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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Re: Here we are in March already! {smile}

Good morning dear friends {Smile}

After more snow today the sun is shining and there is the whiteness of frost everywhere. I meant to write up a little post yesterday but my own now and work took over (as it often does) so wanted to pop in briefly this morning before I start my day.

{{Diana}}} I will reply more in my next post but wanted you to know that I read your post yesterday and am sending you a {{{big warm hug}} together with a dollop of {{{healing energies}}} dear friend. Please don’t ever feel that you can’t share anything here as that is what we all do don’t we? {smile} I think the Retreat is its own little thread in the tapestry of life… we have births, deaths, happy times, not so happy times and sorrowful times. It is part of life and is what we share together. Friends come and stay for a while then have to take part in their own nows and then return or not…. It is how it is yet I am sure that even those silent friends who read along sending out energies also help us in our times of need and we do the same for them and for others… it is what we do so I am so glad that you felt you were able to come in and share. {Smile} As I said I will write more in response later as I know today will take over but I wanted you to know that I had seen your post. Sending love {{healing energies}}} and {{{hugs}} across the Sea to you dear friend.

I have to see the knee specialist later this morning so hopefully we can find out what is amiss with my knee {smile} I will also be holding dear {{Dave and Angie}} in my thoughts as looking at the time he should be at the hospital already but I don’t know what time they will be operating so if you could please send out {{healing energies}}} and hold them both in your thoughts and prayers and we shall see what the Universe brings for them later. Thank you so much to {{all}} of you in advance. Sending out a request to dear {{Archangel Raphael}} to help and also to {{Archangel Michael}} to help cut the cords of fear for both of them – positive energies can help work wonders {Smile}

A little thought for today :

~There are many ways in which you can be hurt. But there is only one way to heal. That is through love~ (the Buddha}

til later dear friends {smile}

love always


Re: Here we are in March already! {smile}

Hello dear friends (smile)

What a day it has been I will do a write up in the morning but have just heard that dear ((Dave)) has come through a ten hour operation and is now back on the ward in ICU. So thank heavens that he survived the operation and the 50-50 odds of that happening did work in his favour. I am sure that this has been helped by your energies as well as mine and am sending out a big Thank You! To ((Raphael )) for his intervention .

Since starting to write this post Angie has been on the phone for a nice long talk so she is hopefully now going to have a cup of hot chocolate and a good nights rest (smile). I am writing this on my iPad so as it is now late I will pop this little post in and will write more in the morning. Thank you again dear friends....the power of healing energies should never be underestimated should it (smile)

Til tomorrow .... Love always

Mermaid xxxxx

Re: Here we are in March already! {smile}

Dear Liz,

Thank you so much for the update on Dave and Angie. I am so thrilled to hear that he has come through the operation well, and like you, am certain that all of the prayers and energies sent out (along with Raphael's loving assistance) has helped make it so {smile}

And thank you as well, dear friend, for your loving thoughts, energies, and encouragement. I felt better today though must admit, very wiped. I spent most of the day in bed as just have felt so tired lately, so have just learned that rather than fighting it, just go have a lay down and have my time of "up and at 'em" when my body is able to {chuckle}

My dear friend Janelle left her job as she just couldn't take the horrible work conditions any more. If I could also ask that you all hold her in your thoughts that she find a better position with fair compensation, I would appreciate it. She is one of the true angels of the world and has given so much to so many for so long, that she is warranted a little help from the Universe methinks, and a certainly hoping that the Universe will see fit to bestow a blessing upon her in her own time of need.

Sending more {{healing energies}} out for Dave as I write this, and will do so throughout the day tomorrow as well. Hoping he has a speedy and full recovery, and again asking dear Archangel Raphael to be with Dave and Angie both during this journey they walk together.

Sending love to all,

Re: Here we are in March already! {smile}

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Must admit I feel a little tired this morning as it was quite late last night when I popped that little post in and I am not a night person per se but goodness it was well worth it.

