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New month and New Moon {Smile}

Hello dear friends {smile}

I will be back later with a longer post but in the meantime wanted to leave a little ~something~ as we have a New Moon in Pisces today as we start the new month of March {smile}

"This New Moon occurs on Saturday, March 1st, 2014, at 3:00 AM EST.

Early Saturday, a new cycle begins. The Aquarius New Moon cycle ends and the Pisces New Moon cycle begins. The New Moon in Pisces is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Fish. These include taking a leap of faith, accepting imperfections in ourselves and in others as a different kind of "perfection", starting a project that requires imagination and visualization skills, consciously putting time aside for peaceful and rejuvenating activities, and sharing a dream with another. With this potent Pisces energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives.

This New Moon is especially creative and imaginative with its conjunction to Neptune, trine to Jupiter, and sextile to Pluto. While we are likely to feel very inspired, and this New Moon can motivate us to take a leap of faith, we should check into reality from time to time.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 10 degrees and 39 minutes of Pisces, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 7 to 15 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly."

Will be back later as I have to make a start on my date and am late already! {smile}

love always

Re: New month and New Moon {Smile}

Hello dear friends {smile}

I thought I would make a start on a little catch up post of my own today as it is so cold outside that it is better to sit here in a nice warm study. {smile}

I had a lovely weekend for my birthday as we spent it on the boat. The weather was kind though very cold but we have heating on board so it was lovely to just have a little mini holiday from the every day chores that need to be done with dogs and wintering animals. Hopefully we will have next weekend on the boat as there needs to be some cleaning done inside after all the work that has been done on her over the winter months with new water tanks etc. We are lucky in that someone keeps the outside washed down from all the weathering so outside she is looking lovely. {smile}

Thank you for your kind birthday wishes both here and on my facebook page they were all much appreciated and helped in the enjoyment of my solar return. I must admit last Saturday it felt very decadent to be lying in bed posting on FB responding to messages left there for me (even though my birthday was on the Sunday!) {smile} It was also lovely to catch up with people in the marina who on seeing our ensign flying (showing that we were on board) were coming and visiting, having coffee and a good old catch up chat. {Smile} On the actual day the children and grandchildren came over for a nice buffet lunch on board. It was even more decadent as I had one of Orwell Lady’s caterers bring over the food! It was very good and was cheaper as well than going out for a Sunday lunch. I had just wanted to be on the boat (whatever the weather) and to have a nice lunch for everyone. We had packed up everything in the morning and put it all in the car so all I had to do after the children had gone was to clear up the food, wash the plates etc and then pack the left over food into the car and return home to continue my birthday in the evening with the wolfpack and opening presents that were waiting there. All in all it was a lovely day. And a lovely weekend. {smile}

This weekend we are at home as Paul has managed to come down with a mega head cold and it is nice to just chill out here after a busy week. I thought I was going to have the same cold as him but perhaps my immune system is a bit better as I am keeping it at bay. {grin} Nelson seems to have got over his upset tum and Shula as well (fingers crossed) and dear {{Chakhotay}} is still going strong so that is all good. There are all curled up here in the study having a snooze as I write.

Before I start on a long ramble (it is a Neptune day for me) I will go through the posts….

{{{elfina}}} aww that was lovely to read that {{Pat}} is doing well dear friend and I do hope that you are taking a little time for yourself as well as it is very tiring on you as well to take care of him I am sure. From reading back I guess that your son has now returned to New York so hopefully you will have had some respite yourself. Perhaps it would be good for Pat to go into nursing home for after care when hehas his other knee done… hopefully it won’t be too far away though for you to visit. Sending love and {{{hugs}}} across the Pond to you dear friend and looking forward to reading a post from you as and when your own ~now~ permits. {smile}

{{{Kermit}}} I am sending out more {{healing energies}} across the Pond to you dear friend and hope that the worst of the infection is over now and that you are on the road to recovery. I know that the Vikings made it over the Pond but they had sails and ours is a motor yacht! I suppose we could have a fuel tanker follows us as I am not quite sure of the range of her engines as to whether they would be enough for a transatlantic crossing. {smile} I hope that you had a lovely Solar return and not much discomfort either. {{hugs}}}

{{{hathor}}} am continuing to send out energies to you dear friend and you know that we are all here for you. {{{hugs}}}

{{{Diana}}} Is there any more news on {{ed}} and his treatment? I hope that he is ok and sending out some more {{{healing}}} for him and for you as you will be in need as well. {{{hugs}}}

