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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Merry Christmas to All

Wishing all of you dear souls a most blessed and happy Christmas!

Hathor, good to see you!

Love to all,

Re: Merry Christmas to All

Och Aye, Diana. Blessings to you too.
Sure been a tough year for many, but I guess we will (may) survive.

I reckon my attempts at resuscitating AC has now come to an end. Sometimes one has to respect the patients wishes even though I am programmed to save. I wish everyone love and comfort (and dry feet!). Don't know if the below will work, but I will try ....

Re: Merry Christmas to All and a Happy New Year too

Belated Christmas Wishes...ours was nice but quiet. Our son John was here for a few days which was wonderful. We had dinner with old friends and the day passed peacefully. John has gone back north but will be back in early February to help me as Pat will have his knee replacement on the 3rd and will be unable to drive for 4 weeks or more. I am not driving down here at all this year. Pat has decided to take a little cruise before he is laid up so we leave on the 12th for Mexico and Grand Cayman. Looking for a 6 days of R&R.

Wishing each of you a Very Happy New Year...praying this new year brings us all better health, greater wealth and the world peace and more harmony among nations.

As we approach the end of 2013 {Smile}

Hello dear friends [smile}

It seems an age since I was home alone with time for me for a change as Paul is out for the day. The sun is shining outside after all the dreadful storms we have been having and there is now a little respite for a couple of days before the next one arrives on Monday. Everything that has been battened down for the preceding storms is still in place. The stable roof has been repaired just in time before the last one and then it held thank heavens. {smile} We have not had flooding thank goodness (the advantage in one way of living on top of a hill) though the quarry now has a lake at the bottom of it.

We thought we might have lost {{Chakhotay}} to the Rainbow Bridge by Christmas Day. He managed to hurt himself on Christmas Eve and was on three legs for a while. Fortunately I was able to get some strong painkillers from the vet that could be used in conjunction with his daily anti inflammatory medication so he is hanging on in there. I had woken Christmas morning thinking that we might have been calling out the vet to help him on his way to the Rainbow Bridge but fortunately he has rallied round bless him. I do know that he is now on borrowed time as he has suddenly got very old and creaky (a bit like his mum really) so am just appreciating him during the time he has left.

I have had to increase my own pain management medication with my knees and hands being fairly stuffed so it has been fairly challenging on many counts but hey ho one just carries on albeit a bit slower that one would like. The animals still have to be tended to and dogs walked (although dear {[chakhotay}} is now confined to garden only as the quarry is too much for him now. It is the joys (or not) of getting old(er). {chuckle}

I hope that everyone had a good Christmas – ours was quiet with just the two of us for Christmas Day which was nice and then we went out to friends on Boxing Day and Emma, Dan and Scarlet came round yesterday for lunch. Olly, Emma, Archie and Darcy are currently in Australia visiting Emma’s family as she has not seen them for nearly six years and also Olly could go and watch some England/Australia cricket matches! (I suspect a good part of the reason why they went Down Under) {smile} We will have a get together when they are back later in January.

I will pop this post in for now as I have to make a start on updating the ORC web site in readiness for 2014 but I hope to take a little break later and will then respond to posts. So til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter and sending out {{healing energies}} to those who need them.

With love always


Re: As we approach the end of 2013 {Smile}EACE

Well as usual I'm a day late and a dollar short.


I am it appears in my yearly dis-ease. It seems for the last 6-7 years I've had something in December.


Re: As we approach the end of 2013 {Smile}PEACE

Hello dear friends {Smile}

The following comes from a dear friend (Steve Nelson) which I thought I would share here as we come to the end of 2013 and then welcome in 2014. {smile}

"The Dec 28-31 Balsamic Moon invokes the New Year and the new Aquarian Aeon that quickens to life as the New Venus appears rising before the Sun later in this lunar cycle. This is the Wishing Moon, a time to put wishes on the air. Also called the Witches Moon, it’s time to bring to mind those who need healing. Feeling invokes healing, the deeper we feel, the deeper we heal - and the more Moon magic comes through the new lunar cycle.

Shadows before New Moon transform as we focus on the light within and breathe. Old Moon shadows, old life patterns, let go on the waning lunar tide. Balsamic Moon with Saturn conjures out past life shadows and old world karma to be released. The worst of human nature, all that needs clearing from the global psyche, is brought out by the close of this Saturn year 2013. The lunar crescent with Libra's alpha star Zubenelgenubi brings balanced judgment. Balsamic Moon with Scorpio's bright stars Graffias and Antares calls forth the ultimate power of transformation. As old year / old world shadows dissolve in the cosmic sea, a great tide of chi is set free to power hopes and dreams for the New Year and a New World.

See the Balsamic Moon rising just before the Sun, this wee waning crescent sets the stage for all that is coming to be. Make a Wish!"

much love always

Re: As we approach the end of 2013 {Smile}PEACE

Stopping in before this old year ends to wish you all a great start to the New Year 2014. Wishing us all much healthier days ahead. Wishing we all have time to do the things we want to do. Wishing you all plenty and happiness.
May our friendships grow and may the world find peace. Such a tall order but the wish comes from the heart and I'm praying it all comes true.

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