I am still so grateful to the Universe that Dave came through the surgery and hope that he spent a reasonable night though feel sure he will feel a bit like he has been hit by a train as the nurses and doctors have already warned him. {smile} He is a Leo soul and really has been through so much in the past 12 months culminating in yesterdays third operation so I do hope that he is allowed to now have some quality time healing and enjoying a better quality of life. Angie will give me an update later today or this evening o am sending out some extra {{healing energies}}} for them both. {Smile}

Just an update on my own condition… the consultant I saw yesterday was such a lovely man with wonderful calm energies {smile} Once I had seen him then it was off for an x-ray and the good news is that it isn’t bone damage or arthritis – in fact he said it was a very good knee! {chuckle} This means whatever the problem is that it will be easily treatable. I will have an MRI scan on Monday morning and then see him later in the week which was interesting as he said he will be away for the week after next so I would probably not seee him for a fortnight yet when I had made the MRI appointment and they then went on the computer to make the appointment with the consultant they said he was available on the Thursday! When I commented on that they said he must have had a cancellation so the Universe does indeed provide doesn’t it? {smile} so am sending out my own thank you to the Powers That Be in that I hope it can be sorted out easily with a minimum amount of recovery time. It is probably a tear in the cartilage (the same as Michael had) and he only needed three weeks so that will be brilliant if it is the same for me. {smile} I must admit that the knee was giving me a lot of pain by last night because of all the pulling about etc yet it is back to its usual amount of discomfort this morning and I can cope with that {smile}

{{{Diana}}} awww thank you for popping in sweetie and I will write more a little later as I can see that it is now time to make a start on my morning. Am very glad that you decided to listen to your body and rest up! I have learned that is what I have to do although sometimes it is hard to do it isn’t it? {Smile} Sending out the wish for the Universe to provide for {{Janelle}} in her own time of need – she has done extremely well to last that long in that occupation so I hope the Universe brings her something that is much better for her and for the others she helps. Am also sending out a dollop of {{healing energies}} to you dear friend with a {{{warm hug}}}. {smiling}

Had better pop this post in for now and will leave a little ~thought~ for the day {smile}

~Kindness should become the natural way of life, not the exception~ (teachings of Buddha)

with love always


PS I have just realised that the time is showing here as one hour later because I guess that the clocks have gone to Daylight Saving across the Pond whilst we have to wait another couple of weeks. {smile}

Re: Here we are in March already! {smile}

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Here we are at the start of another weekend mind you we have gales and lots of rain forecast over the weekend so I think a time of being indoors and catching up with inside things is going to be the order of the day! {chuckle} Mercury is going direct tomorrow as well which is a good thing as Paul and I can always have interesting type conversations with his deafness which is then doublefold when Mercury is Rx {laughing}

As we are getting ready for the Sun to move into Aries at the Spring Equinox on Wednesday it is interesting to see this year just how late everything is because of the enlongated winter weather patterns. Actually thinking on that one we are probably having a normal winter these past couple of years after all the mild ones previously. Usually we have all the daffodils out in mid February yet they are still in tightly closed buds at the moment. I think with having had such a wet, cool summer last year and the very hard winter before that this horribly cold grey time seems to have gone on for about 18 months now.

Anyway before I get into one of my convoluted rambles I will get back to responding to your posts as promised dear {{Diana}}} {smile}

I was so sorry to hear that dear {{Loralee}} has to have surgery and will be holding her in my thoughts and prayers for a successful op and speedy recovery. It is always a worry but I am sure that the surgeons will take very good care of her and when it is a rock and a hard place situation then it needs to be done.

Sounds as though you are having some seriously challenging times yourself dear friend both on health issues with you and {{Ed}} and also your living accommodation! I am sure it must be very hard to have to accept his decision re his own treatment but that being based on where you are living seems to be a bit skewed? I can see where the fear is coming from re drug dealers etc and guns – (don’t get me started on the use of guns) but surely he is of better use to you here on Earth rather than perhaps leaving it too late? Am sending out a little request to the Universe to help alleviate your situation there either with a suitable house/apartment coming available for you both now or him changing his mind.