{{elfina and dian}} thank you both for the lovely graphic birthday thoughts. Can I ask a favour please? Would it be possible to have the pics without the words on as they are just beautiful. You can either post them here and I can save them or just email them to me. I love collecting mermaid pictures and these are gorgeous! {smile}

Well I had better pop this post for for now as it is nearly time to take Nelson and Shula out for their afternoon race around the quarry (them that is not me!) and get hay in for the sheep. Chakhotay can then have a little able around the garden bless him. It has turned really cold today so we have both log fires burning which is lovely as I love the smell of woodsmoke. I want tog et the outside stuff done because more rain is forecast to be coming in later this afternoon and there is nothing worse than the wet dog smell after soaking wet dogs coming back in and then all the towels to dry! {chuckle}

I hope that everyone is well in their own ~nows~ and am leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter and sending out {{healing energies}} to those that need them. Til next time…

Much love always


PS please escuse typos etc as am not going to proof read. {Smile}

Re: New month and New Moon {Smile}

Re: New month and New Moon {Smile}

Liz, there is a Mermaid page on facebook that has wonderful pictures almost daily. That is where I found this picture.

Robbyanne I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

Pat has had wonderful results with his knee replacement. He is still in pain but not that he cannot handle. He walks without using a cane and the scar is fading quickly. He has made an appointment to have the right knee done on March 31st so we will have another month or so of discomfort and pain before he is all better.

Diane, praying Ed is doing well. I cannot imagine not getting the treatments he needs right away and having to wait. We have a brand new VA hospital here in Cape Coral I wish you lived near here so he could go there.

Kermit, I am hoping your UTI has cleared up. My mother used to get them all the time. She was miserable with them and her personality changed because of it. We have had the Dr. put her on a daily very low dose of antibiotics and she is now UTI free for months. Ask your doctor if that is an option for you. Give B2 a scratch behind the ear for me. Scooter is stil with us. Almost blind and not hearing that well but still loving his daily walk and supper. He is a sleepy old boy but still barks when he wants attention. Most of the time I have to wake him up to eat and pee...except during the middle of the night when he decides to wake me up when he wants too.

Liz, I hope the rains have stopped over there and that spring finds it way to you quickly. My son is now back in NY and is not enjoying the weather and all the snow. He cannot get to his house by car because of the snow and ice. He will have to hire a backhoe to remove the snow from the driveway soon. In the meantime he has borrowed a snowmobile to get there. He said the snow will probably still be there when we return in mid May. I am so thankful to have my Florida home for the winter. My roses are blooming now as are my orchids
they are so pretty. I planted some caladiums this week and hopefully they will be up by Easter along with the amerillis. I love spring in Florida.

Hathor, praying all is well with you and yours. Sending some calming healing fairy dust your way ***************

Well I better go and start my day, beds to be made, floors to vacuum and wash,laundry to be done. A man may work from sun to sun but a women's work is never done. I remembered that little poem from years true.

Re: New month and New Moon {Smile}

aww thank you dear {{elfina}}} for that pic and I will do a search on FB for the mermaid page. So good to hear Pat is getting better and easier for him to walk. I will write more after the weekend but sending him some more {{healing}} and an extra ~dollop~ for you dear friend as well for some extra energy {mile} Sending love and {{{hugs}}}} across the Pond to you. {smile}

We are off to the boat shortly - we should have gone yesterday but Nelson managed to get ill again on Wednesday so I wanted to ensure that he was better for Dorothy as it wouldn;t have been fair on her to have to do the clear ups after him. (enough said about that). If you could all send some extra {{healing}} for him that would be great - I have been asking {{dear Raphael}} for some extra assistance and he has sent help as well {{thank you!}}}.

Will be back on Monday and I am not taking laptop with me with will take iPad so I can check emails. Will be doing a bit of spring cleaning inside the boat as lovely weather here at the moment so it puts you in spring cleaning mode! {grin}

I will write a catch up soon but in the meantime I hope everyone is well and am leaving a {{{warm group hug}} and sending out {{healing energies}}} to {{all}} who need them.

with love always

A Blessed Update!

Dear friends, I'm very sorry for the delay in my posting, and please forgive me for not having read back through all of the posts since I last was here, but I wanted to share this fantastic news with you as I've but a little window of time to do so.

