at 2pm on Monday for Singapore. The flight leaves at 8pm and we will arrive in Singapore on tuesday afternoon and then leave for Sydney on Friday evening to arrive there Saturday morning. I am taking my netbook with me anyway as I am not entirely happy with just the ipad so hopefully will be able to pop travel updates in here from time to time.

I need to head off now and get dogs breakfast and see to {{chakhotay}}} as well so til later I hope all are well and am leaving a {{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter tgether with {{healing energies}} to those who need them.

love always

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

Oh Liz, I'm so sorry to hear about {{Chakhotay||. I am, and will continue, to send out healing energies his way, bless him.

I can certainly understand your feelings of being torn, yet as you said, there is expense involved along with letting folks down. It is in the Universe's capable hands now, though sometimes it's difficult for us with our beloved animal companions as there is only so much we can do. Watching Serena with her on-going good days/bad days, I can certainly relate. Sending loving energies across the Pond to you as well dear {{wolfsister}}

Hoping that your trip goes well and that you do manage to get some rest and enjoyment in, though I know that Chakhotay will never be too far from your thoughts.

The weather here was positively wonderful yesterday! Due to a "cold" front moving in, we dipped down to 77 degrees which was positively blissful! It will be back up into the lower 90s by Monday and throughout next week, but that was a wonderful change.

Hoping that Elfina, Kermit, Maggy, and Hathor are all doing well.

Must run, but leaving {{hugs}} for all who enter.


Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

Thank you dear {{diana}}}

It has been a terrible few days here as he can't hold his dinner down as the pills he has to have (which I give at lunchtime) have been making him lose his dinner about an hour after eating. Fortunately he has been holding his breakfast down though so that is keeping him going. The vets say that it should ease up after a few more days so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I haven't even started packing yet and yesterday I managed to pull a muscle in my side so am fairly crocked up. I have never ever looked forward less to a trip than I am at the moment. Not only for {{chakhotay's}} sake but also for what we are potentially leaving all the sitters with. It may be that he will go to the Rainbow Bridge whilst we are away as I have given permission to vets and to sitters that if it is his time then it has to be done if a vet thinks it is necessary. I hate to have to leave that with the sitters as I know they all love our dogs and have had to make those kind of decisions themselves before. I have sorted out practicalities with Michael and Robert as to where his grave will be etc etc and they will both help each other with that to make the task easier. Sheesh what an end to the summer!

Thank you so much for your thoughts dear {{{diana}}} they are much appreciated. {{{warm hugs}}} to you and hope that {{Ed]} is also doing well.

Anyways changing the subject...

{{elfina}} for when you look in I am leaving {{happy birthday thoughts}} for you as I probably won't be online when it is your special day. I hope that you had a good trip and that you travel and arrive safely back in your home in Florida as by the time I get back to the UK you will probably be there.

I wanted to leave that for you as I will look in later and probably in the morning before we have to leave but it always gets a bit manic anyway before a trip let alone with all we are having to contend with at the moment and I didn;t want to forget! {smile}

Better get on with my day so leaving {{warm thoughts}}} and a {{group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter...

with love always

PS Whilst I also think of it BT are pulling my BT pages at the end of October so if you come in here via the Forums link (as I usually do) then it probably won't be there by November so you will need to bookmark this page direct.

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

Oh Liz, how sorry I am to learn of Chakhotay's illness. Praying that he can
adjust to the medication and heal. I know how you must feel about leaving for so long while he is not well. Please try and put those feelings aside and have a relaxing and fun holiday. YOu will be missed in here but knowing you somehow you will find time to write and wifi at least once during your trip.

Sorry I haven't been in I have been very sick with a horrible virus and have spent an entire week in bed. Fever, cough, sore throat, ear ache, stomach bug, passed out once and no energy what so ever. Today is my first day up and doing anything worth speaking of. Oh well I am glad it was this week when I had nothing planned. Scooter kept me company in the guest room all week as I didn't dare sleep next to Pat and give him the bug. I felt quite pampered as Pat was a wonderful "nurse" and cook.

Pat and John are at camp today bringing home the travel trailer. I am praying it all goes well and that they will be home soon.

Waving to the room and saying hello to Kermit and Diana, I'll be in touch while our Mermaid is away.

Have a great trip Liz and leave your worries behind and have fun.

Oh and thanks for the early birthday wishes...

Re: Posts for October/November/December 2012

Well Sam sitting here in the business lounge at HEathrow and we will board our flight in about an your. Finally got r iPad connected up to a wi if sand so I Thought I would pop a message in here and then hopefully the next one will be from Singaaspore, excuse the spelling here my typing is of particularly brilliant on this but I did manage to send an ema to our hotel re a car meeting us and apparently they have wi if on the flight so I could perhaps write from midair! :)

Thank you dear (((elfina))) it has been so stressful that I didn't.t even pack for the trip Until mid morning today with the taxi coming a 2pm! The Collards (hours sitters) arrived at noon and so everything hopefully all organised at home now. I will call them in a minute after popping this little message in.

I hope that all a well Ad will write more either from the palace or from Singapore! Til then

Love to all

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