I am sending out a good dollop of {{{healing energies}}} to the pair of you as I write… as it looks like you are going through it health wise at the moment – I have said this before to other friends across the Pond that I find the healthcare there seems to be fine if one has the resources for private health insurance. I know our own NHS has its problems but at least you can have access to doctors, hospitals, procedures etc without having to worry about if you can afford it or your insurance covers it! Having to triage yourself beggars belief sweetie! {{{hugs}}} Just thinking about Dave’s treatment and the cost of that probably being in the tens of thousands but all being done on the NHS free of charge to him. On the other side if one has a niggling condition that is not life threatening or urgent (like a hip replacement, knee things etc) then there is a waiting list which can take a while.

I am fortunate here as we have both because Paul’s business has private medical insurance as a bonus for all employees, but it is a bonus not a necessity. I know that the premiums will rocket sky high after we are both over 66 so I decided to get my knee seen to sooner rather than later because once it goes too high then we won’t be able to have it. At least it means that hopefully I can get to enjoy the boat this summer rather than have the constant pain and not being able to kneel properly if I need to. Yet that is not potentially life threatening so it would have meant quite a long wait on the NHS to get it done. Mind you at least it would be done because if I was in your situation then that would be at the bottom of the ~ to do~ list wouldn’t it?

I am sending out a little request to the Universe to help provide for you sweetie as it seems so unfair even though I know that things are sent to try us (and they do) in different ways and I also know that you will come through this {{{more hugs}}}} Never think you are bringing anyone ~down~ or that you have to hesitate in sharing challenging news sweetie after all isn’t that part of life – sometimes it is wonderful, sometimes challenging it is a part of the journey and that is what we do in here isn’t it with the sharing of all our experiences. {smile}

Sending love and {{{warm hugs}}} across the sea to you dear friend. All will be well in the end it is just sometimes difficult to see that it will be sometimes. {{{more hugs}}}

Well Nelson in his usual way has decided that I am late in getting their breakfast (which I am but wanted to get this post written!) so I will get this posted onto the board and go make a start on my morning. I do hope that everyone is well in their own nows and look forward to perhaps seeing a post or two with some updates at some stage? {Smile}

In the meantime am sending out more {{healing energies}}} to those who need them and leaving a little ~something~ to ponder together with a {{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter… {Smile}

~A life of simplicity and love is one of peace~ (teaching of Buddha)

~There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness~ (The Dalai Lama)

Love always


PS Hope this isn’t too scrambled with typos etc as I am not going to proof read. {Smile}

A 12 months ~Anniversary~ Affirmation {smile}

Hello dear friends {Smile}

As we approach the official end of winter and the start of Spring at the Equinox I wanted to leave a little something here that needed to be affirmed ~out loud~ for someone who may or may not be reading along. In any event I am sending them out to the Universe who will pass them on I am sure {smile} The words are probably familiar as they were on one of my esoteric web pages and I will put them back up again when I have completed the Attunements of the Planets. They come from Love that is not Conditional. {smile}

"I love you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world. I honour your choices to learn in the way you feel is right for you.

I know it is important that you are the person you want to be and not someone that I, or others, think you ~should~ be. I realise that I cannot know what is best for you, although perhaps sometimes I think I do. I have not been where you have been, viewing life from the angle you have. I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or in what time period. I have not walked life looking through your eye, so how can I know what you need.

I see that there are many ways to perceive and experience the different facets of our world. I acknowledge without reservation the choices you make in each moment. I make no judgment of this, for if I would deny your right to your evolution, then I would deny that right for myself and all others. I know we each learn in our own unique way and that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

I acknowledge the Universal right of Free Will to walk your own path, creating steps or to sit awhile if that is right for you. I will make no judgement that these steps are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for this is just my viewpoint.

For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution and with great love I acknowledge your right to determine your future. I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean it is also right for you. I know that you are led as ~I Am~, following the inner excitement to know your own Path and I wish you well on your own Journey."

With love always

Re: starting a new week {smile}

Good morning dear friends [smile}

Here we are at the start of a new week and here it is starting with mist everywhere! {smile} Hopefully that will ease up soon as I have to drive to Ipswich for my MRI scan this morning. The silly knee has been kicking up a lot these past few days so it will be good to get the problem finally identified so it can be treated.