We received the unbelievable news from Ed's Liver Specialist that he is cleared to begin the chemo in the beginning of next month! This isn't as aggressive as many forms of chemo in so much that it is specifically designed to rid him of the autoimmune disease that has attacked his liver and caused all the damage. It was released in December and you may recall that it wasn't looking too brilliant for him to be able to do it as he had to keep the fluid away from his liver to qualify.

His Doctor's words were, "So....are you ready to begin treatment?" All this delivered with happy enthusiasm on his part, he's taken a special interest in Ed's case and been amongst his greatest allies and advocates. Needless to say, we were happily floored {big grin}

So, the "cure rate" is anywhere between 75-90% which is unbelievable. Whether this enables his liver to repair itself or not remains to be seen, and he may still need to move forward with a liver transplant, but we'll see. We're taking each day as it comes.

Meanwhile, special healing thoughts going out to you dear Hathor. You've been in my prayers and thoughts since learning of what you're facing.

Also sending more healing thoughts out to your Pat, Elfina.

To Kermit to continue with healing.

Loving thoughts to Robynne.

And {{big hugs}} to our favorite Mermaid. And here's that picture you asked for

Thank you, thank you, thank you dear friends for your prayers and energies! I just know they've all contributed to this point in Ed's healing and recovery process {smile}.


Re: A Blessed Update!

{{Diana}}} Aww that is wonderful news re dear {{Ed}}} and I continue to hold both him and you in my thoughts and prayers whilst sending out an extra dollop of {{healing energy}}} to help him as he starts this new healing phase. Sending {{{warm hugs}} across the Pond to you dear friend {smiling}

I have visitors here at the moment (hence not posting) but will write a little catch up before too long. Til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter and sending out {{healing energies}} to those who need them. {Smile}

much love always

An update re {{Hathor}}}

Good morning dear friends

Just splashing through at the moment to ask you to hold dear {{Hathor}} in your thoughts and send out some extra {{healing energies}} to her.

She came home yesterday after her mastectomy two days ago and I believe she is back in again today to have the drain removed. She sounds ok (apart from really tired which is natural) and said that she had movement in her arms (which is good) and apart from the drain no pain. So if we can keep the energies going to her that will help in the healing process for her and we know what the power of healing can do don't we? {smile}

{{Diana}} I forgot to thank you yesterday for leaving the picture for me. It has been a bit like Casey's Court here with comings and goings. I have just been so tired by the time the evening has arrived that I have been off to bed at 8.30 in the evenings. The Spring Equinoix is here today at 4pm our time so hopefully I will receive an extra blast of that reviving spring energy as the Sun moves into Aries. {smile}

Hopefully will be back a little later on with more of a catch up post... til then am sending out {{{more healing energies}} to {{all}} who need them and leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter...

with love always

Re: 2014 Posts

My Goodnes! What a small world this is...I'm quite sure that you are {Mermaid} from the old Astrochat site in years gone by! And here I am, visiting your world, in a very splashy!! way. I just KNOW it's you, from across the pond!

Anyway, I see that you've recently enjoyed a birthday; I hope you have a wonderful year! And I'm particularly happy to have happened upon your site, for I've recently developed an interest in Esoteric Astrology, and happened onto your site to use the calculator for the rays that you have provided.

Then I realized I needed to message you, because I became confused when I read, "Note that All times are shown as EST (US Eastern Standard Time)
To convert to EST from GMT then deduct 5 hours from the natal birth time. (example birth time 15:00hrs GMT = 10:00hrs EST) This may also show the day of birth being different to the natal time zone. If this is the case then use the changed day as the reference day."

So, Are the tables set up for EST, or do I need to convert? I'm hoping that with the time difference, you might even see this before I dive under the covers!

Cheers to you, Mermaid! And prayers to Hathor for a speedy recovery too.

Re: An update re {{Hathor}}}

Thank you all for the ((HUGS)) and Healing thoughts. I experience it as an all over glow and comfort. Indeed, a Healing Hug.

I never did get the drain removed as I realised I was a week ahead of myself and the darned thing is still draining as though my blood was going out of fashion.

Have given up on the analgesia as I don't see it serving any purpose. What I have done is get some of that very dense sponge (?sorbo) and fix it around the skin to support the drain so it does not press into me. That has helped enormously.

Still haven't told the family, though it is my nature to be upfront and honest. It will only cause them anxiety (or glee) and they will then give me grief. So, we'll wait and see if and when the opportunity arises ... or not.

I am going to lie down now and enjoy a Johnny Depp fest of Pirates, all afternoon. Now that should cheer me up! Thanks dear Friends!! Luvya X

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