Will write up some more later today and until then wishing everyone a good start to the week. Leaving a {{warm group hug}}} to {{all}} who may enter together with a little ~something~ to ponder...{smile}

~No good is higher than truth and compassion~

with love always

Re: starting a new week {smile}

Good Morning All

I wanted to thank you dear Liz, and all who've been silently reading along and sending energy.

Today, I feel much better and had the first night of good sleep in months with only one wakeup during the night would you believe? {smile} Ed also appears to be doing better.

Liz, as usual, you were very insightful in your post. Ed's waiting for a call back from the consultation team to see what they feel on the topic, so we shall go from there.

Temps here have warmed up to the low 90s already and it makes me wonder how ruddy hot is the summer going to be when it's already 90 in March?? But, the nights still cool down to the low 60s at this time of year, making it more bearable.

Liz, would you mind putting a link in to the Esoteric Site so I can bookmark it? I'm sure you must've already done so, but with bleary eyes this morning I can't seem to find it. Lack of coffee kicking in and old eyes probably contributing to my lack of sight {chuckle}

Hoping all have a wonderful week,

Re: starting a new week {smile}

Good morning dear friends {Smile}

After quite a busy day yesterday I am going to have to play catch up with ORC work this morning as have poster artwork to complete and get sent to the printers and some outstanding invoices to get done. Am sending out a little request to the Universe to help me have the willpower to do it especially as it is a wafty Sun Day for me today then perhaps later today I can go back to getting some more pages revised and uploaded for my own site.{smile}

A little update on Dave who, thanks to all the energies sent out to him, has been amazing staff at the hospital with his recovery. He has reverted to being quieter the past couple of days but I did say to Angie last night that after the adrenaline rush of him waking up and finding he was still on Planet Earth he has probably relaxed down somewhat and now needs to be quiet and recharge his own batteries. He has made such an improvements that they are talking about letting him go home either tomorrow or Thursday! Angie has also been benefitting from the energies so thank you to all who have been sending them out. {Smile}

Yesterday was an interesting experience with the MRI scan. Paul has had one done before and he hated it as he said it made him very claustrophic when he was in the tunnel. I had to rush a bit in the morning as with the time of the appointment it meant I had to be on the road during the latter part of the rush hour as the hospital is on the northern side of Ipswich but the Universe provided and I got there in plenty of time and there was even a car parking space in the small car park for outpatients rather than having to drive round the larger one.

The lady radiographer was lovely and she said that as it was my knee she was going to have me go into the tube feet first! {smile Mind you I wasn’t really worried about it as had decided to just go into a meditation with eyes closed until it was all done. Apparently it was going to take around 20 – 25 minutes so my head was just sticking out of the tunnel. I was nice and comfy with knee supported and an extra pillow for my head. I gave her a Lorren McKellan CD as had the prompt to take one of hers with me so once I had got myself comfy with the headphones on then it was time to start. The radiographer had said that each scan would take 4-5 minutes and she would tell me what she was doing etc then she put the music on and it started. I enjoyed the music and did actually get into a meditation mode despite what appeared to be the sound of pneumatic drills going on around me! I hadn’t realised that the noise would be that loud but soon managed to tune out of it. The time soon passed and then it was all done and I will be seeing my consultant on Thursday for the results and the best way forward. He did say that as it is not arthritis in the knee that it will be much easier to treat so fingers crossed for that. {Smile}

Once I had left the hospital I went and picked up animal feed from the mill on the way home so that Michael could get it all unloaded and put away as he was now back to work after his own knee problems.

In the afternoon we went and collected the little MG from the garage where it has been for the past month so it is now all tucked up in its own garage ready for summer. Hopefully I won’t be out of action for driving for too long either if I have to have surgery so I will be able to enjoy driving with the top down. Actually am also hoping that we will have the summer weather to be able to do it as I am not sure when spring is going to arrive here with the forecast of yet more snow possible later this week! Hard to believe that the Spring equinox is tomorrow! The weather forecasters are saying it is going to be cold and like this until after Easter so I do hope that it starts to get warmer etc by then as that is when Orwell Lady starts work and we really don’t need a repeat of last years weather patterns if we can help it. Mind you that is down to the Universe isn’t it but we can still hope that’s for sure {smile}

Anyways looking at the time I see I have been rambling a bit too long as usual so I am going to pop this post in and will be back later on once I have seen to animals etc and completed my outstanding work stuff.

{{{Diana}}} I will respond later to your post but in case I don’t get back here until after your morning time the url for the Esoteric site is

with the contents page being

All the pages that are completed have the same labels as for the bt site only now instead of having the bt prefix they have the prefix if that makes sense? {Smile}

Hokey dokes, heading off now and leaving a little ~thought~ for the day together with a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter {smile}

~Forgive the action – forget the intent~

with love always


Re: starting a new week {smile}

Good morning dear friends {smile}

Here we are at the end of the week in readiness for the weekend – it is funny how time speeds up at the moment as it only seems like a few hours ago since I put my last post in here {- guess the signs of getting older {chuckle}

Looking out of the window it is very grey and with a sharp East wind blowing as we make ready for yet another blast of cold air followed by snow! Even though we are now officially in springtime with the Equinox this week (and actually had a beautiful sunny day the other day) it is back to yet more loads of snow going to be dumped on us as it seems the winter doesn’t want to quite let go yet. This morning when I let the dogs out I noticed that some of the little pulmonarias in the study bed are actually flowering with little purple flowers even though our daffodils still haven’t opened yet and normally this time of year they have almost finished flowering. I am hoping we don’t get too much snow over the weekend as it is getting a bit wearying now having to shovel it all away and put salt down. I believe that the temperatures will increase somewhat by next weekend up to about 12 (hopefully).

Yesterday was a bit of a busy time as I finally got most of the posters completed and the artwork emailled over to the printers with a heartfelt request that they could get them done by next week end before the boat actually starts work. They have excelled themselves as by the time I returned home from hospital, then osteopath etc there was an email waiting for me saying that they were all printed and could be collected today! So sending out a heartfelt thanks to the Universe for that.

I met my consultant yesterday afternoon for the results of the MRI scan which showed that no tears etc to cartilage so his diagnosis is that there is a problem actually behind the patella which is going to entail a little bit of micro surgery. I do believe I damaged that last summer kneeling on a flat surface on the boat which had a piece of wood at the edge so hopefully we can now get it all sorted out as it is getting so painful and impinging quite badly into my everyday life. He (the consultant surgeon) is away next week so we can fix a date up to suit me. Apparently I will need 10-14 days to recover so I can plan around that with Michael for dog walking etc. in the mornings as Paul can do that in the afternoons anyway. Talking of which can you hold him (Paul) in your thoughts as his physio informed him yesterday that she can’t resolve his neck problem so he was fairly unhappy last night as he now faces the prospect of injections into his neck and if that doesn’t work then it is surgery (which just the thought of terrifies him). Oh the joys of health stuff eh? {chuckle} Mind you that is just part of life so on we go with it all just dealing with it as it arrives and leaves.

Talking of which can you please send out some {{positive energies}} to {{Dave}} as they have now let him home – I couldn’t believe it when Angie told me and guess it is either the NHS needing the beds and also their feeling that he is better at home getting into a normal way of life. The trouble is his new normality means no voice and being able to speak so he is going to have to learn a new way of communicating now before they can fit a mechanical voice box. It is so hard for fixed signs isn’t it? Dave is a Leo and in many ways him and Paul are so alike (that fixed Leo-Aquarius axis) and I think Paul is learning from Dave’s experience as well which is all to the good.

Paul is going to play golf today which he will enjoy as he hasn’t played much this winter because of the weather and the course being closed, so I will have some much needed time to myself this morning {smile} I am going to pop this post in for now as I see time is moving on and will be back a little later to continue this ~ramble~ {smile} So til then leaving a little thought to start the day together with a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter {smile}

~Each one of us sees the world through the window of his(or her) thoughts~

with love always


PS {{Diana}} will respond to your post in my next one - I haven't forgotten you! {{{hugs}}}

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